Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 161 160-AGHHO’s Ambush(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 161 160-AGHHO’s Ambush(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 161 Chapter 160-AGHHO’s Ambush(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

John's off-the-wall question obviously caught the six NPC assassins off guard.

The hunched figure was silent for a moment before he chuckled, "Oh? You know of AGHHO's existence. You are indeed well-informed. Since you know we're from AGHHO, you should understand the predicament you'll be in next, right?"

John glanced at him and responded lightly, "What predicament? I'd like to hear more."

The hunched figure, "..."

People who choose the assassin class generally aren't good with words.

The reason why the hunched figure had been conversing with John for so long was to buy time for his teammates to get into position.

But now he was surprised to find that although they had completely surrounded their target, the target did not seem to panic at all. Instead, he appeared calm and composed.

Without getting an answer to his question, John didn't bother asking again.

He just stood there, hands clasped behind his back, still silent within the assassins' circle. The six Assassin's Intents were still firmly locked onto him, but these assassins did not make their move.

"Something's off with this guy, the feedback from my Assassin's Intent can't find any flaws..."

"I feel the same way..."

"Same here..."

All six assassins were holding their unique daggers tightly, each reflecting a dim light, obviously smeared with some kind of lethal poison. No matter how much they used their Assassin's Intent, they couldn't find any weaknesses in John.

He was just standing there, lax and unguarded. Yet, to these assassins, it was as if he had cast some special defensive skill on himself. His vital parts seemed to be shielded as if by an iron bucket, leaving no gaps for them to exploit.

"88, do you have a surefire kill shot?"

The hunched figure in front shook his head slowly, his voice still old and gloomy, "Not quite... What about you, 91?"

The silent assassin on the left front also shook his head, "None..."


John raised his eyes and asked with interest, "88? 91? So, these are your code names in AGHHO?"

The hunched assassin in front hesitated for a moment, but then gave an answer, "There are no code names in AGHHO. These are our names."

John finally understood. Once you joined AGHHO, you had to forget your original name.

You were given a numerical code, which was your sole identifier from then on.

Generally speaking, the lower the number, the stronger the assassin.

The six senior AGHHO members in front of John, all had numbers within 100, which showed that they were all top assassins ranked within the top 100 in AGHHO.

It seemed like being in the top 100 might not be all that impressive, but this was AGHHO, where almost all of the top assassins on the Godslayer continent were gathered.

John knew that AGHHO's membership standards were not related to factions.

Even assassins from chaotic evil factions could join this ancient assassin organization if they could complete AGHHO's three entry tasks.

AGHHO never differentiated between good and evil, and had no moral order.

As long as you could find their contact and offer enough money, they would work for you.

Whether you wanted to assassinate a royal family, a top powerhouse, or the leader of a major force, they would accept and execute the mission relentlessly.

Many covert operations throughout history had their shadow lurking in the background.

During the last Faction War, there was a rather comical scene on the mortal battlefield.

AGHHO members from different factions received orders to assassinate the opposing commanders, leading to a clash between the assassins.

It was only when the legendary and elusive semi-divine guild leader intervened that the hidden assassin battle was put to an end.

But apart from that little-known incident, all of AGHHO's missions were invariably successful.

They were like snakes lurking in the dark, striking and gripping their prey at the right opportunity, never letting go until their purpose was achieved.

"You young folks, those new classes from unknown lands, are just too naive," the hunched figure 88's hoarse voice broke the silence, speaking at length for once.

"Normally, it wouldn't be our turn to act. However, someone found me through my unworthy disciple, offering a deal I couldn't refuse..."

"Even though I don't know how you got hold of so many AGHHO secrets, it's a pity that today you're doomed. You guys have practiced too briefly to stand a chance against us..."

John arched a sharp eyebrow, remaining silent.

He picked up on something rather interesting from 88's words - newcomers from an unknown land?

That meant that the local NPCs of this world have always been aware that the players aren't natives of the Godslayer Continent.

They have arrived from another world. Yet, it's rare to hear this from other NPCs.

These native NPCs willingly give out tasks and rewards, never treating the billions of players as outsiders.

What does this imply?

There's a mysterious entity limiting these NPCs' actions, compelling them to serve players.

John looked up at the clear blue sky, where a few clouds drifted lazily... Is that you, System?

"Enough thinking! Let's attack together. Even if the target's defenses are flawless, we can overpower him with sheer force!" With 88's command, the six top-tier assassins instantly went into stealth mode.

John was surrounded by blades, their cold gleam flickering on and off.

Each flicker meant an assassin was sliding their dagger towards John's most vulnerable parts.

These elite members of AGHHO, each a top-tier assassin who has carried out countless assignments, knew the human body even better than a "healer" class.

Regrettably, they applied their knowledge only to murder, never to heal or save lives...

John hadn't moved from his spot.

He simply swayed slightly from time to time.

Yet these small movements dodged every attack from the six assassins.

Like a slippery fish in the heart of the battlefield, he avoided all the blades, remaining unscathed.

After a moment, the six assassins reappeared, their chests heaving heavily and their breathing uneven - signs of near exhaustion.

"Impossible! You dodged all our thrusts purely on instinct?! That's impossible!" Disbelief filled 88's voice, which cracked slightly.

John's performance had shaken the old assassin.

In 88's mind, even well-known demigod-level big shots of the Godslayer Continent couldn't have been so relaxed under the assault of six top-tier assassins.

It was as if John had some predictive ability, using his eyes alone to see their every attack and dodging in advance.

88 looked up, his hood finally lifted by the wind, but underneath was a pitch-black ghost mask, revealing only a pair of cold eyes. josei

"Who exactly are you?" he asked, his eyes flickering with wariness, "Why are you much stronger than those young classes from the unknown land? I can't even discern your class."

John responded with a faint smile, "Isn't it possible that you six are just too weak?"

That comment was like poking a hornet's nest.

The six assassins, previously as calm as still water, were now filled with rage, their vicious eyes locked on John.

John's words had essentially destroyed their pride in their class.

John didn't mean to infuriate them, though. He was simply stating the facts.

The six top-tier assassins besieging John were indeed high-level big shots.

Through John's Eye of Artemis, he saw that the lowest among them was almost level 200, and the most formidable, 88, had reached a terrifying level of over 240.

Any one of them could easily assassinate top-tier players like Adam.

But for John, their attacks posed no threat...

Even if John didn't dodge their attacks, he felt he could withstand them based on his defensive abilities alone, draining the assailants' energy in the process...

Perhaps sensing the hint of contempt in John's eyes, 88 roared in rage, "Form the formation, I refuse to believe this!!"

The six of them released their grip, but the daggers didn't fall.

Instead, they floated calmly in front of them.

Six strands of profoundly mysterious invisible energy radiated from the floating daggers, eventually interconnecting, trapping John in the center.

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