Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: The Light and the Dark

In the welcome party, only the princess was in the sour mood. Everyone was coming back to their early mood and began to talk what happened. They were praising the King and even the Queen even though she did nothing.

Anything just to bootlick them, they would exaggerate anything.

Princess Alisera was pouting as many tried to approach and appease her with their gifts. However, even after all the gifts she received, she still couldn't forget about how Avion left her.

'Why did he left me?' she was pondering which only Avion knows the answer.

Since they were there, the King and Queen stayed for a little longer while taking the praise from these bootlickers. The nobles began to greet the King one by one with a polite speech.

They couldn't approach princess Alisera who was still in a sour mood.

The party went smoothly if Princess Alisera's behavior was not mentioned. Jhin and Van couldn't even come near to Princess Alisera in the party that they had to leave in with drooped shoulders. The King and Queen left Alisera in Edora's care and went back to the Karan Kingdom since what they did was inappropriate.

Edora escaped her punishment and was in a bright mood to take care of the Princess. Inside the Royal Mansion, areas were separated for each of the royalties. They have their own bathroom and dinner table.

If they wanted to, they can invite one another but Princess Alisera had no intention of doing that.

In her night gown, Alisera dropped on the soft bed and began to punch and kick it. It was already midnight and she was inside her her big bedroom.

That bedroom could easily fit a family of twelve with still space to spare. It was as large as the house of the people in the middle-class. However, it was already so little for the Princess.

While Alisera was complaining to herself, she heard a knock on the door, then a voice came in;

"Princess, I brought your midnight snack."

Grumpily she answered, "Come in."

The door opened and Edora entered with a plate on her had and a comforting smile on her face. She came in to brighten up the princess while bringing in what she promised.

Not only did she seamlessly escaped her plausible punishment, Avion, her archenemy disappeared as she hoped that he will never come back again. She wished that what she said before to alleviate the tense atmosphere in the party was true and that Avion was really intimidated by the King.

After all, who wouldn't get intimidated by the King, whom, not only had his "might" face and built but also, being the strongest person in the Karan Kingdom and currently, in the Trading-Hills Capital.

Since Avion was gone, no one can deny what she said about being beaten by him. In exchange for pleasing the King, she lowered her image in front of the nobles.

But what is better? Being like by the King or the nobles?

The answer was obvious and that was why Edora thought that it was greatly worth it. If someone did deny what she said, she had someone to testify what she said and that was Mera, who saw her shameful state earlier after being slapped by Avion multiple times.

After remembering what Avion did to her, Edora's blood began to boil but she didn't let this ruin her moon.

'Relax, relax, that man is gone and everything went fine.'

She didn't care about the image of the princess which was still damaged today with a slap. All she cared about was herself, as long as she was not blamed for it, she didn't worry. As long as she did her job right on the surface, she was fine with it.

"Here is the ice cream, my Princess." Edora politely nodded.

Gulping in front of her favorite sweets, Alisera sat up and took the cup which was on the plate and began to cool herself down as she eat her first spoon of the ice cream.

Her face began to light up.

But as she enjoys her midnight snack, trying to cheer herself up, the door opened without a knock.

"An enemy!?"Edora quickly took a defensive form while being surprised as she didn't sense anyone coming near them.

Who could possibly enter the room of the princess without knocking? It must definitely an idiot or an enemy. Since Edora didn't feel their presence, it must be someone stronger and there had never been a strong idiot. Through this unconventional logic, Edora determined that it was an enemy.

Immediately, she took out her sword but was also abruptly stopped when she heard;josei

"Its us, Edora." the soft voice of the Queen stopped her.

Hearing this, Edora immediately kneeled down after she saw that it was the King and Queen, "My King, My Queen, I apologize for unsheathing my sword." she hastily said. She couldn't lose what she just accomplished just because she was doing her job.

"It's fine. It's good that you are always in your defense." the King ignored her after leaving a simple remark.

Edora then nodded.

"Pa... Ma..." Alisera frowned upon looking at them. She thought that they already went back to the Karan Kingdom.

In reality, they were in their way but turned back as they cannot leave their sad daughter alone.

That is how they love her and that further spoiled her.

If only they knew.

If only time didn't turn back then things would've been so different. it would be much messier but thanks to Avion, everything turned fine. That was, of course, except for Avion himself.

Without any direction in his path, he found himself in the darkest area of the city, the worst place even in the slums.

With his clothes that make him seem like a noble, people who were desperate will obviously try to target him. A lonely man in the darkest corner of the city.

On the other hand, the inexperienced Avion wasn't aware of them.

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