Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 257

Chapter 257: Youre A Good Man, Aaron Hale

Chapter 257: You're A Good Man, Aaron Hale

A week and a half before Keeley finished her dissertation research she put in her two weeks' notice at the lab, explaining that she had some personal concerns that would be taking up her time. Dr. Kim was sorry to see her go since they had worked together for so long.

"I wish I could keep you on post-graduation," she admitted. "But I'm afraid that's not up to me. I'd be happy to provide you a letter of recommendation if you choose to go look elsewhere later on."

"Thanks Dr. Kim," Keeley said gratefully. And that was the end of that. A clean ending.

She had been so tired lately that she kept falling asleep in class. It was affecting her grades, which was a huge no-no. It was at that point that Aaron convinced her to quit.

She didn't need the academic credit there anymore or the paycheck so there was literally no point staying on campus an extra five hours a day. Keeley had homework to do, a dissertation to write, and a baby to grow. She was better off spending that time at home.

Aaron was genuinely concerned about her. Belatedly, she realized this was probably the same reason he wanted her to quit her job at Ace Burger back in the day as well.

At the time she thought he was looking down on her profession rather than thinking of her well-being. How wrong she had been. Aaron always cared; he just wasn't the best at expressing himself in those days.

If she wasn't in class, doing assignments, or studying, Keeley was sleeping. She probably slept a total of twelve or thirteen hours a day. Most days when Aaron got home she was conked out on the couch and he had to wake her up when dinner was ready.

He had gone back to his meal delivery service once she started school again because she wasn't home around dinner. He kept using it once she quit her job to make things easier on her. Ordering for two was simple enough.

"Hey sleepyhead," Aaron said as he gazed at her with a soft expression. "Come get some dinner."

Keeley blinked slowly to adjust to the light. She had fallen asleep reading one of her textbooks on the couch, which had fallen to the floor and crumpled several pages.

"What time is it?"

"A little after six."

She groaned. She had been out for at least two and a half hours. And that textbook chapter still needed to be read on top of a paper she had to work on.

He coaxed her sympathetically. "I know, sweetheart. Food should help wake you up a bit. As soon as you get your minimum amount of work done you can go back to bed."

"Okay," she mumbled sleepily.

Why was she so tired? She hadn't gotten this tired the first time she was pregnant. Did it vary from baby to baby or did she simply remember it wrong?

Keeley picked at her Mediterranean chicken dish and after a few bites ran to trash can to throw up. Her morning sickness happened completely at random. Whoever chose to call it that was wrong—it hit at any time of day without warning.

Aaron handed her a glass of ginger ale and some saltine crackers like Dr. Chapman had recommended during her first prenatal visit. He knew the drill by now.

"Are you okay?"

She simply groaned in response. That was a no. She was only eating the crackers at all because she had to eat something for the baby's sake. It was entirely possible she was going to puke again in the near future. josei

"What do you need to get done tonight?" he asked, concerned she might not make it until bedtime.

"I need to finish reading my chapter and at least gather all of my sources for the paper I need to write."

"How long do you think that will take?"

"I dunno, a few hours? I was halfway done with the reading."

"I've written a fair number of papers in my day. I can help you find your sources," Aaron said stubbornly. "Just tell me where to look. While you read your chapter, I'll search for things for you and you can narrow them down from there."

Tears of gratitude filled her eyes. In that moment she felt more affection for him than she had in this entire lifetime. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, unable to hold back.

"Thank you," she said fervently.

He hugged her tightly in response and rubbed her back soothingly for a minute before releasing her. "Come on, let's get this over with so you can go back to sleep."

True to his word, Aaron diligently began looking through potential research articles to use as sources on NYU's database once Keeley told him what she needed. She gave him specific key words to look for and told him she would go over everything afterwards.

Getting through the reading was still difficult but she powered through it knowing she had less work to do when she finished. Sorting through those sources took her under an hour because of Aaron's help.

"You're a good man, Aaron Hale," she said aloud as she snuggled beneath the covers two hours earlier than she thought she would be able to.

His amused voice sounded from outside her door. "I'm glad you think so."

Keeley turned bright red. She didn't think he would actually hear her! "I take it back! Eavesdroppers are not good people."

"How is it eavesdropping if it's unintentional?"

She had no argument for that. "Just let me sleep."

"Alright, alright. Good night sweetheart."

"Night," she muttered.

He was so cheesy. The cutesy name calling hadn't stopped since she agreed to marry him. Aaron certainly took his oath to do everything differently in this life seriously. He had never been one to use nicknames.

It made him sound like any other man in love. The thought made her feel a bit sweet.

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