Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 136 135-Class Change Completed, Farewell to Fias(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 136 135-Class Change Completed, Farewell to Fias(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 136 Chapter 135-Class Change Completed, Farewell to Fias(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Emma slowly opened her eyes, her gaze still somewhat confused.

The red light that had been swirling around her petite body had been completely drawn into her.

She was surprised to find that the pale blue barrier of her SeaShield had completely disappeared.

At this point, she was entirely immersed in the hot magma, but she didn't feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, it felt as warm as if she were soaking in a hot spring.

Emma, being cheeky, stretched out her hand and gently moved it in the magma.

The hot magma flowed with the movement of her fingers.

Ripples stirred in the magma.

"How does it feel?"

John teleported beside Emma.

Looking up, Emma revealed a radiant smile on her pretty face. "Johnny, I feel amazing right now. The fire elements here are so dense. They're like little spirits dancing around me."

John raised an eyebrow, his expression strange.

He couldn't sense any dancing fire element spirits.

But if Emma said so, it implied her affinity with the fire element had reached an incredible height.

She was able to clearly perceive the molecular existence of fire elements with her mental power.

This was impossible without a high affinity for the fire attribute.

Then, Fias's gentle and rugged voice rang out, "Congratulations, lass. You've now become a Fire Dragon Mage."

Emma finally realized.

She quickly opened her attribute panel:

[Name: Emma]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mage (Fire)]

[Advanced Class: Fire Dragon Mage]

[Level: 60]

[Attributes: ...]

As expected, her advanced class had changed from the previous Pyromancer to the more powerful Fire Dragon Mage.

Her attributes had also significantly improved from before, and she had gained two additional skills exclusive to the Fire Dragon Mage.

[Fire Dragon's Song (Unique Talent): Level 1, exclusive to Fire Dragon Mage. It can summon a flaming dragon, causing high damage to enemies within a straight line of 500 yards. For each enemy killed, damage increases by 1%, up to 20%...]

[Flame Dragon's Roar (Unique Talent): Level 1, exclusive to Fire Dragon Mage. After releasing, it will cause a five-second mental stun to enemies. During these 5 seconds, the enemies' movement speed will decrease by 90%, reaction speed will decrease by 80%...]

Emma excitedly showcased the information on these two skills.

John nodded lightly.

Both skills had pretty good initial attributes.

One was an area of effect attack, the other was an area of effect control.

They matched the style of the Mage class perfectly.

Considering Emma was focused on high-damage fire magic, these two skills would significantly enhance her attack power.

John thought for a moment and said softly, "From now on, all skill points you get from leveling up should be prioritized for these two skills. Try to max them out first."

Emma immediately looked troubled. "Ah? In that case, won't my fishing skill not be able to level up?"

John felt like facepalming.

He rubbed Emma's head a bit exasperatedly, and said earnestly, "Emma, this is a competitive game, your personal strength is what matters most. I don't mind you liking fishing, but we can't lose sight of our priorities, right?"

Emma nodded in confusion.

Even though this girl was quite relaxed and didn't care much about her power levels, she had one significant merit - she was obedient.

If Johnny said she needed to focus on improving her strength, she'd sincerely invest her class skill points.

John held Emma's hand and turned to the dragon, Fias, "Regardless, we are grateful that you passed on the Fire Dragon Mage class to this girl. Now that we've achieved our objective, we should be on our way..."

Fias smiled and said, "No need for formalities. It was my lord's wish to pass on the Fire Dragon Mage class. This girl is predestined with my lord and a natural fire Mage, so it's fitting she received the Fire Dragon Mage class. I hope she will diligently practice and not let the glory of the flame down."

John responded simply, "Of course." After a pause, he suddenly asked, "Now that your injuries are healed, when will you leave Twin Volcano and return to the Divine Realm?"

Fias gave a bitter smile and shook his head, "Not anytime soon, my quest also includes watching over Sunset Mountain, to prevent abyssal invasion..."

John looked puzzled, "Well, you seem to be slacking off. Sunset Mountain is almost entirely corrupted by the monsters of the abyss now. Apart from the areas guarded by beings like you at the Demigod level, all other places have fallen."

Fias's face turned white. "What? How could this be?"

John responded calmly, "You've been sleeping beneath Twin Volcano these years, naturally, you're unaware. I think the other Demigod level beings guarding Sunset Mountain probably encountered similar problems."

Fias's face gradually grew grave.

His golden vertical pupils filled with a serious look.

"It seems I need to reestablish the mental connection with my lord. This news must be conveyed to the gods."

John nodded and said nonchalantly, "You could try, but I doubt you'll receive much positive feedback. The abyss has been continuously invading Sunset Mountain these years, those gods can't possibly be unaware..."

"They didn't react much, they must have been caught up in something..."

Fias closed his eyes. John clearly saw a touch of red light rising on Fias's forehead.

The light gradually brightened and finally shot into the sky, entering a certain location overhead.

After a while, Fias opened his eyes, full of shock. "What's happening? Why can't I hear my lord's voice?"

John sighed and looked up at the sky.

His gaze seemed to pierce the layers of clouds, reaching out to the depths of the starry sky.

"Just like I said, those high and mighty gods must have run into more troublesome issues, making them unable to pay attention to the changes in the Godslayer continent..."

Fias didn't dare to delay any longer and stood up hurriedly. "Anyway, I must keep my lord's promise. It's time to clean up the abyssal monsters invading Sunset Mountain..."

John gave a slight smile, offering a suggestion, "You might want to reach out to the other Demigod level beings in the remaining uncontaminated areas. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll struggle against those monsters from the abyss on your own."

Fias nodded seriously. John, holding Emma's hand, suddenly lifted into the air, heading for the mouth of the volcano. As they were leaving, Emma suddenly turned around, her face filled with curiosity, "Mr. Dragon, there's clearly only one peak here, why is it called Twin Volcano?"

Fias, submerged deep in the magma, chuckled bitterly, "When you reach the top of the volcano and look to the north, you'll understand why..."

The mouth of the volcano was still filled with thick smoke and flowing lava.

Holding Emma, John jumped up.

Landing back on the ground, they both instinctively looked to the north.

The sight left them both speechless.

They saw a huge crater to the north.

The ground was riddled with cracks, and various gigantic animal skeletons were scattered everywhere.

A glint shone in John's eyes as he said, "So that's it... It turns out there were originally two volcanoes side by side, and one of them was completely leveled..."

Emma tilted her head slightly.

Although she couldn't fully understand the implications, the scene in front of her was enough to leave her in awe.

"Let's go, we've spent quite some time here, it's time to head back..." John said, holding Emma's hand as they slowly descended the mountain.

Halfway down the volcano, Adam and Blue Sea had been waiting and were getting quite bored.

When the peak of the mountain had shaken and the sky had changed color, they thought they would see John fighting a Demigod level creature.

But the storm passed much quicker than they expected, and the area soon returned to its peaceful state.

This left them a little worried.

Although they knew that John was powerful, his opponent was a Demigod level creature, something that only existed in legends.

Could John really win so easily against such a foe?

Their worries were eased when they saw two figures slowly descending from the top of the mountain.

What followed was a wave of intense gazes. josei

Everyone instinctively looked towards John, hoping to hear from him about the Demigod level creature.

Walking up to the group with Emma, John saw their eager faces and smiled, "Why are you all looking at me like that? Don't tell me you thought we wouldn't make it back?"

Blue Sea nodded earnestly, "We were worried at first, but now we're relieved..."

John rolled his eyes. He really didn't know what to say about these people.

"Galewind, can you tell us about your battle with the demigod?" Adam blurted out with a face full of curiosity. Not only him, everyone else was equally intrigued.

John responded with resignation, "What battle? That creature sleeping in the volcano was quite mellow. We just had a chat..."

Adam's face showed his surprise, "You didn't fight? But why was the whole mountain shaking and the sky changing color?"

John offered a small smile, "We had a bit of a spar, but it hardly counted as a real fight."

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