Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 155 154-Furious Benjamin, A Big Misunderstanding(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 155 154-Furious Benjamin, A Big Misunderstanding(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 155 Chapter 154-Furious Benjamin, A Big Misunderstanding(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Along with White and Benjamin, the guests who hadn't dispersed from downstairs also hurried to the third floor after hearing the servant's flustered account.

They were curious about what had occurred in the rest area.

Knowing that the servants in the Taylor mansion were highly trained and capable of dealing with minor issues, they wouldn't disturb their masters unless it was a major incident.

When they saw Christopher under John's foot, they were shocked.

Hearing Benjamin's question, John merely smiled and didn't respond immediately.

Instead, Christopher, still struggling, yelled, "Uncle Taylor, it's me, Christopher! Don't you remember?"

Benjamin furrowed his brow, trying hard to remember.

But he still couldn't recall who this young man causing trouble with John was.

Seeing that Benjamin hadn't spoken, Christopher grew anxious and continued, "I am the son of Alexander Martin, the CEO of Ocean Entertainment..."

Alexander Martin's son?

Benjamin suddenly realized.

He hadn't interacted much with Christopher, but he was quite familiar with Alexander Martin.

They both owned companies in the city and often got together for tea and chats.

"Uncle Taylor, help me!" Seeing Benjamin seemed to remember his identity, Christopher was overjoyed and cried out loudly for help.

But Benjamin did not move at all, only turning his probing gaze to John.

White next to him was completely silent, as if he had not seen what was happening at all.

Finally, John spoke, downplaying the situation, "Chairman Taylor, do you have history with this sleazy creep?"

Benjamin shook his head, calmly replying, "I haven't seen the boy much, but I do have a good relationship with his father." John nodded, but the foot on Christopher's face showed no signs of being removed.

"In that case, let me give Chairman Taylor a reasonable explanation. You might want to see for yourself in the room, then you'll understand why I took action against this guy..."

Hearing John's words, Christopher went pale.

He just remembered that Amelia was still unconscious on the bed in the room...

Benjamin frowned and glanced towards the room.

With his experience, he didn't need to ask to understand what had happened.

His gaze towards Christopher became cold.

"So you did such despicable things at my daughter's birthday party. Alexander Martin really has a wonderful son!" Christopher's face went completely white.

He knew he was in big trouble...

Without even looking at Christopher, Benjamin turned to White and said, "Nicholas, give Alexander Martin a call. Tell him what his beloved son has done here and ask him to give me a reasonable explanation."

White nodded, took out his phone, and walked away to make the call.

The surrounding onlookers, all showed curious expressions.

These kind of things were not a big deal in their social class.

Messing with a female star, even using despicable means, as long as it wasn't exposed in public, it would at most become a topic of conversation over drinks, to be laughed off.

But Christopher, the fool, was so brazen about it, that was inexcusable. josei

Especially since it was at the banquet of Taylor's only daughter.

Some of the guests looked at the 'playing dead' Christopher on the ground with contempt.

Even calling him a fool seemed too kind.

Even if he was in a hurry, he should have taken her to his own home...

What a disgusting scene he created at the host's place...

Soon after, White returned.

He gave John an apologetic smile, and finally whispered to Benjamin, "Alexander Martin is on his way here. He says he will personally apologize to you, and hopes that for his sake, you can let Christopher go first."

With a stoic face and cold gaze, Benjamin retorted, "His sake? Does Alexander Martin really see himself as someone important? Does he think his face is worth a lot in my house?"

White gave a bitter smile and shook his head, not saying a word in response.

John then turned to Benjamin and said calmly, "If Chairman Taylor feels it's awkward, I don't mind letting go of this piece of trash under my foot."

Benjamin offered a small, nonchalant smile, replying, "Awkward is hardly the word. Alexander Martin doesn't really cause much of a ripple for me. However, Jonathan, you shouldn't have to dirty your hands for such garbage. Let me deal with it."

John nodded, seemingly understanding the situation, and then he lifted his foot that had been pressing down on Christopher's face.

Before Christopher could even sigh in relief, John suddenly gave a sideways kick, sending Christopher crashing into a wall like a useless sack.

Christopher, already in a state of humiliation and anger, spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"When this Alexander Martin guy arrives, Uncle Taylor, you can straight out tell him that it was me who beat his son. I'm curious to see how he plans on retaliating..."

John casually cleaned the soles of his shoes on the carpet, seeming quite disgusted that they had come into contact with Christopher.

His nonchalant demeanor immediately drew the attention of everyone present.

Some of the female guests, who were around the same age as John, even had a fiery gleam in their eyes, as though they were looking at a rare treasure.

As women, they could most intimately relate to Amelia's ordeal.

Seeing John brutally assault Christopher, the cause of the trouble, they sided with John without any hesitation.

Benjamin roared with laughter, heartily declaring, "Rest assured, with me around, how could Alexander Martin dare to retaliate? You were standing up for my family. If not for you, this disgusting incident would have been unavoidable today."

"I'll handle everything from here on. You just need to rest."

Seeing Benjamin's determined attitude, John no longer insisted and agreed to leave after nodding his head.

Benjamin then ordered a servant to take the unconscious Christopher away and rest.

He also called a maid to take care of Amelia, who was still unconscious.

But as the maid just entered the room, she heard Amelia murmuring a name in her unconscious state: "John..."

Her whisper would have been extremely soft, but the room had fallen into an eerie silence.

As a result, everyone heard Amelia calling John's name.

The crowd looked at each other, with Benjamin also showing surprise.

He looked John up and down, chuckling, "Jonathan, you surprise me. Did you know this actress Amelia before?"

John shook his head helplessly, "Honestly, I hadn't even met her until today. My girlfriend, on the other hand, is a big fan of her shows."

This only deepened the crowd's surprise.

Benjamin laughed heartily, "That's strange then. Why would she call your name in her unconscious state?"

John gave a wry smile, awkwardly responding, "I have no idea..."

Benjamin waved his hand, signalling the maid to leave the room.

He then approached John, patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely, "Youth is a good thing. You're radiant and charismatic, but remember to take care of your health."

After that, he was the first to leave the hallway, with the others leaving one by one after him.

Everyone gave John a teasing look as they left, leaving John standing at the door, looking helplessly unsure of what to do next.

He really was innocent.

He had absolutely no connection with Amelia, the actress lying on the bed. He had confronted Christopher simply because he couldn't stand his actions. How did he end up in such a bind?

John really wanted to leave, but with no one else to look after Amelia, he couldn't just walk away. So, with a sense of helplessness, he entered the room and sat by the bed.

To avoid any gossip, he left the door ajar...

Staring silently at Amelia on the bed, John's gaze held no lust, only a trace of admiration.

He was already misunderstood, so he might as well enjoy the view.

You had to admit, this actress named Amelia was stunningly beautiful.

Her figure was curvaceous and even lying down, her chest boasted a strikingly pronounced curve.

Her delicate features had no flaws.

Even in her unconscious state, her furrowed brows gave her a sort of pitiable charm.

Adopting an appreciative attitude, John examined Amelia on the bed in detail.

Time trickled by and the commotion downstairs gradually died down.

Several overnight guests began returning to their rooms.

Just as John was growing bored, there was a change in Amelia's condition.

Her closed eyes fluttered, showing signs of waking up.

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