Runaway Guide

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Enjoy~ 😊


On the surface, this so-called ceremonial banquet was to celebrate the prince coming of age, but everyone was well aware of His Majesty’s true purpose in holding the banquet. According to the established custom, if the prince turning eighteen was an omega, they would naturally invite unmarried alphas from suitable families to attend. The prince could use the pretext of the banquet to get to know them a bit, and choose an alpha he was satisfied with. If everything went smoothly, it was common to propose and hold the wedding ceremony right after the banquet.

However, the tradition that had been passed down for hundreds of years in the royal family had been broken at His Highness Berg’s banquet. His Highness Berg had naturally late development, and it was said that his pheromone levels at age eighteen had been very low. There had been no way for him to marry and bear children, so he had become the member of the royal family who had married latest, up until now.

Xi Wei’s situation was similar to Berg’s. The matter of him showing a pheromone level of zero at the Ellen Academy freshman health exam had long since spread to the capital planet. Everyone was very curious about this omega who had a violent temper and late development. Today, they finally saw the eldest prince they had heard about with their own eyes, and they unexpectedly found that he had grown up to be very good-looking. But most of the alphas who didn’t know him that well still held on to a wait-and-see attitude. They didn’t dare to get close to him for fear that they’d be beaten up.

His Majesty led Xi Wei into the center of the hall. The gorgeous crystal chandelier above their heads brightened up the entire banquet hall. As the person playing the leading role at tonight’s banquet, Xi Wei, wearing exquisite royal robes, instantly attracted the gazes of everyone there.

Trand pulled up Xi Wei’s hand, smiled and said, “My firstborn son, the eldest prince of the empire, Xi Wei, has finally reached eighteen years of age today. We’re holding this banquet to celebrate the occasion of the eldest prince’s coming of age. Everyone, don’t stand on ceremony. I hope we can all enjoy ourselves to our heart’s content!”

His Majesty said a few opening words and left the banquet hall, handing it over to the young people.

The guests attending this banquet were almost all alphas. There were only three omegas here. Besides the birthday boy Xi Wei, there was also his good friend Aiden who was inseparable from him, and Klaire’s younger brother, Kevin. Kevin hadn’t come of age yet. He came to the palace for the sake of finding his good friend Princess Sia, and he stopped by the banquet to look around a bit and satisfy his curiosity.

Seeing Xi Wei dazzling the crowd at the center of the hall, and seeing his brother’s heated gaze fastened on his figure, Kevin couldn’t help but scoot over and say, “Brother, do you want to take him as your wife?”

Klaire smiled. “What do you think?”

Kevin said, “Mom and I support you. Since I was small, I’ve always felt that only the eldest prince could match up to my brother.”

Klaire gently touched his brother’s head and said, “You really know how to say things. Have you satisfied your curiosity? Go find Princess Sia then. It’s all alphas here, it’s not proper for a minor like you to stay behind.”

Kevin stuck out his tongue, and holding his sketchbook, he turned and walked away.

Aiden, meanwhile, had been quietly sitting in the corner from start to finish, drinking red wine by himself. He had come of age, and his father let him drink wine tonight. Aiden tasted some red wine curiously, and the red liquid wetted his lips, setting off his face so it looked even fairer.

Although Aiden wasn’t as dazzling as Xi Wei, his tranquil, gentle temperament stood in strong contrast to the noisy ball. To the surrounding alphas, he also held an intense attraction that couldn’t be ignored.

Outside of Xi Wei’s invitation, Aiden coming to the banquet today was also Randy’s idea.

Randy had explained it to him like this: “It’s the eldest prince’s coming-of-age banquet, and the empire’s most eligible bachelors will definitely be attending. Son, go take a look and see if there’s anyone you like. If someone catches your eye, just tell me, and I’ll go prepare a little money and visit their family to set up a marriage.”

When Craig heard this, he really got a splitting headache. Was it really proper for an omega’s parents to take money and go to someone’s door to set up a marriage? Although Randy might be one of the foremost-ranking nouveau riches in the Empire, even if he had lots of money, he couldn’t go about things so recklessly... But when he remembered the scene of Randy pushing him down that year, Craig wondered whether his son Aiden might’ve inherited his dad’s personality, and also wanted to push down an alpha?

Although the palace was very safe, his son had grown up to be so good-looking, and he was still an omega without much strength. Pressed in a crowd of alphas, if Aiden should bump into someone and get hurt, as a father, he’d regret it to death. So tonight, Craig took over the task of guarding the banquet hall, and while walking around the banquet hall, he also helped his son look for a good alpha.

Aiden sat on the sofa drinking red wine for a while, and many of the alphas around him began to stir.

Carlo saw that the alphas watching Aiden had eyes showing dangerous thoughts, and his heart was filled with suppressed anger until his teeth itched. He hated that he couldn’t crush the eyeballs of that crowd of alphas looking at Aiden with greedy gazes!

“Damn, exactly what does Aiden think he’s doing, sitting there all alone!” Carlo had his eyes open wide glaring at the activity going over there. “Why would he come to Xi Wei’s banquet?!”

Klaire shrugged. “Those two have always been inseparable.”

Carlo said, “Is he crazy?! He’s also an adult now, what’s he doing coming to a banquet like this? Didn’t he know that there’d be a lot of alphas coming today?”

“Of course he knew.” Klaire smiled and said, “His intention in coming to this banquet is actually very obvious. He wants to take the opportunity to choose among the alphas and see if there’s one he likes.”

Carlo was stupefied. “Wha-what?”

Klaire said, “I heard Xi Wei say that Aiden likes little children very much. After graduating and becoming an adult, he wants to marry and have children. His point of view is different from Xi Wei’s, but it might be similar to his dad Randy’s. If he meets an alpha he likes, who can say but he might take the initiative to attack.”

Having taken a blow, Carlo’s face was full of gloom. “I won’t let him fall for other alphas.”

Right at that moment, a respectable-looking alpha went over to greet Aiden. He raised his wineglass like a gentleman and said, “Hello. If I’m not mistaken, you’re an omega, right? Are you a friend of Prince Xi Wei?”

Aiden smiled politely and said, “Yes, it was Xi Wei who invited me.”

“Do you mind having a few drinks together?”

The alpha walked towards the seat beside Aiden as he talked, but he hadn’t managed to sit down yet when a pair of hands suddenly reached out to block him. At the same time, a deep voice sounded by his ear: “Sorry, but this seat is taken.”

When he turned back and looked, it was actually a tall alpha wearing a well-tailored formal suit. His features were clear and handsome, and the line of his jaw was so resolute it looked like it’d been carved with a knife. His expression was serious, and his brown eyes were incomparably deep, looking like they were about to shoot fire from their depths.

“Oh? It’s taken?” The alpha gave a half-smile and looked back at Aiden. “This is the seat you left for him?”

Aiden smiled and said, “It isn’t.”

“...” Carlo, who originally had a bellyful of suppressed anger, erupted immediately when he heard this. “Aiden, what are you doing? Don’t stay here, leave with me.”

Carlo took Aiden’s wrist and wanted to walk away, but Aiden tried to lightly throw him off. “Let go of me.”

His voice was still as soft as in his memory, but when Carlo turned back and met his eyes, they carried a thread of a gentle resolve.

Carlo felt upset but couldn’t express himself, and his fingers gradually stiffened around Aiden’s wrist. josei

Aiden looked at him seriously and said softly, “Carlo, I’ve long since forgotten about those things that happened when we were little, and I don’t want to argue with you. Seeing as we’ve been classmates for so many years, can you give me a little face, and not bother me anymore?”

When Carlo heard him talking like this, his heart felt as if someone had pricked it with a needle. After a moment, he stiffly released him at last, and he bowed his head and said, “I was just, just afraid that something would happen to you... There’s all sorts of people at this banquet, it’s unsafe. It’s still better if you go home early.”

Aiden smiled and moved close to him, and said softly in his ear, “It doesn’t matter, my father will protect me.”

After he said that, he went off with the alpha who had started a conversation with him. They walked away and sat somewhere else, and started eating fruit together.

Anxiously watching in the distance as his sweetheart talked and laughed with another alpha, Carlo felt both jealous and irritable. He hated that he couldn’t turn himself into a wild beast and tear that alpha to pieces. You actually dare to have ideas about my wife, you really don’t want to live!

However, no matter how much anger filled Carlo’s heart, Aiden was very happy to get to know an alpha with a sense of humor like the one in front of him. Compared to Carlo and his clumsy communication skills, this Alpha was clearly much better at gaining people’s favor. He and Aiden were soon getting along well.

Klaire patted his buddy’s shoulder with some schadenfreude. “I told you to practice expressing yourself. See, a smooth-spoken rival in love has appeared.”

Carlo huffed coldly. “What good is speaking well, no matter how nice it sounds? I’m the only one who likes him sincerely. How come that blockhead Aiden just can’t sense it?”

Klaire held his forehead, his head hurting. Your every sentence sounds like it’s mocking him for having a sickly constitution and being weak and useless, wouldn’t it be more strange if he could sense that you liked him?!

Meanwhile, Xi Wei was standing at the center of the banquet hall. There were many alphas around him, waiting out of politeness or curiosity to greet him and congratulate him on coming of age. Xi Wei dealt with them all politely. In any case, from when he was small, he had never been affected by pheromones. Even when surrounded by a crowd of alphas, his face never showed a trace of being uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a youth with an unusual temperament appeared before him. He was wearing a deep violet military uniform. The insignia on his shoulder was the symbol of the Thunderclap Corps, and the mark of two bars and a star above the insignia showed that he had already reached the rank of major. He stood out a lot in a crowd of his peers. He didn’t wear a cap, and his light chestnut hair was cut neatly. His features were handsome and bright, and as he walked over, he caught the attention of much of the crowd.

He walked slowly to where Xi Wei stood, and respectfully offered him a bow, saying, “Your Highness Prince Xi Wei, it’s been a long time.”

Xi Wei asked in confusion, “A long time? You are?”

The other man raised his head and looked at him, his eyes carrying a hint of a smile in their depths. “I’m an alumnus of St. Paul Academy. I’m your senior from several grades above you. I was immature when I was younger, and I’m ashamed to say I once almost accidentally injured Your Highness. I’m called Joen, does your Highness have an impression of me? I’ve always felt guilty over what happened that year, I really have to apologize.”

Xi Wei carefully searched through his memory, and finally found the name “Joen.”

That’s right, that year in the five-star fruit orchard behind the school, it was this guy and two of his friends who blocked his and Aiden’s way. Xi Wei had gone and taught them a lesson, but unfortunately, Aiden had gotten so upset he fainted. Luckily, Carlo and Klaire rushed to the scene in time, and Aiden had made it through alright.

Xi Wei didn’t have a good impression of this Joen. However, that matter was many years in the past, and Xi Wei wouldn’t go so far as to argue over childhood grudges.

Seeing that the other man had come over with a sincere attitude to say hello and apologize, Xi Wei readily waved his hand and said, “It’s already been so many years, there’s no need to make a big deal about things that happened when we were kids.”

Joen smiled slightly and said, “Xi Wei, you really are different from ordinary people. Could you do me the honor of having a drink with me?”

Xi Wei said, “Oh, okay.”

The two of them clinked their glasses and drained them in one gulp.

When Klaire saw this, he couldn’t help but frown slightly.

He had a bad premonition. He felt that Joen showing up right now wasn’t a good sign. That year, when Joen blocked his and Xi Wei’s way in the forest, he had Xi Wei stand aside, and he personally taught Joen a lesson, and dislocated his knee. Even until now, he had never been able to forget the resentment in Joen’s eyes at that moment.

Afterwards, because Joen was a few grades higher than Xi Wei and him, he was soon admitted to military school, and they no longer saw him at school.

Joen had already graduated from military school, and he had risen to the rank of major at such a young age. From this, it could clearly be seen that he had some ability. Klaire had long since stopped caring about childhood pranks, but Joen’s eyes as he looked at Xi Wei made Klaire feel very uncomfortable at heart.

—Those were the eyes of a hunter looking at his prey.

On the surface, Joen appeared to have courteously come over with an elegant demeanor, but in the depths of his eyes, he was determined to win. He couldn’t conceal it from Klaire.

Because Klaire was determined to win Xi Wei over in the same way.

Klaire didn’t find it unexpected that Joen would set his sights on Xi Wei. After all, Xi Wei was so outstanding. Besides Joen, there were bound to be lots of alphas at the scene who would be tempted by him. Klaire let out a sigh at the bottom of his heart, and finally took a step, walking in Xi Wei’s direction.

“Xi Wei.”

The sound of a familiar voice made Xi Wei turn back to look, and sure enough, he met a pair of eyes as clear of a blue as the sky.

In contrast to the artificial smiles of the people around him, Klaire’s smile was just as warm and gentle as he remembered. It was just like a light breeze. Xi Wei had been crowded until he was almost suffocating, and when he saw Klaire, it was as if he’d seen his savior. He immediately walked to him in two or three steps, smiled and said, “I almost thought you hadn’t come!”

Klaire smiled and reached out to gently stroke Xi Wei’s hair, looking at him tenderly. “How could that be? I came a while ago. It’s just that you’re playing the lead role today. You’re surrounded by so many people, and they’re all revolving around you. It’s really not easy to see you face to face.”

The atmosphere around them suddenly felt a bit fishy, and Joen’s eyes suddenly sharpened, looking at Klaire.

The reason was that when Klaire reached out to stroke Xi Wei’s hair, his movements were so natural and intimate...

What was even more surprising was that Xi Wei, who had always been called a monster, didn’t resist Klaire’s intimate caress, and smiled instead.

It was said that the two of them had been born only five minutes apart on the last day of Gemini season. It was said that they had played together all throughout their childhood, and it was said that their mothers had even been best friends who lived in the same room for their four years of college.

It was quite normal for them to have a good relationship, but when an omega and an alpha had such a good relationship, people couldn’t help but think about it longer.

Klaire’s intention in making this move was actually fairly obvious. While remaining calm and collected, he was declaring to the surrounding alphas—

This omega was his!


6:49 for 2,952 words, or 13.9 minutes for every 100 words. An increase in rate by 1.2 minutes... 😭The descriptions in this chapter nearly killed me. Is it just me, or is the difficulty increasing?

Would y’all hate me if I said I was rooting for Joen? Just a tiny bit. It’s the same evil impulse that makes me like Sho from Skip Beat.

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