Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 141 140-John Steps In(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 141 140-John Steps In(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 141 Chapter 140-John Steps In(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Hearing Emma insult him, the fat man became furious and stormed forward, intending to grab Emma, "You cheeky girl, you have quite a sharp tongue. Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Although his words sounded like he wanted to discipline her, his arm's trajectory clearly suggested he wanted to cop a feel.

Emma instinctively tried to dodge, but her back was against a rack of clothes, leaving her with no room to escape.

The fat man's greasy fingers were about to touch Emma.

The young girl was so scared she nearly jumped out of her skin.

It was at this point that Emma realized she had provoked a sleazy, obese, middle-aged man who looked wealthy.

The luridly made-up woman behind the fat man looked delighted, seemingly taking pleasure in Emma's humiliation.

The saleswoman wanted to step in and help, but seeing the fat man's grimacing face, she was too frightened to move.

The man's eyes were filled with lust, and his mouth was twisted in a perverse grin.

His yellow teeth were exposed.

It seemed he was already anticipating the touch he was about to get.

At this critical moment, a strong hand suddenly appeared, tightly gripping the fat man's wrist.

John's voice calmly echoed from the side, "Hey fatso, didn't you notice there's another person here? Who gave you the nerve to bully a girl in broad daylight?"

Seeing his lewd behavior thwarted, the fat man was suddenly livid with rage.

He turned around to look at John, who was calmly looking at him, his eyes glinting with a cold light.

"You damn punk, you'd better let go of me now. Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you're young. Do you know who you're messing with?"

John remained unfazed, responding with a cold smile, "Even if you were God himself, you're not walking out of this store unscathed today."

Emma had already taken refuge behind John, clutching his other arm.

Her scared expression finally eased. Indeed, being next to Johnny was the most comforting.

The middle-aged fat man tried to pull his arm free, but he couldn't budge.

His hand felt as if it was clamped tightly in an iron vise, unable to move even an inch.

Despite exerting all his strength, his face turning beet red, John's grip on his wrist didn't loosen.

"You better let me go now. You don't want to offend me. I'll make sure you regret it," the fat man blustered angrily.

John paid him no mind, instead turning to Emma, jokingly saying, "Scared now, huh? From now on, just ignore scum like this, especially when I'm not around. Your safety is the most important thing, everything else doesn't matter."

Emma pouted, complaining, "You're one to talk, Johnny. I was nearly touched by this fat pig's greasy paw. You should have helped me sooner..."

John merely smiled gently, saying, "This is a lesson for you, so you stop making me worry all the time."

Emma, no longer frightened, hugged John, her face full of happiness, "Got it, Johnny. I promise I won't go around hurling insults like today."

"I'm not talking about your insults. A disgusting pig like him deserved it. But you must always prioritize your safety first, got it?"

John's calm demeanor and elegant attitude, combined with his handsome features, were enchanting.

Emma was a bit entranced, and the saleswomen around were also starry-eyed.

They yearned for such a reliable boyfriend and wished they were the ones clutching John's arm.

As John and Emma exchanged affectionate glances, the greasy fat man grew even more irate. He was a notorious lecher after all.

Over the years, taking advantage of his status and connections, he'd taken liberties with many innocent young girls.

The first sight of Emma had left him infatuated, itching to claim this purely enticing girl for himself.

His carefully crafted ruse didn't lead to his intended groping, instead, he was now under John's control, the laughing stock.

How could the fat man not be enraged?

"Listen here, kid, if you don't let go now, you're going to regret it!" This was an insult the middle-aged man had never encountered before.

He was still roaring, his female companion hurried over, planning to wrestle John's arm to free her lover.

But as soon as she looked up and met John's icy gaze, she froze on the spot, too scared to move.

John, holding Emma's hand, gave her a reassuring look, then turned back to the pompous, greasy fat man, his demeanor suddenly chilling.

"You're after my girlfriend, trying to steal our stuff, and now you're threatening me? Who gave you such courage?"

John's voice seemed to emanate from the depths of hell itself, sending shivers down the spines of the people around.

The fat man was taken aback too.

He hadn't expected such an ordinary-looking young man to exert such a powerful aura.

For a moment, the fat man couldn't gauge John's real identity.

But the intense pain radiating from his wrist pushed him over the edge, he arrogantly challenged, "What's the matter? I want you to bite off more than you can chew. What can you do to me? You jerk, do you even know who I am? How dare you mess with me!"

John didn't care to engage further with such an imbecile.

His fingers exerted a slight pressure.

A crisp "crack" echoed, the sound of breaking bones.

The next second, the fat man's pig-like squeal filled the entire dress shop.

" bastard, why does my hand hurt so much, what did you do?"

The fat man, clutching his wrist, stumbled and fell to one side, crying out in pain.

The glammed-up woman with him hurried to help him up, but he pushed her away.

He glared at John, his eyes filled with malice.

John took a tissue from the nearby bar to wipe his palm, his face full of disgust.

As the fat man wailed, John casually said, "No big deal, just taught you a lesson by crushing your wrist bone."

The fat man's face was one of shock, he even momentarily forgot the pain in his wrist.

Who on earth was this young man?

Could he actually crush his wrist bones so easily?

Is this something a normal person could do?

The fat man's initial reaction was disbelief.

But the intense pain coming from his wrist forced him to admit that what John had said was likely true.

"You're screwed, you bastard! Just wait and see!" Despite being in this predicament, the greasy fat man still didn't change his arrogant tone.

John's lips twitched upwards slightly.

He suddenly took a step forward, scaring the fat man, who was sitting on the ground, into backing away.

However, the years of debauchery had ravaged the fat man's body.

Coupled with his crushed wrist, he was unable to muster any strength.

All he could do was watch as John approached him.

John violently stepped on the fat man's limp hand.

He even deliberately ground his foot into it, ignoring the fat man's sweat-soaked face and screams of pain, he leaned down and said, "Go ahead, tell me about this high-ranking status you've been rambling about. What exactly is it?"

The fat man howled and cried out in pain, "Listen here, I'm a senior department manager at the Taylor Group! You know the Taylor Group, right? It's a behemoth you can't afford to mess with in your lifetime. They have a hand in everything locally, even the mayor has to kowtow to them! You dare to mess with me, you're a dead man!"

Taylor Group? John looked puzzled.

What a coincidence.

He was attending the birthday party of Benjamin Taylor's daughter, the chairman of the group, tomorrow.

And today he bumped into someone from the Taylor Group...this city couldn't be that small, could it?

Seeing John freeze, the fat man under his foot thought John was scared by the name and a smug expression spread across his face.

It even seemed to alleviate some of the pain from his wrist.

He boasted, "Well, are you scared now? Now you know how powerful I am, right? I tell you, we're not done today."

"Unless you hand over your girlfriend to me and kneel down to kowtow to me, I'll make sure you spend your next life in a wheelchair!"

John's brows furrowed, his eyes full of icy coldness.

Even in this pathetic state, he still dared to covet Emma?

This fat man was beyond redemption.

John lifted his foot and kicked the fat man square in the face.

With a "thud," the 200-pound fat man was sent flying several meters, crashing into a nearby wall. In the process, several blood-stained teeth were flung out.

"I told you not to be so arrogant, but you just wouldn't listen. Knowing full well you're spewing crap, yet you continue to make grand statements here..."

John withdrew his foot and sighed, shaking his head.

He had purposely held back most of his strength just now.

Otherwise, that single kick could have sent this fat man straight to hell.

Even so, the fat man was knocked out by John's kick.

His paramour lay on the ground, unconscious.

The glamorous woman was pale from fright.

Even the saleswomen nearby wore shocked expressions. josei

They never expected the seemingly refined young man before them to be so ruthless and decisive.

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