Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 133 132-Sparring, Heartfire(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 133 132-Sparring, Heartfire(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 133 Chapter 132-Sparring, Heartfire(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Fias laughs awkwardly, hastily drawing in his giant wings.

The burning flames that engulfed him slowly extinguished.

"Sorry, I was taken aback for a moment," he apologized. "The news you just shared was quite shocking..."

John grins, finding this fire dragon unexpectedly peaceful and docile, completely contrary to his initial expectations.

The innate arrogance typical of dragonkind is entirely absent in Fias.

John's face suddenly takes on a strange look.

He asks tentatively, "So... are you really a dragon?"

"Of course! I am the first fire dragon in the world and the progenitor of all fire dragons!" Fias retorts with a surge of anger when questioned about his lineage.

"Why do you doubt me?" Fias growls, clearly unhappy about John's suspicion. "You know so much about ancient secrets, so why question my identity?"

John shakes his head and calmly responds, "Don't get upset. I'm not questioning your identity. I'm just curious why you're so calm and composed, unlike any other dragons I've met."

Fias then realizes John's meaning and his voice becomes calmer, "Ah, I see. You wonder why I don't match your preconceived notions. Well, when I first came into being, I was just as arrogant as any other dragon, quick to blaze at the slightest dissatisfaction. However, after witnessing numerous powerful deities with my master, I realized I'm just an ordinary creature in this world, albeit a member of a rare species..."

John nods, beginning to understand.

Indeed, dragons may be at the top of the food chain in the Godslayer continent, but compared to the almighty deities, they aren't all that impressive.

Unless one becomes a deity, no matter how powerful, they are still just a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things.

Fias, his golden eyes boring into John, suddenly asks, "What is your current level of strength?"

John answers vaguely, "More or less the same as yours. Maybe a bit stronger."

Fias chokes on his response, looking doubtful, "You must be quite well-known in the human world, right? After all, it's rare for humans to have such powerful beings..."

John's answer is still nonchalant, "Not really famous. I prefer to keep a low profile."

Suddenly intrigued, Fias suggests, "I'm really curious about your abilities. How about we have a little sparring match?"

John immediately grimaces, "Better not. I'm afraid I might hit too hard and accidentally kill you."

That response triggers Fias even more.

His anger flares as he roars, "Arrogant! Do you know who you're dealing with? I am a dragon under the seat of the Fire God, the progenitor of all fire dragons! What makes you so confident to utter such words?"

John looks exasperated.

Dragons, despite their attempts to conceal their nature, would never change their inherent character.

Even Fias, when it comes to matters of dragon dignity, becomes erratic and unpredictable.

However, John doesn't feel like engaging in a fight now.

He only came to help Emma complete her "Fire Dragon Mage" class change.

"Let's just forget it. Now that my companion has become a fire dragon mage, we'll meet again in the future..."

But Fias is near losing his cool.

John's constant refusals are perceived as deep insults.

So, the fire dragon roars even louder, "No! We must spar today! The honor of dragonkind cannot be insulted!"

John throws his hands up in exasperation, "How have I insulted you, exactly?"

"By rejecting my challenge!"

John: "..."

After pondering for a moment, John suddenly came up with an idea.

He smirked, purposely showing a disdainful look: "How about this, we limit it to a single move, whoever can't decipher the other's ability is the loser, okay?"

Fias cracked open his large mouth, his sharp teeth glittering with a cold light.

"Fine, it's a deal!"

From John's perspective, He could clearly see that a fang on the right side of this fire dragon's mouth was completely broken at the root.

Now John finally knew where the 'Fias's tooth' in his class came from...

John stood upright with his hands folded behind his back.

Almost simultaneously, both of them released their auras.

Two currents of aura clashed in this space,

Whipping up gusts of wind.

John's tattered cloak rustled loudly in the wind.

"You can go first."

Even at this point, John's voice was still nonchalant.

Such an attitude only further fueled the raging fire in Fias's heart.

The ancient dragon, who had lived for who knows how long, showed a grim smile: "Well then, no need to be polite..."

From the previous clash of auras, Fias had already felt John's immense strength.

As soon as their auras made contact, Fias was immediately put on the defensive.

This made Fias secretly shocked.

He himself was incredibly close to the threshold of becoming a god,

But compared to the human in front of him, he was far inferior in strength.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't sense the aura of Order from John,

Fias would have doubted whether this human was a newly ascended god.

Since John allowed him to make the first move,

Fias naturally wouldn't hold back.

In those enormous golden vertical pupils of the fire dragon,

A streak of blood-red light suddenly appeared.

It opened its mouth wide,

Roaring silently.

No sound came out,

But the temperature of this space began to rise at a visible rate.

Until at last, the air itself seemed to catch fire.

The space was filled with waves of heat ripples, akin to flames.

John frowned.

He could feel that an invisible force had suddenly invaded his body.

His physical body didn't feel anything,

But his mental power in his mind was quietly boiling.

[Heartfire (Divine Skill): Exclusive talent skill of fire dragon Fias. Once unleashed, it can directly burn the soul of the opponent, causing irreversible damage to their spirit, and ultimately completely annihilating the opponent at the soul level...]

John didn't know the details of this skill.

But he could feel that his spiritual world in his mind was indeed under a constant barrage of searing attacks.

Seeing John standing motionless for a long time, Fias snorted arrogantly, fire spurting from his nostrils.

This was his most powerful trump card, the first talent skill he had grasped from the moment of his birth.

During the divine wars of millennia past, even those high-ranking demonic royals of the abyss suffered under his Heartfire attack.

No matter how powerful this human in front of him was, he couldn't possibly deflect his skill unscathed!

However, despite Fias's expectation, John's aura never wavered.

Even though John was still standing there motionless, his inner aura was always strong.

The smile gradually disappeared from Fias's face.

Of course, he didn't think his skill would directly annihilate John's soul, considering the human's strength was a great deal higher than his own.

But wasn't it supposed to cause at least some damage?

After a long while, John exhaled.

He stretched lazily, showing a refreshed expression. "It's been a long time since I've experienced such an impact on my spiritual world..."

Fias's dragon eyes widened, and a shockingly human-like surprise appeared on his face. " is this possible? You completely withstood my Heartfire?"

John's mouth curled up, not giving a direct answer, but his expression said it all.

Fias's head drooped in defeat.

Facts speak louder than words.

His pride and joy, his talent skill, indeed failed to inflict any damage on John.

What Fias didn't know was that John had experienced such so-called spiritual attacks countless times. josei

Through repeated deaths in the Godslayer Temple, John's spirit was honed to the utmost.

That was the spiritual impact of The Devil Azazel, far more potent than Fias's Heartfire.

Eventually, John could directly confront the mental damage inflicted by The Devil.

After leaving the Godslayer Temple, even John himself was unclear about how resilient his spiritual world had become.

"Alright, I admit you're really powerful. Over the years, I've never seen a human who has trained to your level..." Fias grumbled, lifting his head again, golden vertical pupils filled with anticipation, "Now it's your turn."

John fell into deep thought.

He didn't know which skill to use against Fias.

He had grasped too many powerful skills, some of which he couldn't even control their power.

Rubbing his chin, John started to select an appropriate skill.

After all, the dragon's internal injuries hadn't fully healed yet.

If his skill is too powerful, he might kill this guy outright.

That would be a case of more loss than gain.

If Akris finds out that his companion dragon died by his hand, Emma's future class development would inevitably be affected.

After careful selection, John finally made a decision.

Sigh, having too many skills is also not a good thing...

If other players knew about John's "Versailles syndrome" thought, they'd probably be so mad they'd spit blood on the spot.

"Come on, are you ready yet? Show me your most powerful move!" Fias was already impatient on the other side.

Although the fact that his own attack was easily dissolved by John was quite vexing for Fias, he was still looking forward to John's upcoming assault.

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