Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: The Heart Wants What It Wants

Chapter 271: The Heart Wants What It Wants

After seeing Keeley off, Aaron got stuck in traffic because several cars got into a serious accident due to the snow. He arrived at the office over an hour late and cringed. He knew dropping her off would make him a little late since both the committee and work started at 9 AM but he didn't think it would be this bad.

He was never this irresponsible. If anybody found out about this…

Unfortunately for him, the last person he wanted to notice his tardiness had done just that. One of the secretaries let him know that Alistair was waiting for him as he headed toward the elevator.

Fantastic. He made his way to his father's office ready to weather the ice storm ahead.

"What is it?" he asked flatly when he entered. josei

Alistair gave off a deathly glare. "How dare you be so impertinent when you didn't bother to show your face until nearly 10:30 AM."

Aaron shrugged. "There was a serious accident and I was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic for ages. Not my fault."

His father truly couldn't fault him for that. Though his expression was sour, he had to let it go. Instead he clasped his hands in front of him giving off a rather domineering aura and cut to the chase.

"When is your fiancée coming back? It has been about five months and you said she would be gone six. It is time for her to take her place learning the ropes about being Mrs. Hale."

Oh boy. He couldn't make excuses much longer. But he needed a little more time! The stock prices weren't set to go up until the spring. His children weren't due until then either.

Did he have enough manpower to conduct his hostile takeover now? He would have to go over the numbers when he made it to his office. If he didn't…he may have to cancel this fake engagement earlier than expected. It had bought him some time but not nearly enough.

Lacy Knighton would pounce the second he ended things with 'Bethany.' He couldn't give her the chance to do that. What was he supposed to do?

His phone rang at that moment. He was prepared to ignore it—Alistair hated being interrupted and he was mad enough already—until he saw it was from 'Wife.' This might work in his favor.

"Oh look, it's her now," he lied smoothly. "Excuse me a moment."

He answered the call and walked further away from his father so he couldn't overhear. Keeley's voice bubbled over with excitement. "Aaron, I did it! I passed!"

Even in such a tense situation he couldn't help but smile. He knew she would. "That's amazing, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you."

"I wanted you to be the first one I told."

His heart beat erratically. She told him before she told her dad? It was the sort of thing she would have done back when they were young and she loved him.

"I'm glad." Alistair coughed and he remembered where he was and what he needed to do. "Listen, Bethany, have you figured out when you're coming back yet? I know your charity work is going really well and it might not be the best time."

The line went quiet for a moment as Keeley tried to figure out what to say. He knew she caught his meaning though. He hadn't exactly been subtle.

"The timing is crucial right now, I can't leave yet! I'll need at least another three months if not more. The starving children need me," she said dramatically.

He wanted to laugh. She was nowhere near as good an actress as Jennica.

"That's what I thought," he said, feigning disappointment. "Too bad. I was hoping to see you for Valentine's Day."

"I know; me too. Be sure to tell your dad hi for me!"

Aaron nearly snorted at the false sweetness in her voice. It was unfortunate that he hadn't put her on speaker. The person who should have been benefitting from this act wasn't able to enjoy it.

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too!"

He knew it was only because she thought Alistair was listening in but it still made his heart flutter. He ended the call and saw his father looking at him like he was ready to commit murder.

"Looks like she won't be coming back for a while longer. The project she's funding is going well but they still need her to be actively involved. I guess we'll have to put the wedding off until the summer or even later."

Alistair gnashed his teeth. "This wouldn't have been a problem if you had chosen someone based in New York."

Aaron heard the unspoken words "like Lacy Knighton." Ugh. If his father liked her so much, he should be the one to marry her. If he wanted her as a daughter-in-law so badly it was a pity he didn't have more than one son.

"The heart wants what it wants," he said loftily. "Is there anything else you needed me for or was that it?"

"It's your mother's turn to host the annual Christmas party. You need to be there."

He had forgotten about that. If he didn't show up it would be a severe slap to his parents' faces. He had already ditched his own birthday party…could he get away with not going? He wanted to spend the holiday with Keeley and Robert, his true family.

"I already have plans."

Alistair's fury was amped up to a ten. He roared, "What plans could you possibly have that are more important than this?"

Literally anything would be more important to him than that. Anything at all.

Aaron shrugged. "It would be rude to cancel. Someone else asked me first. What can I say, I'm in demand. Please pass on my apologies to Mother. I'll be sure to send her an extra gift to make it up to her."

"Aaron Hale, I am still your father and you WILL be at that party," he growled.

"I am twenty-five years old; I don't have to do what you say."

What a joke. Aaron had been alive longer than his father by now. Nothing could stop him from doing what he wanted, least of all a blustering windbag like Alistair Hale.

Even if he didn't have a real Christmas celebration to look forward to, Lacy Knighton would surely be there. He never wanted to see that stupid insincere face again. What he really needed was a valid reason to lock her up forever.

Unfortunately, she hadn't done anything illegal that he was aware of in the last few years. Aiden was still searching for evidence of her father colluding with Alistair on insider trading so once he had enough and handed it over to the police those two would go to jail. Or at the very least lose their reputations permanently.

Lacy would likely lose her reputation as well once her father did but knowing her, that wouldn't be enough to subdue her forever. She would try to claw her way back up the ladder by any means necessary. Aaron wished she would just disappear off the face of the earth.

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