Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: A Third Wheel

Chapter 331: A Third Wheel

The longer Alice stayed with Aaron's family, the more she felt like a third wheel. It was made worse by the fact that Aaron's mood subtly dropped over time. josei

At first she thought she was imagining it. The overall temperature surrounding him only dropped one degree at a time rather than all at once like usual. But after two weeks he was noticeably icier than before she came.

She had never realized before what it actually felt like being a burden to others. Everything was always handed to her on a silver platter. She was used to having other people do things for her and had never considered the toll it might be taking on them before.

Keeley was clearly exhausted from helping her out all the time on top of juggling two babies. She was passed out on top of her husband as he sat up with his legs stretched out in front of him on the couch.

Originally she had been sitting too but now her head was lolling to the side and Aaron had done his best to reposition and support it so her neck wouldn't be sore when she woke up. His arms were wrapped around her and the ice king Alice knew was radiating contentment.

It had been very strange seeing how Aaron became a completely different person around his wife at first. She still wasn't completely used to it even after staying with them for so long. No one from their social circle would ever believe her if she told them.

A pang hit her when she realized that it wasn't their social circle anymore. He had left by choice but she had essentially been banished. She didn't miss constantly having to cater to the Kellys or double-talking her way through every insincere conversation but it was all she knew.

What was she supposed to do now? How was she supposed to find actual friends when she had never had one?

Alice's only act of rebellion had been the friends she chose in high school. She hung out primarily with girls who could afford the private school tuition but weren't a part of high society. They were well off but their families were relatively unknown.

She spent as much time with those girls as she possibly could until she overheard them talking in the bathroom shortly before graduation. Her closest friend, Lisa, was talking about how glad she was that she wouldn't have to pretend anymore once they went to college.

"Ugh, she doesn't have a single original thought in her head! All she cares about is status and shopping. I only endured this long because she got me into parties where I could meet high society boys. Now that I'm going to Virginia for school there's no need. I'll find someone else to latch onto. I always do."

"You're so bad, Lisa," her friend Jennifer laughed. "Poor girl probably thinks you're her best friend."

"I am her best friend. She's just not mine."

Alice's unshed tears clung to her eyelashes as she hid in the stall, not coming out until she was sure they were gone. She composed herself quickly and walked out of the bathroom to wash her hands with her head held high. She never spoke to those girls again.

Once she got to college she was much more cautious about who she hung out with. Clearly she was a terrible judge of character so it was better to stick with the people her parents wanted her to be close to. At least she knew what to expect with those girls.

She was friendly enough but trusted no one until Aaron came unexpectedly back into her life. Alice had seen her prom date a handful of times at holiday parties over the past couple of years but that was it since they were in different states for college. They hadn't spoken since.

It was about two years before she would marry Brock, but as his longstanding fiancée she was expected to cater to the Kellys already in addition to her own family's needs at cocktail parties and such. Her future mother-in-law Beatrice had been chewing her out off to the side of the banquet hall at the annual Christmas party.

Her false smile was on and her tone was low so any onlookers would think they were having a pleasant conversation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Alice felt as tiny and insignificant as an ant.

"You don't have to let the Kellys walk all over you like that," a cold voice spoke up from her left.

She turned and saw Aaron Hale leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets looking as cool as a cucumber. She had nearly forgotten how expressionless he always was. It was a bit unnerving.

Alice was so taken aback by his sudden appearance that it took her a minute to register what he said. When she did, she was angry and embarrassed at being caught in the middle of a scolding.

She used her best passive-aggressive high society language to let him know how upset she was. "I beg your pardon?"

He stepped away from the wall and shrugged. "I have a way to prevent them from suppressing you as much, if you're interested."

"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean," she sniffed. "If you'll excuse me, I have acquaintances to talk to."

Alice stormed off as elegantly as possible while still conveying that she was storming off. As expected, Aaron didn't come after her.

She ran into him again a week later at a ritzy New Year's Eve party uptown. His expression was just as bland as before and he spoke in monotone.

"Have you given any consideration to my proposal?"

She gave him her most disdainful look. "Your proposal is ridiculous and unnecessary. I'm doing perfectly fine on my own."

"Suit yourself," he said nonchalantly. "I merely thought you might be interested in having some of your own power in the financial sector. I know your family won't give you any because you're a girl. They'll give some of their own shares to your fiancé when you marry but you'll never get to touch them."

Alice frowned, not sure how he knew that. It was her family's business; she was sure her parents hadn't discussed it with anyone outside the Kellys.

"So?" was all she was able to come up with as a response.

"I happen to have some shares in Hale Investments I can't currently use. I need someone to hold onto them for me for a while."

That sounded highly suspicious. No one just gave out their company's shares and expected them to be returned later.

"And why would I do something as idiotic as that? First you tell me you can give me shares so the Kellys won't suppress me then you say you'll take them away?" she asked incredulously.

Aaron shrugged. "It's simple. You'll have power and prestige as a shareholder at Hale Investments for however many years I need you to. Once I take the shares back, I'll be your ally for life. Even the Kelly family wouldn't dare go against a Hale."

He had a point. The Hales were the top family in their circle. No one messed with them. It was something Alice's father complained about constantly. He hated being second fiddle to Alistair Hale.

She still wasn't convinced. "I don't want to be caught up in your drama, Aaron. Find someone else."

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