Runaway Guide

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Which couple do you think these cats represent best? 😂


The wind was strong at the top of the mountain, but fortunately this kind of tent was constructed to keep out the wind and rain. Inside the tent, it was quite warm. All alone, Carlo held his pillow and let his imagination run wild, pricking up his ears to listen to the activity next door. Aiden had a tranquil expression on, reading a book in his tent and minding his own business. Next door, Xi Wei and Klaire were lying side by side and chatting pleasantly.

When Xi Wei was still an actor, Klaire would usually accompany him as his manager around the country to shoot movies in various locations. Sometimes, when they shot a scene in the wilderness, they would temporarily live in a tent. After many years, the two of them were once again living in the same tent. Seeing the familiar yet strange appearance of the person in front of them, each of them couldn’t help but fall into a slightly complicated mood.

Xi Wei looked at him for half the day, then smiled and said, “With this blond hair and blue eyes of yours, you don’t look like before at all.”

Klaire said seriously, “Am I more handsome than before?”

“...” Xi Wei was speechless. “Your shameless personality hasn’t changed a bit.”

Klaire smiled slightly and said, “Xi Wei, do you trust me?”

“Of course.” Without the slightest hesitation, Xi Wei said, “You’re the only one who knows me inside and out. If I didn’t trust you, who would I trust?”

Klaire looked back at him and said quietly, “Then can you tell me what special mission were you carrying out when you suddenly piloted an S-class mecha to the capital planet? Was that mecha one your uncle gave to you? Did it have something to do with the royal family?”

Xi Wei went silent, and after a long moment, he finally said, “This matter...I can’t really tell you about it. I promised someone that I’d keep it secret. I’m sorry.”

Klaire smiled and said, “It’s alright, if you don’t want to say it then don’t. I only wanted to know the truth of the matter because I’m worried that you’ll get into danger.”

Xi Wei said, “You don’t have to worry, Egret will protect me.”

“Yeah.” Klaire paused, then said, “If you need my help next time, you have to tell me. Don’t go and take risks by yourself. If I can help you, I’ll definitely try my hardest.”

Xi Wei nodded. “Alright.”

Bluestar energetically jumped out. “Right! I’m also going to try my best to protect Egret! Egret, can you connect your communications system to mine? If you’re in danger in the future, I’ll be able to detect it in time!”

Egret asked, “Owner, what’s your opinion?”

Xi Wei thought about it and said, “Do it, having a helping hand is always better than acting alone. It’s just that, Klaire, you have to keep this matter secret. Especially to your father, don’t mention even a word of it to him.”

Klaire nodded seriously. “You can rest assured I definitely won’t sell you out.”

Xi Wei smiled and lightly touched the necklace at his neck. “Egret, go connect to Bluestar’s communicator. In the future if something happens, I won’t have to go through password verification, and I can just directly send a message to Klaire.”

“Yes, owner.” Egret’s voice was mild. He quickly opened his communications system, and Bluestar also proactively turned on his communicator. The two parties exchanged information and soon opened a direct line of communication between themselves.

Bluestar happily twisted around in the air. “This is great, I’m so excited, it feels just like I’m holding Egret’s hand.”

Egret: “...”

Xi Wei said, “Your mecha is really funny.”

Klaire held his forehead helplessly. “Don’t mind him, I feel like there’s a bug in his AI.” After he said this, he scooted over to Xi Wei and whispered in his ear, “In other words, he’s mentally delayed.”

Xi Wei couldn’t help but laugh.

Bluestar said, depressed, “Owner, my AI doesn’t have a bug. It’s just that I met the mecha I like, so I’m in a bit of an excited mood.”

Egret: “...”

Xi Wei said curiously, “You even have moods? This mecha you like, is it our Egret?”

Bluestar twisted shyly and said, “Yes, Egret is the most beautiful mecha I’ve ever seen, I want to have him as my wife.”

Egret: “...”

Xi Wei laughed and said, “Mechas actually want to court each other, this world is really too magical. Klaire, this mecha of yours is really interesting.”

Klaire swatted Bluestar away and said, “This guy is just hyperactive, let’s ignore him. Tell me, what are you studying at Ellen Academy?”

When he brought up this topic, Xi Wei had a face full of sorrow. “The courses I’m studying are really just unbearable. It’s all a bunch of sex education. Every day, our teacher plays movies for us in high definition on the screen, and lectures on different kinds of positions and processes of marking... I really can’t bear it, so I just sit in the back row and look at my own things."

“Not to mention we also have to study cooking, you know that I hate being in the kitchen. When I see those ingredients and utensils, my hair stands up. So I didn’t pass my cooking course this semester. I still have to take a make-up exam next semester, it’s so annoying.”

Hearing Xi Wei complaining nonstop, the corner of Klaire’s lips couldn’t help but lift, forming a soft smile.

—It doesn’t matter, Xi Wei. You don’t have to learn these required courses for omegas. It’s enough for you to just be yourself, because you still have me.

That night, Xi Wei cursed Ellen Academy for a long time, and after he ran out of steam, he eventually dozed off.

Klaire was in the middle of listening to him when he found that there was no sound coming from the person beside him. He turned and looked, and Xi Wei had already thoughtlessly fallen asleep.

He was sleeping deeply. His fair skin and delicate features made his appearance very clear and comely. His thick eyelashes cast deep shadows on his cheeks, and his rosy lips parted slightly, faintly exposing his immaculate white teeth.

The person he loved was right here beside him, utterly defenseless. Klaire’s heartbeat couldn’t help but gradually accelerate.

His lips were less than a foot away. He really wanted to kiss him...

Klaire was about to move closer and kiss him when Bluestar suddenly jumped out in his mind. “Owner, don’t do anything rash! Egret’s still here. If you dare to do anything to the prince, he’ll immediately wake the prince up, or maybe he’ll just take out a laser sword and cut your throat!”

“...” Klaire slammed on the brakes, and asked with some embarrassment, “Can you turn Egret’s system off?”

Bluestar said dejectedly, “I can’t, his system is more advanced than mine. A lot of my components haven’t been installed yet, I can’t beat him even if I try.” He whimpered and said, “All that’ll happen is that he’ll hack my system and crash it. It won’t be good if he reverses the situation.”

Klaire frowned. “You’re really useless.”

Bluestar felt like crying without tears. “Owner, I tried communicating with him. I told him he should shut down and rest for a while, but he said that he only listened to his owner’s orders, and he had to stay alert all 24 hours to protect his owner.”

Klaire: “...”

Looks like there’s no hope for stealing a kiss from Xi Wei.

His sweetheart was lying right beside him, but he could only look and not touch. For Klaire, this really tormented both his body and mind. He took a deep breath and pressed down the impulses of his body. In the end, he didn’t dare to go kiss Xi Wei, and only helped tidy his hair and covered him with a blanket. Then Klaire closed his eyes and laid down beside him to sleep.

That night, Klaire tossed and turned all night, and couldn’t fall asleep. Although he had fulfilled his wish of getting into military school early, even if he started school at sixteen, he would still graduate at twenty. According to the Empire’s customs, when Xi Wei came of age at eighteen, the Omega Association would choose a suitable alpha for him to marry. As a student, Klaire wouldn’t even have the qualifications to compete.

In the end, what should he do? At the moment, Klaire still hadn’t thought of a good way to have the best of both worlds.

But he was convinced that no matter what price he had to pay, he would never let Xi Wei be taken away by another alpha!

The next morning, the two omegas had slept until they felt completely refreshed, while the two alphas had a pair of dark eye bags each. Klaire had lost sleep because his thoughts were in turmoil, while Carlo had woken up several times in the middle of the night because of the strange dreams he kept having.

When he saw the boy who had been embracing him naked in his dream in broad daylight, wearing a neat white shirt in front of him, Carlo’s face suddenly turned red, and he hung his head with a guilty conscience, afraid to look at him. Aiden saw the tall alpha in front of him had a lowered head, and couldn’t make heads or tails of it. He simply took a detour around him to walk to Xi Wei’s side.

Xi Wei smiled and said, “Did you sleep well?”

Aiden also smiled and said, “Pretty well.”

When he had just spoken, a gust of cold wind blew by, and he couldn’t help but sneeze loudly.

“Ah, achoo!”

When he saw Aiden rubbing his red nose, Carlo immediately walked over in worry. “What’s with you? The wind at the top of the mountain is strong, and your health originally isn’t good. You have to cover yourself well with a blanket when you sleep, or you’ll get sick easily.”

Aiden gave him a look. “I’m not that weak. It was a sneeze, that’s all.”

“...Oh.” Carlo scratched his head embarrassedly.

Klaire really had sympathy for Carlo’s ability to express himself. He walked over and patted his friend’s shoulder, and said, “It’s not early anymore, let’s eat something and go down the mountain.”

The four boys walked side by side to the restaurant and casually ate some breakfast. They returned the tents they had rented, and prepared to descend the mountain.

Yesterday they had taken a hovercar directly to the top of the mountain. When it was time to descend the mountain, Xi Wei suggested going on foot.

The trails here were all quite wide, and were easy to walk on. While they were walking, they could enjoy the view of the towering cliffs beside the road, and the spectacular sea of clouds below them. It was much more enjoyable than the hovercar that took them to their destination within a minute.

The four of them chatted as they walked down the mountain. When they had walked halfway, Aiden felt a bit tired, and sat by the road to rest.

Carlo saw that his face was a little pale, and couldn’t help but move over to him and ask, “Is something wrong?”

Aiden shook his head. “I’m fine.”

However, at that moment, the smartwatch on his wrist suddenly lit up, and the medical mecha stored within it automatically issued a warning: “Body temperature at 38 degrees, exceeding the normal range. Blood pressure low. Heart rate low. Owner, please take medicine as soon as possible.”

This was the birthday gift General Craig gave his son, which monitored the condition of his health at all times.

When Xi Wei heard this, he quickly said, “Aiden, your guardian mecha already gave you a warning, hurry and take your medicine.”

“Okay.” Aiden nodded and took out a pill from his storage device, swallowing it down with some warm water.

Carlo saw how pale he looked and felt his heart seize with pain. He couldn’t help but say, “Don’t walk anymore, I’ll carry you down the mountain.”

Aiden looked at him in surprise.

Carlo said seriously, “What are you going to do if you faint halfway through? Let me carry you.”

Aiden frowned slightly and was about to refuse, but Xi Wei took hold of his hand and said, “Just let him carry you. You just took your medicine and need to rest. The wind here is strong, it’ll be bad if you catch a cold. Carlo’s pretty strong, let him carry you down the mountain.”

“...” Carlo gave Xi Wei a grateful look. More and more, he felt that this abnormal omega bro of his had his good points.

Aiden always listened to Xi Wei, so after a word from him he didn’t refuse anymore. He saw Carlo crouching proactively in front of him, and obediently climbed on.

When he felt this omega’s soft arms around his neck, Carlo felt so excited!

This was already his third time carrying Aiden.

When they were small, Aiden had fallen sick and fainted on the first day of school. In order to mess with him, Xi Wei made him carry Aiden up many flights of stairs, and even sent him to the wrong place on purpose. At that time, he’d only felt that omegas were so weak and bothersome, fainting for no reason, how annoying.

His second time carrying Aiden was the night of the incident in the five-star fruit orchard at school. An upperclassman, Joen, stopped Xi Wei and Aiden in the orchard and wanted to bully them. By the time Carlo rushed to the scene, Aiden had already fallen to the ground. That time, he carried Aiden and ran to the hospital. The child on his back had been breathing faintly, as if he could die at any moment. For Carlo, that was the first time experiencing a burning anxiety, his first time feeling that this weak omega was also a human life, and he didn’t want to let him die.

Today, he was carrying Aiden once again. The boy on his back had long since changed from the weak child in his memory.

The boy’s figure was slender and well-shaped, and the arms around his neck were fair and tender. His breath brushed against his ears, warm and soft, enough to completely enrapture him.

Carlo’s heart beat like a drum. There was only one fervent thought in his head—the omega on his back was the one he wanted to protect and care for, and he wouldn’t let him suffer any harm. He wouldn’t hesitate at paying any cost to protect him, to nurture his health, and to let him pass his days free of worries.

This mountain path wasn’t that long. Carlo wished it would never come to an end, so that he could carry Aiden all the way down.

However, the four of them eventually reached the foot of the mountain. Aiden smiled politely and said, “Thank you. I’ll get off here.”

Carlo immediately put him down in a flurry. Facing Aiden’s smile, he couldn’t help but blush again.

Aiden, on the other hand, looked completely calm. He walked over to Xi Wei and said, “We should go back to school.”

“Okay.” Xi Wei nodded, then looked back at the two boys. “Klaire, Carlo, if you guys have time you can play around here for a few more days, but Aiden and I have no way to accompany you. Ellen Academy’s management is very strict, and they only gave us a single day of leave.”

Klaire said, “I understand, I’ll send the two of you back.”

After he said this, he called a hovercar, and sent Xi Wei and Aiden all the way back to the vicinity of Ellen Academy.

Klaire couldn’t bear for Xi Wei to leave. He couldn’t help but reach out and gather him into this arms, saying softly, “Take care.”

Xi Wei patted his shoulder, saying, “You take care as well.”

Carlo watched from the side, feeling quite envious. He also wanted to hug Aiden, but after turning his head and looking into his eyes, he still didn’t dare to make a move and overstep his bounds. He only scratched his head and said awkwardly, “Aiden, you, you should take good care of yourself, and pay attention to your health... If I have the opportunity, I’ll come see you again.”

Aiden nodded. “Alright, I know.”

Xi Wei smiled and said, “Let’s go, otherwise we’ll be late for roll call.” After saying that, he waved to Carlo and Klaire and brought Aiden away with him, turning for school.

Klaire and Carlo stood in the same place, watching them go until they disappeared from their line of sight.

Although it wasn’t as if they’d never meet again, it’d been so long since they’d seen each other, and they had to part again after only a day. Both of them felt extremely reluctant to leave.

Carlo couldn’t help but sigh. “I don’t know when we’ll see each other again.”

Klaire patted his shoulder. “Don’t lose heart. Let’s go back first and prepare for registration at the new school. Next year, if we have time during summer break, we’ll come see them again.”

Carlo nodded helplessly and turned to follow him.


5:48 for 2,923 words, or 11.9 minutes for each 100 words. An improvement in rate by 0.9 minutes ✌️😄 josei

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