Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 389

Chapter 389: Car Accident

Chapter 389: Car Accident

No matter how much Keeley tried to reassure him that it was all real and she wasn't going anywhere, Aaron still had his moments of insecurity that it was too good to be true. Deep down he had to believe he wasn't supposed to be happy. Why else would the insecurity keep coming back?

She reached up to touch his face. "Aaron. I'm not going anywhere. My dad passed his death date perfectly fine and so will I. We're going to live long and happy lives together, you hear me?"

He closed his eyes and clutched the hand that was against his face.

"I know, I know, it's just…I can't lose you again Keeley. I really can't. I didn't think it was possible for me to love you more than I did back then but every day I have you with me I fall even deeper in love with you.

"I barely survived losing you the first time. It was horrible. I was half alive for those twenty-seven years apart. I know you're annoyed with me for worrying so much but I can't help it. I need you more than I've ever needed anything."

Her heart ached at the reminder of what he went through after she died. Keeley wasn't the only one who suffered the consequences from the mistakes of their first life. If she had lived alone with guilt and grief for twenty-seven years knowing it was her fault…she might have gone insane.

She gently lifted Dinah off of her lap and set her onto the cushion next to her so she could crawl into Aaron's embrace. Dinah shot her an affronted look and she felt guilty but it had to be done. He needed her more than the cat did right now.

"I know, honey. But I'm right here. I'll always be right here by your side. So relax, okay? I need to go to this doctor's appointment so we can safely bring our third child into the world. You'll be glad I did once we get to meet him later this month," she said soothingly as she repeatedly stroked his face.

He had always responded well to physical affection when he was stressed. Even now she felt some of the tension release from his shoulders.

"I love you, Aaron. I'm so glad you're mine," Keeley confessed before pressing a kiss to his lips.

His arms around her tightened and he buried his face in her neck. "I love you too," he mumbled. "I love you so much."


As predicted, the next week and a half was incredibly boring. The twins really wanted to go to the park but their dad had forbidden Keeley from stepping foot outside their apartment aside from that one required doctor's appointment.

She wouldn't have survived it without dear, sweet Jennica bringing her son over to keep Kaleb and Violet distracted. The conversation helped too. Keeley had always had the tendency to go stir crazy.

On the 16th Jennica had to take Noah to the dentist (apparently he had gotten into his father's hidden candy stash) so she couldn't watch the twins while Keeley went to the doctor. Alice volunteered instead.

The one stipulation Aaron had about letting her keep the appointment was that the driver had to take her. So he dropped the kids off at Alice and Roger's apartment before taking her.

They were pouty about it, wanting to play with Noah and Pancake, the dog they got after Ziggy died. Noah picked the name and Cameron and Jennica weren't about to argue. Keeley had to tell them he was at the dentist and they could see him tomorrow before they stopped fussing enough for her to leave.

The Clarks didn't live in Manhattan because of how expensive it was; their apartment was out in Long Island. The driver had to use the Long Island Expressway to get back into town. Normally the speed limits within the city were very low because of all of the foot traffic but they more than doubled on the few freeways.

A crazy speeder who had lost control of the brakes smashed through the divider on the other side of the highway and ended up causing an eight car pileup. Unfortunately, the first car that got hit was also speeding slightly and slammed into the car Keeley was in. Three other cars smashed into them on all sides.

She groggily looked up as blood dripped into her eyes not even comprehending what happened. She could hardly see and every part of her hurt.

"Henry, are you okay?" she asked feebly.

There was no response from the driver's side of the car. Keeley was sitting in the back seat on the passenger's side and based on the ringing in her ears, had hit her head pretty hard on the window.

She felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness after that, too weary to even lift her arm and check if the driver was alright. The last thing she was aware of was the sound of approaching sirens in the distance before blacking out. josei

Keeley heard various sounds filtering through her subconscious. Paramedics barking instructions. Those sirens again. Screams of pain. People crying.

Someone nearby cursed under their breath. "This woman is pregnant. We need to get her to the hospital right now and see if we can save her child. Excuse me, ma'am? Can you hear me? What's your name?"

"Kee…Kee…" she couldn't get out anything else. She wanted to point to her purse on the floor of the car but didn't have the strength.

Thankfully the paramedic spotted it. As she was loaded up into an ambulance, the paramedic talked soothingly to her. "Your name is Keeley Hale and you're thirty-one years old, correct?"

"Uh huh," she barely got out.

Hale. The reminder of her last name made her panic. Somebody needed to call Aaron. He would be so worried. What about her kids? What about the baby? All of the thoughts she didn't have the energy to muster before swirled around her head frantically.

Was she really going to die again on the same day? Could the universe be that cruel? What was Aaron going to do without her? Would he even be able to take care of the kids or would he be too depressed?

Finally mustering a bit of strength, she grasped the paramedic's wrist. She was not about to die here! She needed to see Aaron. She had to tell him she loved him.

"Husband. Call my husband," she gasped with great effort.

"I found a phone in her purse," the other paramedic in the back of the ambulance said. "There's an emergency contact here named Aaron with a heart emoji next to it." He turned to Keeley. "Is Aaron your husband?"

"Yes! Call Aaron," Keeley insisted with her raspy voice.

Ugh, everything hurt so much. She just wanted to sleep. She found herself drifting off even as the paramedics begged her to stay conscious. It was too hard. Succumbing to the blackness was much easier.

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