Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: You Actually Do Like Me!

Chapter 359: You Actually Do Like Me!

"You want to put me in charge of what?" Aiden asked in disbelief.

Aaron had called him into his office to discuss the plans to redo all of the cybersecurity for Hale Investments and possibly develop additional software to sell to other high security institutions. Now the kid looked like he was about to go into shock.

A conversation they had over a year ago popped into his head. Aiden thought he didn't trust him. It made sense that he would be thrown off with this sudden offer that proved Aaron thought highly of him. Did he really criticize Aiden that much?

He sighed. He didn't want the kid to get an overinflated ego—he was always going on about being Aaron's favorite—but if he didn't properly express his appreciation at some point Aiden might get headhunted by someone else or choose to start his own business. He didn't want that to happen.

"I've been meaning to strengthen our website's and app's defenses anyway because of all the data breaches going on with other banks and you're the best person for the job."

"…don't you have an entire department of software developers for that?" Aiden asked skeptically.

Actually he didn't. Alistair had outsourced to create the website and app years ago. Whenever there was a problem with either of them, the IT people scrambled around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to fix it.

More than once Aaron had made Aiden stop his monitoring duties and fix the problem quickly because customers were getting upset. Aiden was worth more than the entire IT department combined.

"No. Creating one isn't a bad idea but I would still want you to be in charge of it. Are you interested or not? You were saying that taking IT calls was boring," he pointed out.

Aiden's eyes widened and he gave his boss a very strange look. "You're suggesting this just because I'm bored?!"

Aaron sighed heavily. He may as well cut to the chase, though getting the words out was so difficult he thought he might choke.

"I don't want you to leave Hale Investments now that your original job is obsolete." By this point the kid's eyes were ready to pop out of his head but Aaron continued uncomfortably. "With your skills you could go anywhere or do anything. I don't want to lose a valuable resource."

Once the impact of his boss's words set in, Aiden's bug-eyed look changed. He actually seemed touched. What about that had been touching? It was good business sense, nothing more.

"You actually do like me!"

Aaron wanted to deny it but couldn't. The hacker had grown on him like a weed over the years. He didn't want him to leave because he thought Aiden still had his uses but there was a tiny part of him that might even miss having his office barged into all the time.

"Don't let it inflate your ego," he said with a scowl.

"I won't, I won't," Aiden said but there was a triumphant gleam in his eye.

Aaron never should have admitted it but he couldn't lie to his friend. There had been multiple moments over the past couple years where he had experienced fondness for the usually annoying hacker. Especially when Aiden was protective of him dealing with that loser Ryan at Cameron's wedding.

He cleared his throat, feeling uncomfortable with Aiden's knowing smile. "So are you going to accept the proposal or not? I can always find someone else to do it."

"No, I definitely want to!" he said quickly. "Where do you want me to start?"


Why was it that both times Keeley had come by the office in this life she was horribly underdressed? She and Jennica were both wearing tee shirts and shorts, which was even more casual than last time. To make it worse, her hair was tied back in a ponytail.

At least the secretary's professionalism didn't slip. Though she did seem to instantly recognize Keeley and the stroller she was pushing.

"What can I do for you, Mrs. Hale?"

"We're here to see Cameron Singleton," she said simply.

If she wanted to actually surprise Aaron they couldn't call up to his office. Since they were on the same floor it would be easier to see Cameron first. Jennica had been the one who wanted this visit anyway.

The secretary made a call. "Mr. Singleton, Mrs. Hale and Miss Stevens are here to see you."

Keeley had nearly forgotten that Jennica used her maiden name to be one of Aaron's dummy shareholders towards the end of his plan. It was impressive that the secretary remembered her from those few visits to the office.

Cameron's voice crackled over the intercom. "Send them on up but remember in the future that Miss Stevens is actually Mrs. Singleton."

The secretary coughed to cover her embarrassment. "Yes sir."

"Don't feel bad," Jennica reassured her. "I used my maiden name as a shareholder so it wouldn't be suspicious that there were two Singletons on the board."

The secretary actually did seem comforted by that before directing them to the elevator. It was a long ride up to the top floor just like last time. A few people seemed to recognize them but only one person was brave enough to greet Keeley.

She responded as warmly as possible. How terrified were these people of Aaron anyway? Well, she couldn't really blame them. He had always been an ice devil at work as far as she knew.

Cameron had a big smile for his wife when they walked through the door. He gave her a quick but affectionate kiss. josei

"What brings you two here?"

Jennica held out a pastry bag. "We come bearing food."

He moaned appreciatively. "My hero. I didn't get breakfast this morning."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course you didn't. You never eat breakfast if I'm not awake to remind you to."

He simply shrugged before devouring the chocolate muffins his wife brought. Keeley couldn't help but be amused by their antics. Her friends were too cute.

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