Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Like A Weed

Chapter 194: Like A Weed

Ryan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Keeley was the consummate New Yorker—out of everyone he knew he would have pegged her as the one least likely to move away. And all to avoid a guy?

She wasn't the type to run away; she faced her problems head on. Her ex-boyfriend must be a serious pain if she couldn't handle him the way she handled everything else.

He didn't want her to leave. Keeley had been a constant presence in his life for nearly seven years.

Ryan couldn't imagine what life would be like without getting random texts demanding he come over and hang out with her on a regular basis. If she lived hours away, that spontaneity would be impossible.

Unfortunately, she was right that New York City didn't have that many genetics programs. It was unlikely a degree from NYU would land her a job at Columbia so she would basically be forced to look elsewhere if NYU didn't offer to keep her on.

"Have they really not said anything about letting you stay?" he dared to ask.

Keeley shook her head. "I'm afraid to ask. If I really want to continue my own research someday I need to become a postdoctoral research assistant somewhere. I would still have to have a mentor and would get further training to prepare me for a tenured position someday."

"Why not just work at a research lab? I'm sure you could find one somewhere that would accept your area of study. I know showing your research is helpful for finding a job. There has to be a lab here that's interested in gene therapy."

"The only ones I know of are at NYU and Columbia."

It seemed that New York wasn't the best place for a geneticist to find work. If she couldn't stay on at NYU she really wouldn't have any other option but to seek her fortune elsewhere unless she was willing to take on a job she was overqualified for.

Which she would never do. Keeley was stubborn; if she couldn't research what she cared about, she didn't want to do it at all.

He had to wonder what the story was behind her single-minded obsession with cystic fibrosis research. Somebody she cared about must have it; it was the only explanation.

A family member? Her mother and brother were dead but he didn't know anything else about them. If one of them had it and died from it…Ryan couldn't blame her for only accepting the kind of job that would help her accomplish her goal.

If she left New York it might be time for him to leave too. He had friends here but it was easy making new ones. It wasn't easy finding a new person to love.

He smiled and changed the subject. "Want to play Egyptian Rat Screw next?"

"Sure," Keeley said happily, relieved that she didn't have to talk about her impending move anymore.

As they played the game, Ryan's mind wandered. That ex-boyfriend was rooted in New York. He was the vice president of a major corporation; he couldn't leave.

Keeley was more likely to forget about him if he wasn't in the same city anymore. This could be a good thing.

She laughed in delight when she had a good hand and he smiled indulgently. She didn't really care about that guy, right? She had to just be confused because he was around all the time.

He had seen firsthand how negative an impact he had on her life. She was trying to avoid him because she wanted to live her life the way she wanted to in peace. After meeting the guy, Ryan could see how domineering he was at a glance. Someone like that was all wrong for her. josei

Keeley was bright, happy, and spirited. A cold, controlling person would destroy her. Had destroyed her once already, if that day she got drunk on appletinis was any indication.

It was unfortunate that they were both in the wedding party. Ryan wasn't so he wouldn't be able to protect her then. The least he could do was fend the guy off during the reception. Then it would all be over.

A set of doubles was put down on the table and Keeley slapped it, delighted that she won the round.

"You really need to pay more attention," she said with a dazzling smile. "It was wide open and I still got it."

"Right, sorry."

The next time the slap rule went into effect they both went for it at the same time and Ryan ended up slamming her hand onto the table. She rubbed it and said 'ow' while pulling a face. He apologized for hurting her but was secretly glad he had the chance to touch her hand, however briefly.

He really was distracted—Keeley won all of the cards in less than fifteen minutes.

"Did you let me win on purpose to make me feel better?" she demanded.

"No. Your reaction time is just better than mine."

She eyed him suspiciously. His reaction time had been good enough for him to win at Spit twice.

He put on his most innocent expression. He hadn't let her win on purpose; his head was just up in the clouds worrying about her ex. It was dismaying to discover she still spent time with him even after clearly disliking his company in the beginning.

The ex—was his name Aaron?—had grown on her like a weed if she was willing to hang out with him. She was oddly patient with him on Valentine's Day but was distant at the engagement party a few weeks later. Something had to have happened between them during that time.

What exactly did he do? Did he make a move on her and try to win her back? What a scumbag.

Ryan hated when cheaters changed their minds later after realizing what they had lost. His sister's ex-boyfriend did the exact same thing. Thankfully his sister hadn't fallen for it. Keeley on the other hand…

She used to curse Aaron out. What had changed her mind?

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