Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 340

Chapter 340: What Kind Of Woman...?

Chapter 340: What Kind Of Woman...?

Roger wasn't sure what to make of Keeley Hale even after meeting her twice. She was wearing a pair of light gray cotton lounge shorts and an oversized blue Yankees tee shirt.

She was in her own home on a Saturday but the outfit that Alice had borrowed from her also helped prove she was a very casual person. Keeley seemed 100% relaxed around her husband too, which was insane! Nobody was relaxed around Aaron Hale!

Granted, Aaron seemed like a different person when he was around her—he actually showed emotion on his face!—but he couldn't have always been that way. When they met Aaron had to have been his usual self. So how had she not been scared away long enough to fall for him?

What kind of woman could ever fall in love with someone as imposing as Aaron Hale?

Roger had seen the articles about his boss's wife that came out shortly after he took over the company. In one of them she described him as 'just Aaron.' He was very curious how anybody could ever describe him that way. He was a host unto himself—there was nothing 'just' about him.

As he sized up the woman who had tamed the scariest person he knew, he thought back on what Alice had told him earlier. At one point she had slapped Aaron for kissing her. She had an awful lot of nerve!

No matter how angry a person got, they shouldn't be brave enough to slap someone so frightening. It was as if she had no fear of potential consequences. Although, if Alice's theory was correct and he was in love with her the entire time, it made sense that he wouldn't do anything to her for that.

Still, it was hard to wrap his head around. What kind of complicated history did these two have? They seemed perfectly happy and like anybody else now.

One of the twins started fussing and Keeley apologized before turning around and seeing to her needs. The only way Roger could even tell that one was the girl was because of the pink onesie she was wearing.

"What are your children's names again?"

She smiled warmly and he was practically blasted with sunshine and rainbows. Roger had never seen such a dazzling smile. He could almost believe Aaron fell in love with her for that alone.

"This is Violet; Kaleb is in his bouncer."

"Aren't they cute?" Alice asked a bit wistfully. "I've had a lot of fun playing with them."

"Once they're a bit older and I feel comfortable leaving them for a while you're welcome to babysit any time," Keeley said with a laugh as she bounced her daughter in her arms.

"I'll probably take you up on that."

Aaron came back with the box of kitchen items and set it down with a thump before heading back to get the TV and DVD player. That took much less time since it wasn't as heavy.

"Do you have everything else that you need?" he asked gruffly.

Alice looked down at what she was wearing. "If I can go grab my toiletries and get changed I'll be good to go. Thank you so much for letting me impose on you so long."

"It's fine. I'm glad I was able to help. Don't be a stranger, alright? Keep me posted on how things end up going with your lawyer."

The reference to the lawyer surprised Roger slightly. Had Aaron been the one to find her a lawyer? He should have realized. Despite his icy nature, he was a good boss who looked out for his people.

She nodded and fled to the bathroom to change and gather her things. Roger eyed his boss subtly. He was dressed as casually as his wife, which was a far cry from how he normally looked. Before this, he wasn't sure if he had ever seen Aaron out of a suit. Maybe once.

He had picked up his son and was rocking him back and forth in a funny way, making the baby giggle. Miracles never ceased. Roger would have to tell Kyle what he had seen on Monday; he wouldn't believe it.

They had been acquainted with each other before coming to Hale Investments but once they got there they were both so young and inexperienced compared to the other employees that they tended to stick together. They even ended up in the same department.

Unlike Cameron Singleton, who became the head of the analyst department in a few short years, Roger and Kyle started out in the planning department. They worked directly with clients helping them with financial planning.

Apparently Aaron had originally intended to place them both in the analyst department as well but there weren't any open positions at the time so it would be too suspicious. The planning department had recently lost four people so putting two new ones in was a much easier thing to do.

Roger didn't mind all that much. He was still working a high paying job within the headquarters of one of the top financial management companies in the world. That was a huge deal coming straight out of college. Maybe someday he could apply for a transfer if any spots opened up.

Alice came back wearing one of the dresses she bought earlier and a pair of heeled sandals, looking much more like her usual self. She hugged both Aaron and Keeley tightly, thanking them again, before grabbing the TV and DVD player.

Without being asked, Roger picked up the rather heavy box of kitchen things. He was about to say that he would see Aaron on Monday but he wasn't sure that he would. josei

There was a board meeting then but he wasn't a member of the board anymore. This would be the first one since the takeover. He was curious if Alistair would even bother to show up. He might be too ashamed to show his face after the drama that went down last time.

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