Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 501

Chapter 501: Moving Out

Chapter 501: Moving Out

Violet's mother had woken her and Noah up too many times to count. But never was it as awkward as that particular morning. The difference was that this time her mom knew they were dating and probably thought they had done more than they actually had.

She felt wronged. They literally fell asleep! Nothing else had happened!

It was difficult getting her mother's knowing smile out of her head. Like an itch she couldn't scratch, the thought festered all the way through physical therapy. Even later, when Violet sat around watching Noah teach his after school classes, it continued to bother her.

She had never once entertained the idea of moving out after becoming an a.d.u.l.t. The penthouse was her home and had been since she was born. But if there were going to be more awkward encounters like this morning could she really maintain her composure around her parents?

There wasn't a shadow of a doubt that her father would buy her a huge fancy apartment if she breathed a single word about being interested in moving out. The question was whether or not it was the right time.

Her parents would know she was only doing it to have privacy with Noah, which would be terribly embarrassing. Even worse, he would probably think the same thing. She wasn't ready for that yet! Not when kissing was still somewhat weird to do.

Violet had essentially decided to spend the rest of her life with him already so they would have to get a place together eventually but now was definitely too soon. Though she couldn't deny it would be nice not having to go back and forth visiting all the time…

So lost in her internal debate, she didn't even notice when class ended and Noah plopped down next to her.

"What are you thinking about?"

She jumped slightly from the unexpected noise. "Geez, you scared me!"

It was embarrassing to admit what she was actually thinking because he would know the reason behind it for sure but she didn't want to lie to him. They had always been honest with each other (aside from Noah hiding his feelings for her for over a decade).

"Actually…I was wondering if I should finally move out of my parents' place," Violet admitted.

She squeezed her eyes shut because she was too embarrassed to look at him. She didn't want to see his reaction. What if he thought she was interested in sleeping with him? Her intentions were innocent! At least for now.

He surprised her by casually replying, "I've been wondering the same thing myself. It's been easier to stay at home up until this point but twenty-four really is a bit old to be living with your parents."

Violet was both confused and relieved by his response. The way he said it took the pressure and expectations she had been worrying about off of her. He made it sound like it was a natural part of growing up rather than because they were in a relationship. josei

But if he really did intend to marry her someday there would be no point in both of them getting their own apartments. It would be better for one of them to move out so they could have privacy when warranted while the other stayed where they were when it wasn't.

Logically speaking, it made more sense for Violet to move out. Aaron could definitely afford prime real estate better than Cameron could and there was no way Noah could buy a decent sized apartment on his salary.

They had only been dating a little over a month; why was she already thinking about the future like this? Though she supposed there was no reason not to since her decision had been made.

She knew Noah as well as she knew herself. The only real obstacle to their relationship was physical attraction. He was a good-looking man but she had never considered him as anything other than family until recently so she was still adjusting to her changed mindset.

"That makes sense," Violet managed to say. Embarrassing as it was, the rest of her thoughts should probably be tossed out into the open as well. "I'm sure my dad will help me find a place. We could hang out there for the most part but you wouldn't need to move out."

Noah cracked a smile at her obvious discomfort. "Sound like a good idea, Vi. Would you mind helping with some registration forms? My next class is about to start."

He kissed the top of her head before walking away and she found herself relaxing. No matter what he was thinking about this, he wasn't going to tease her about it. That wasn't his style. There was a reason he was her favorite person; she got far too much teasing from her brothers at home.

Violet was able to put the issue aside as she diligently worked on the registration forms. The rest of the day passed dully and she wished she could be back to work in her own field. Paperwork wasn't nearly as enjoyable as dancing.

Her progress in physical therapy was slow but steady. They said she should have regular function back within the next two months but after that she would need to work with someone trained in dance rehabilitation specifically. That seemed so far away!

She sighed and stretched as she got up a couple minutes before the dojo was set to close. Noah had disappeared into the bathroom to change out of his uniform. His aunt was visiting so he had a family dinner to attend right after work.

He emerged wearing a nice button-down shirt and slacks. Normally he preferred much more casual clothes. Violet's heart skipped a beat at the sight. She quickly kissed him and told him to have fun on their way out the door.

Noah smiled contentedly and said he would see her tomorrow. She was a bit dazed by that smile. Seeing him so happy these days was one of her favorite things about their updated relationship status.

Violet headed home humming cheerfully to herself.

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