Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 327

Chapter 327: Moderation vs Opulence

Chapter 327: Moderation vs Opulence

A week after the nail salon incident, Keeley was tired from spending the entire morning coaching Alice on what to say during her job interview that afternoon. She wasn't the best at teaching people things but Alice had been a decent pupil. At least she seemed to understand it in the end.

She really hoped Alice got the job she was interviewing for. Then, with the promise of income, she would be able to start renting an apartment of her own. It wasn't that Keeley didn't like having her stay but Aaron had been even clingier than usual since she arrived.

How he had managed to repress his clingy nature in her first life, she'd never know. Or maybe it only came out after losing her and getting her back. She wasn't the only one who had been traumatized by what happened.

At least they were now focusing on healing together. That was what mattered.

She stretched and let out a heavy sigh. They were out of eggs and she needed them to make fried rice for dinner. The babies were asleep so she couldn't even go down to the convenience store inside their building until they woke up and she could bring them with her.

Most of the people in this building hadn't known that Aaron Hale lived in the penthouse. He had largely stayed away from high profile events in this life so not that many people knew his face before photos she had posted on Instagram got leaked last night along with the news.

She had been approached by no less than three people this morning when she went down to collect the mail. So annoying. If she ever found out who was the source behind the leak she would kick them in the shin.

Even going to get eggs would probably cause a ruckus. Why couldn't she live her life in peace?! She would much prefer getting mobbed after winning some sort of recognition award for her research than simply because of who she married.

It was ridiculous. Didn't people have anything better to do with their lives than gossip about strangers?

The intercom buzzed, breaking her out of her reverie. "Mrs. Hale, the housekeeping service is here."

"Send her up. Thank you!"

Since the babies had barely gone down for their afternoon nap she would either have to tell Janet, their usual housekeeper, not to vacuum until they woke up or do it herself if they stayed asleep too long.

Despite having grown up doing all of her own cleaning, Keeley was grateful Janet came by twice a week to handle the worst of it. She was tired from catering to two infants at the same time constantly.

Since getting back together with Aaron she had come to realize that not all aspects of being rich were bad. It was nice never having to worry about bills and being able to afford going out to eat regularly and buying replacements for broken things right away.

The problem had always been moderation. In her first life she was exposed to far too much opulence to the point of being overwhelmed. That and the terrible people who followed that lifestyle.

When Janet exited the elevator, Keeley told her about the vacuum problem and a few other areas that specifically needed attention, being sure to thank her before going off to watch some TV. She brought the baby monitor with her so she would know immediately when they woke up.

Molly and Dinah both made an appearance in the TV room and wanted to snuggle as she watched the finale of a four part cooking competition. They hissed at each other a bit trying to get the coveted lap spot. Dinah won, making Molly very put out. She didn't like having to share her mother's love.

When the babies did wake up, she paused her show regretfully. There were only five minutes left! But duty called and her children were more important.

Keeley changed their diapers and put them in their stroller before heading downstairs. Hopefully she wouldn't get stopped and it would only take a few minutes.

Of course she had no such luck. Two different housewives she didn't even know wanted to talk to her about her interview. josei

"What interview?" she asked, bewildered.

"With the woman from the nail salon!"

"…that wasn't an interview, that was someone eavesdropping on a private conversation and pestering me," Keeley said flatly. "Do I not have the right to go do something with my friend without having to answer a stranger's questions?"

The housewives seemed taken aback. One of them had the good sense to be ashamed.

"I'm so sorry. I would be driven crazy if random people kept approaching me. I guess I was so caught up in the news that I didn't think about what you must be feeling."

The other was more audacious. "Well if you wanted privacy you shouldn't have married a public figure."

Keeley was appalled. Since when did being a businessman equate to being a public figure? She could understand if she had married an actor or famous singer but even people in the entertainment industry deserved their privacy.

"I wouldn't call a businessman a public figure," she said coldly. "If someone randomly decided to write an article on your husband and everyone kept attacking you with questions would you still be singing the same tune?"

"She has a point, May," the woman who apologized said to her friend. Her guilt was apparent on her face.

May's face turned an ugly shade of purple. She couldn't refute.

"If you'll excuse me, I have eggs to buy."

Keeley walked past them with her head held high. She looked as dignified as one possibly could while pushing a double baby stroller. She paid for her eggs and stalked out of the convenience store back to the elevator, making sure she was alone before using the key.

She was so sick of this. When would it end? She wanted to be able to go to the park or even step foot outside her apartment without having random people approach her.

Honestly! Where did these people's bravery come from?

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