Runaway Guide

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Or if you didn’t have Christmas, I hope you at least enjoyed your break, as I didn’t. ;_;


Xi Wei totally hadn’t expected that things would develop like this.

The way he had seen it, before Klaire came back, he could use the excuse of “waiting for the person I like to return” to refuse any engagements His Majesty might arrange for him. After Klaire returned, he could use “Klaire hasn’t found his footing in the Morningstar Corps yet” as a reason to delay his marriage. As it turned out, Klaire flew up the ranks and was promoted to major general in one short year. His excuses had been completely used up.

Faced with His Majesty’s gentle, affectionate gaze, Xi Wei hated that he couldn’t dig a hole and bury himself in it. He couldn’t help but complain at heart. Klaire, what are you doing putting in so much effort? Couldn’t you take your time a bit? Is it impossible to rise to major general after ten years?

When His Majesty saw Xi Wei’s complicated expression, he finally couldn’t help but come down from his throne and gently pat his son’s shoulder. He asked, “What’s wrong? Do you have any objections?”

“I...” Xi Wei didn’t know what was best to say.

Berg interrupted, “Is it that you’re still not ready? You feel like it’s too early for marriage?”

Sure enough, his uncle knew him! As if he’d found a lifesaver, Xi Wei nodded hard and said, “Yes, I think it’s too early to marry!”

Berg smiled and said, “So let’s set the engagement first.”

Xi Wei: “...”

Berg looked back at His Majesty. “Brother, what do you think? Klaire’s only just been promoted to major general. He still needs some time to take over the work at the Morningstar Corps. Holding a wedding now really is a bit rushed. What’s more, General Byron is sure to prepare a separate villa for this pair of newlyweds. Otherwise, when Xi Wei has his heat later on, it’s not like he can live together with his elders.”

Xi Wei: “...”

“That’s what I was thinking. We should take the opportunity this New Year to arrange the engagement, so the elders’ minds can be at ease.” His Majesty Trand looked back at Queen Anna. “As for the official wedding, let’s wait until General Byron has everything ready next year and hold it then.”

Anna smiled and said, “Your Majesty said it right. When Madam Grace hears this news, she’ll definitely be very happy! She’s already picked out Xi Wei’s home for after their wedding. It’s at 101 Fern Street, right between the palace and General Byron’s official residence. As long as Your Majesty approves, they can start construction right away.”

Trand nodded in satisfaction. “Yes, Madam Grace does things pretty considerately. After Xi Wei gives birth to a prince, it’ll be convenient for him to carry the child back to the palace.”

Xi Wei: “...”

The more the three elders chatted, the happier they became. They even started talking about hugging their grandchildren and that kind of thing. His Majesty said that Xi Wei had to have four children at least, while the Queen thought that four was too many, and would be too exhausting for Xi Wei. Berg said that it was best to let these kinds of things take their natural course... They talked and talked, and when they looked back, they found that the main topic of discussion, Xi Wei, had disappeared without a trace.

His Majesty said, surprised, “What happened to Xi Wei?!”

Berg smiled and said, “He ran away.”

Anna rubbed her forehead. “Maybe he was shy.”

Xi Wei didn’t know about being shy, he just felt that staying there listening to his father and mother discuss the question of how many children he would have in the future really made the hairs down his back stand up!

So he took the opportunity when they weren’t paying attention to sneak away.

He took a walk around the palace to let himself calm down. He really felt that this matter couldn’t be handled this way.

After he returned to his room, he immediately had Egret connect to Bluestar’s communicator.

When he received Egret’s communications signal, Bluestar got very excited. He immediately opened the message channel, jumped out and said, “Egret, Egret, did you miss me? That’s good, so you’ve finally learned how to think of me?”

Egret calmly interrupted him. “I’m looking for your owner.”

“...Oh.” Bluestar dejectedly yelled for his owner. Just then, Klaire was giving a toast to some generals with his father. He suddenly found that the blue ring on his finger had lit up. That pale, soft blue light was the light effect he had set up especially for Egret. With one look, he could tell it was a message Egret had sent him.

Klaire couldn’t get away at the moment, so he had Bluestar reply saying they’d talk later.

Half an hour later, Klaire seized an opportunity to leave the banquet hall, and went to a quiet lounge nearby. He closed the door, then took Egret’s call, smiled and said, “Xi Wei, what were you looking for me for?”

Xi Wei frowned. “Are you busy? You only replied after such a long time?”

“Sorry.” Klaire said softly, “Just now, I was toasting some generals with my father. It’d be too impolite if I left, so I had no way to contact you for the moment. What’s wrong? Why’s your expression so bad?”

Xi Wei said depressedly, “My father just called me over and told me that he wants to arrange our engagement for this New Year.”

Klaire: “...”

Xi Wei said angrily, “How did you rise to major general this fast! What am I supposed to do now? What excuse can I still think of to decline?”

—This is exactly the situation I’m happy to see.

Klaire held back laughter in his heart, put on a serious face and said, “Isn’t this pretty good? My parents are worried about my marriage, and your father’s even more worried about you. If we get engaged, we can stop the mouths of the elders on both sides.”

Xi Wei said doubtfully, “Do you think that’s feasible?”

“Of course.” Klaire said seriously, “Do you still remember that movie we shot where the female lead couldn’t find a partner? Her parents were nagging her relentlessly, so she was forced to find a good friend of hers to pretend to be her boyfriend. After she went home, she pretended to get engaged, so her parents would feel at ease. After that, her parents never nagged her again. In any case, she worked in another part of the country, so her parents didn’t know the truth.”

Xi Wei thought of that movie. He had shot that flick when he was just starting out, and he had played the male lead. He was the “good friend” that Klaire had talked about, who the female lead dragged out to be her beard. The movie’s ending was that the two of them pretended and pretended, and actually developed feelings. In the end, they got married for real.

Although finding a fake boyfriend or girlfriend for the sake of dealing with your parents wasn’t an uncommon thing in their previous world, Xi Wei had always felt it wasn’t quite proper at heart. After all, the Empire and their previous world were completely different. In their previous world, marriage was unrestricted, and there wasn’t an exotic setting like alphas and omegas. Don’t talk about marriage, after marriage, you still had to deal with divorce.

Was what they were doing now feasible? What if after getting engaged, they were pushed to marry, and after faking getting married, they were pushed to have children?

Klaire saw him hesitate, and persuaded him softly, “We don’t have a better method right now. After we get engaged, I’ll follow my father back to the Morningstar Corps camp. I’ll be able to count the number of times I’ll come back to the capital planet every year on my fingers. We can think of another way to delay it for a few years. After a few years, if we really can’t drag things out any longer...”

Xi Wei said, “What’ll we do if we can’t drag things out any longer?”

Klaire smiled. “Then let’s just go register to get married.”

“...” Xi Wei stared at him, wide-eyed. “You’re not joking, right?! Us two register to get married?”

Klaire shrugged. “You don’t want to marry an alpha, and I don’t want to marry a fragile omega. It’ll be mutually beneficial for us to register to get married. Anyway, I’m confident in your acting, and my acting isn’t bad either. Concealing this from others won’t be a problem. Didn’t we live together before? Just take it as returning to when you were an actor.”

Back then, when he was an actor, Klaire had indeed lived with him as his manager. The two of them had lived on neighboring floors for many years, and were very familiar with each other’s living habits.

Klaire said jokingly, “Don’t worry, even if you’re an omega, I won’t do anything to you.”

Xi Wei did feel reassured at this. Although long afterwards, he would regret this until his intestines turned green, at least for now, he didn’t bear the slightest suspicion towards Klaire. The way he saw it, Klaire’s suggestion was just the way good bros helped each other out. If these two straight guys who wanted to get married and rent a house together to fool others were successful, it really would be a method that would deal with things once and for all. With Klaire, he wouldn’t have to worry that his parents would force him into marriage for the rest of his life.

Xi Wei carefully considered the stakes, then said decisively, “Fine, let’s take it one step at a time. We’ll get engaged first and then see.”

Klaire said quickly, “Yes, that’s the best way.”

Xi Wei paused, then couldn’t help but say, “I can’t possibly marry an alpha, so I want to fake an engagement and fool my parents. But what about you? Klaire, don’t you want to marry a gentle and soft omega beauty and take her home to be your wife?”

He finally thought of the crux of the problem. Klaire feigned seriousness and said, “I’m completely uninterested in the omegas of this world. When I hear about heat and the like, it sounds just like what wild beasts do. What’s more, most omegas have such delicate bodies, and they love to act spoiled and clingy. You know my personality; women who cling to me all the time annoy me the most. Besides, my father plans to hand the Morningstar Corps over to me. Dealing with military affairs every day is more than enough to keep me busy.”

“If you delay your state of wedded bliss for the sake of helping me, I’ll feel very bad about it,” Xi Wei said seriously.

Klaire thought at heart: You absolutely shouldn’t feel bad, it’s I who should feel sinful!

Xi Wei thought it over and said, “Actually, omega girls aren’t all like you said. Like my little sisters Sia and Celine, I think they’re well-behaved, beautiful, smart and not clingy. If you meet a girl you like later on, just tell me. We’ll think of a way when the time comes.”

Klaire started to smile. “Alright, we’ll do it like that then.”

He had succeeded in getting Xi Wei to take the bait. Although Klaire felt a sense of guilt, Xi Wei had a straightforward personality and a violent way of dealing with things. It was impossible for him to outright confess and chase after him hard. For the sake of his future lifelong happiness, using warm water to boil a frog and slowly bring Xi Wei into his own territory was the best method.

The New Year 797 of the universal calendar was a year worth remembering for many.

There was finally someone who dared to ask for the hand of the Empire’s most violent omega prince. It was said that it was the youngest major general in the empire right now, General Bryon’s eldest son Klaire. The two of them were getting engaged on New Year’s Eve!

Like a bomb thrown in water, this piece of news instantly stirred up thousands of waves. The media made countless, continuous reports, and all the big forums were buzzing with activity.

“Klaire is really a brave man for daring to marry Xi Wei!”

“As an alpha, I express my sincere admiration for Klaire. Don’t mention rising to major general at such a young age, he actually dares to marry a big beast and take him back home, he’s too brave!”

“I really sympathize with Klaire. You say, if those two really do marry, will Xi Wei beat him every day?”

“Taming an omega like Xi Wei really is very difficult, but I’m optimistic about Klaire. It’s said that the two of them are childhood sweethearts, so even if Xi Wei wants to beat him, he should still be held back by a little sentiment, right?”

“No matter what, there’s finally someone who wants our empire’s eldest prince. Everyone should applaud and celebrate!”

Xi Wei saw these replies on the forum, and he really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

If the Imperial citizens found out that he and Klaire were pretending, how would they react? It would definitely be interesting. But he’d better not upset the citizens’ hearts. First he’d deal with his parents, and then he’d think about it.

On New Year’s Day, not only did Princess Sia and Princess Celine who had married off to faraway galaxies come back to the palace, bringing their alphas, even the little prince Caesar asked for leave from St. Paul Academy and came to attend his elder brother’s engagement banquet.

Sia and Celine readied their formal attire with their mother and went out. Caesar stayed in his brother’s room, and he looked like he was in a bit of a bad mood. “Brother, are you really getting engaged to that Klaire? Exactly what’s good about him?”

Xi Wei smiled and said, “He tested into St. Romia Military Academy when he was sixteen, while you’re eighteen this year and still haven’t got in. That shows he’s at least smarter than you.”

Caesar said, unconvinced, “I’m going to take the exam this year, and I’ll definitely get full marks. Even if I took it when I was sixteen, I could pass. It was Father who didn’t want to let me take the test that early.”

Xi Wei walked over and patted his shoulder. “All right, I know you’re reluctant for your brother to leave, so when you look at Klaire you find all sorts of ways in which he’s displeasing. We’re only getting engaged today, that’s all. Can you act a little friendlier to Klaire?”

Caesar gave a “Humph,” turned and left.

Xi Wei smiled and shook his head. Time really passed fast. His youngest brother was going to take the standard graduation exam next year, and he himself was twenty-three years old. In an empire where omegas generally married at eighteen, he really was an old maid. No wonder his father and mother were so anxious. He hoped that this year, after getting engaged, he could let his father and mother be at ease for the time being, so they wouldn’t have to worry over him anymore.

In the afternoon, Queen Anna called Xi Wei into the palace to try on formal attire. Although he didn’t feel too pleased at heart, seeing how happy and excited his mother and little sisters were, he didn’t have the heart to burst their bubble. He could only cooperate and put on the imperial royal family’s gorgeous ceremonial robes.

Queen Anna had personally commissioned this ceremonial uniform. White was the main color, with delicately embroidered blue and gold lacing intermingling. It was tailored to be very close-fitting, and when Xi Wei wore it, it set off his physique so he looked well-proportioned, tall and straight. He vividly displayed the noble temperament of the royal family.

Xi Wei had had both red lips and white teeth to start with. When he dressed up like this, he made it so that people couldn’t move their eyes away.

As Queen Anna helped her son straighten his collar, she smiled and said, “Our Xi Wei really is getting more and more good-looking. I really feel a little reluctant to give you away to someone else.”

Celine also said, “That’s right, even though Brother’s older than us, we also feel reluctant to give him to Klaire.”

Xi Wei smiled and said, “Then I won’t get engaged, I’ll stay in the palace all my life and keep you company.”

Anna gave him a glare and rebuked, “How could you do that? You’ve already grown up, you need to have your own household and children. After you’ve had your children, you need to bring them back to the palace from time to time and let your mother take a look, understand?”

Xi Wei rubbed his nose in embarrassment. “We’ve only just gotten engaged... Mother, you’re thinking too far ahead.”

Anna smiled and said, “It’s not far away, not far, it’s just a matter of two or three years.”

Xi Wei sank into silence, and pondered at heart...should he have the Underground Alliance research a new type of drug, the kind that can make an omega completely lose their fertility?

It wasn’t just Xi Wei who was dressing up in splendid clothes today. Madam Grace made Klaire dress up properly as well.

He’d just risen to major general a few days ago. He wore a brand-new military uniform that was specially commissioned for him. The deep blue outer coat of the Morningstar Corps major general uniform was paired with a white shirt. With a black leather belt and black tall boots added on, it made him seem especially spirited.

He’d been handsome in the first place, and wearing a uniform like that, he seemed even more striking and compelling. The major general badge on his shoulder represented his respected status.

As a young and promising major general, he really could match up to His Majesty’s beloved Imperial eldest prince.

Madam Grace patted Klaire’s shoulder, satisfied. She smiled and said, “Not bad, my son’s so handsome, Xi Wei will definitely like it.”

Klaire smiled and said, “Mom, what about the ring? I have to carry it with me.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve already gotten it ready for you.”

Klaire took the red velvet box from his mother’s hands, and opened it to examine the ring. He had specially found a jeweler to commission this engagement ring from, and he had spent no small amount of money on the rush order. The precious diamond on the top really drew one’s gaze, but what was most important was what was inside the ring. There was a line of small letters carved on the inner surface. They were Klaire and Xi Wei’s names, and if you didn’t look carefully, it was very difficult to find them.

Klaire smiled and put the ring away. He faced the mirror and took a look at himself, then followed his parents out the door.

Tonight, the banquet hall was bustling. Not to mention that all the officers of rank major general and above in the military showed up, all the friends and relatives of the royal family had come, even the princesses who rarely made appearances. The importance His Majesty attached to Xi Wei’s marriage could clearly be seen.

It was no wonder. The imperial citizens had jibed daily that “Our eldest prince definitely can’t be married off.” His Majesty Trand had worried until his hair was about to go white.

Klaire arrived at seven o’clock at night. He was immediately met by everyone’s earsplitting applause. His Majesty looked at this young, handsome major general of the Morningstar Corps, and showed a rare smile.

At almost the same time, the long-awaited Xi Wei, who’d been meticulously dressed up by Queen Anna, finally arrived at the banquet hall. josei

Xi Wei’s acting was still pretty praiseworthy. His face carrying a smile, he walked step by step down the staircase. Everyone felt their field of view brightening. Although the Imperial eldest prince had a violent character, and the people affectionately called him a big beast, his looks and figure were excellent among male omegas. He wasn’t pale and delicate like many omegas. His full forehead, rosy lips and straight nose, added onto his slender eyebrows, gave a hint of valor to the beauty of his features.

Wearing an exquisite, sumptuous royal uniform, he slowly descended the steps without saying a word. He showed the bearing of a king, as if he were a sovereign looking out on his realm.

Many people couldn’t help but think that if he was an alpha, he would actually be very suitable for inheriting His Majesty Trand’s throne.

From the moment Xi Wei appeared, Klaire’s gaze was fixed on him. This was the person he had liked for two lifetimes. Whether he was Best Actor at an award ceremony, or today’s prince, he had always been this magnetic. Every time, Klaire couldn’t stop his gaze from following him.

Klaire’s gentle gaze was fastened on Xi Wei. He watched Xi Wei walk towards him, and his heart started beating fiercely.

Although he’d used clumsy means to deceive him, and set up a gentle trap for him, today was a day he’d been waiting decades for.

Klaire walked slowly up to him, and stopped half a meter away from him. The two of them looked at each other. To Xi Wei, this look was a silent agreement to act out this play, but to outsiders, this kind of look was one hundred percent a display of public affection. It caused great harm to the hearts of many single people present.

When the two leads had arrived, His Majesty Trand smiled and declared, “Let the engagement banquet begin!”

The lighting in the banquet hall suddenly brightened, and applause thundered.

The engagement ceremony wasn’t as complicated as a wedding ceremony. The royal family’s dedicated master of ceremonies presided over matters according to procedure. The two parties first toasted their elders, then in front of everyone, the alpha put the ring on the omega’s finger, and the ceremony was over.

Klaire walked side by side with Xi Wei to their elders to toast them.

After pouring red wine into their goblets, the two of them politely lifted their cups. First they toasted His Majesty and the Queen, and then they toasted General Byron and Madam Grace. The four elders drained their cups, formally acknowledging the relationship between the two.

Next was the part where the omega put on the engagement ring. Klaire took out the ring and lifted Xi Wei’s hand.

Xi Wei felt a little uncomfortable, and wanted to retract his fingers. But Klaire pulled his hand gently, and lightly slipped the ring onto his ring finger.

The custom-made diamond ring glittered almost blindingly under the light. The applause around them turned even more earsplitting.

According to the imperial custom, when an alpha put a ring on an omega’s finger, it was just like marking. It meant “You’re mine now.”

Klaire looked at the ring glittering on Xi Wei’s finger, and couldn’t help the corners of his mouth rising in a smile.

—Great, he’d trapped Xi Wei with a ring. It’d be difficult now if he wanted to escape later on!

The MC went on, “Next, would the alpha please kiss his omega to show his sincerity towards this engagement.”

Xi Wei: “...”

Fuck me! How come there’s still a kissing part? Isn’t the kiss reserved for the wedding?

When Xi Wei heard this, he was clearly caught off guard, and a hint of panic flashed in his eyes.

Klaire, on the other hand, was perfectly calm. He caught hold of Xi Wei’s waist, leaned over and kissed him.


His agile tongue pried open Xi Wei’s teeth and ventured in, gently licking the inner walls of his mouth, tangling with his tongue, twirling and sucking.

Xi Wei was kissed strongly. He opened his eyes wide incredulously, and reached out to push him away. Klaire, however, suddenly wrapped him tightly in his arms.


There were so many people watching around them. Xi Wei wanted to push him away, but Klaire really threw himself into the kiss, apparently having gotten into his role. Inside, Xi Wei felt completely at a loss. He hesitated a moment, and for fear of making his father lose face, could only stand rigidly still with embarrassment.

After he ended the long, deep kiss, Klaire stepped back, smiled and kissed Xi Wei’s forehead. “I love you,” he said softly.

Xi Wei: “...”

Bro, the prize for Best Actor should’ve been given to you! You’re actually getting more invested the more you act?

Xi Wei held back the impulse to beat him up, squeezed out a smile, and said, “ too.”

Klaire hugged Xi Wei happily.

Inside, Xi Wei was wildly rolling his eyes.

Although it was his first time being kissed, and he couldn’t quite adapt to it, Klaire’s kiss was very gentle and didn’t make him feel disgusted. It was also very normal for them to hug after a kiss to show their love.

So Xi Wei ignored the awkwardness he felt and returned Klaire’s hug, continuing to help him act out this show.

After embracing each other gently, the two of them walked hand in hand down into the banquet hall to say hello to their acquaintances and give toasts. To the eyes of everyone there, they looked very well-matched.

Klaire snuck a glance at Xi Wei. His pulse was fast and irregular.

When he was kissing him just now, he almost couldn’t hold it in. After liking him for so many years, today he had finally kissed him for the first time. Klaire was so excited it couldn’t be described in words.

Luckily Xi Wei had already entered into acting mode automatically, and hadn’t noticed that Klaire’s arms had been trembling slightly when he kissed him.

When he saw Xi Wei’s calm expression and his “I’m an actor dedicated to my work” attitude, Klaire couldn’t help but smile slightly and tighten his arms around him.

It doesn’t matter, Xi Wei. One day, I’ll make you slowly realize—I love you, and it isn’t an act.


16 hours and 29 minutes for 4,410 words, or 22.4 minutes for every 100 words. A new record, and an increase in rate by 10.1 minutes—almost twice as long. I tried a new method where I filled a row of binder paper for every character I didn’t know. Not doing that again.

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