Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Faith Collapse!

"Ding! Appendectomy completed! Ruth's mission was accomplished. Mission success rewards: Appendectomy experience +200! Copper coins +300!"

The system's notification sound rang in Charlotte's mind.

The system verified the success of the surgery, which relieved Charlotte. It was his first appendectomy, and although he had the guidance of the system, he was still excited to have succeeded on his first attempt!

Thinking about the 300 copper coins that would be credited to his account, he felt even more delighted.

The 200 appendectomy experience points that were added to his account meant that he had acquired a new skill—appendectomy. As a novice doctor, this was his first proper internal medicine surgery.

However, as Charlotte looked at the fifteen-centimeter incision, although it was well sutured, it was still quite prominent on Ruth's fair and smooth abdomen. For a dancer like her, this would be an unacceptable scar.

Fortunately, in this world, there was magic. As long as you had the means, scar removal with magic was possible.

"Is... Is it done?" Vivian, who had not yet recovered from her shock, asked hesitantly.

"Yes, the surgery is already completed, and the results are quite successful," Charlotte calmly nodded.

As he spoke, Ruth, lying on the operating table, slowly woke up. She opened her eyes and looked around dazed before fixing her gaze on Charlotte. With a weak voice, she asked, "Doctor... Am I already dead?"

"You're not dead. I have removed the diseased part of your intestine. The surgery was successful, and you'll be fine after resting for a few days," Charlotte smiled and reassured her.

Ruth remained stunned for a moment, but then her body seemed to be suddenly energized. Struggling, she sat up on the bed and lowered her head to look at her abdomen.

A wound over ten centimeters long was stitched together with fine threads, looking somewhat gruesome and conspicuous.

The effects of the painkillers had mostly worn off, and she could feel the pain emanating from the incision, causing her to furrow her brows involuntarily.

However, she didn't make a sound of complaint. On the contrary, she smiled with delight and looked at Charlotte, saying, "Doctor! My stomach doesn't hurt anymore! It doesn't hurt at all!"

Compared to the pain in her abdomen before the surgery, the pain from the incision was gentle in comparison.

She could be certain that the problem causing her stomachache had truly been resolved by Charlotte!

"Don't get too excited. You've just undergone surgery, and if you move too much, the stitches might break and need to be redone," Charlotte cautioned as he held Ruth back from trying to climb onto him.

Seeing the radiant smile on Ruth's face, the corners of Charlotte's mouth also curved into a smile.

Was there anything more fulfilling and joyous than saving a patient?

In the past, his patients were cats, dogs, cows, and sheep on state-owned farms. Now, his patients were individuals from various races in the Abyss.

"Doctor, you're amazing!" Ruth looked at Charlotte with admiration and gratitude.

She used to think that he was good-looking and had a pleasant way of speaking, so she enjoyed being around him.

But others called him a weirdo, a fraud who didn't even know magic, claiming he didn't deserve to be called a doctor.

Ruth didn't care about those opinions. However, when she fell ill, she thought of the famous medical institutions in the Abyss for the first time.josei

She came to find Charlotte today not to seek medical treatment but to bid him farewell and spend some time with him before her death.

But unexpectedly, despite being declared an "abandoned by the gods" patient by four medical halls in succession, Ruth was miraculously cured by Charlotte's so-called "surgery"!

As for the scar on her abdomen, she didn't mind it. She could find any medical institution and pay a few thousand copper coins to have it removed.

"Miss Ruth, is your stomach not hurting anymore?" Vivian couldn't help but ask.

Charlotte's appendectomy had greatly shocked her, completely overturning the worldview she had built over the past decade.

And Ruth, who was deemed an "abandoned by the gods" patient, had been saved by Charlotte!

This shook Vivian's faith.

"Yes, I feel that my stomach is already better. I just need to wait for the wound to heal," Ruth confidently nodded, feeling much better except for some weakness.

Vivian's belief in medicine, which she had pursued for over a decade, crumbled at this moment!

"The so-called 'abandoned by the gods' is just an excuse for mediocre doctors to cover up their incompetence!" Charlotte's previous words echoed in her mind, resounding and eye-opening!

Looking at Ruth, who sat up from the operating table, this living example was undoubtedly the best evidence.

If Charlotte hadn't insisted on performing surgery on Ruth today, this beautiful young lady would have died in fear and torment, abandoned by the gods, due to the diagnosis of being an "abandoned by the gods" patient from four medical halls.

Vivian knew that her faith had completely collapsed. She could no longer accept the notion that life and death were determined by the gods, at least not solely based on the effectiveness of healing magic.

Charlotte had proven that surgical intervention could rescue a patient when healing magic failed to solve the problem.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why the Physician Association had imprisoned him, stripped him of his magic, and tainted him with infamy before expelling him from Calva.

Charlotte and his surgeries shook the sanctity of the medical profession and shattered the beliefs upheld by doctors.

Surgical procedures that ordinary people could learn, once widely promoted, would undoubtedly disrupt the benefits and status that the medical profession had obtained through its monopoly.

Even though he was trapped in the Abyss, living in danger and fear, he persisted in performing surgeries and striving to heal every patient.

Vivian looked at Charlotte, and in that instant, he seemed to stand in the light, the most dazzling hero.

"Help Miss Ruth put on her clothes, then clean up the operating room," Charlotte noticed the cloth draped over Ruth was slipping and told Vivian before turning and leaving the operating room.

"He surprisingly looks serious in front of people," Ruth chuckled as she watched Charlotte's departing figure, her gaze gentle with a hint of charm. "I like him."

"Have you known each other for a long time?" Vivian asked curiously as she helped Ruth change her clothes.

Ruth nodded slightly, recalling, "The first time we met was about three years ago. The doctor was tall and thin, with a melancholic gaze that deeply attracted me..."

Three minutes later, Vivian supported Ruth, who had changed into her clothes, as they stepped out of the operating room.

"This is a healing potion. Apply it on the wound three times a day, and it will accelerate the healing process," Charlotte handed a small vial to Ruth and advised, "Don't dance for the next three days until the wound is completely healed."

"Mmm, Doctor, I knew you cared about me the most," Ruth happily nodded.

Charlotte: ??

This was just ordinary medical advice, right?

When he usually performed neutering surgeries on cats and dogs, he would tell their owners the same thing, and he often added a line: "Don't let them lick the wound."

Ruth shouldn't be unable to control herself to that extent, so there was no need to add that.

"So, how much do I need to pay for the surgery?" Ruth asked.

"Surgery fee..." Charlotte pondered. It was his first appendectomy, the procedure was not complicated, the amount of medicine consumed was not much, and he even received a 300-coin reward. He then said, "Let's make it 3000 copper coins."

He felt like he might have asked for too much and couldn't help but feel a little guilty, stealing a glance at Ruth.

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