Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 171 170-The Top-tier ’Coquette’ Snowla (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 171 170-The Top-tier ’Coquette’ Snowla (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 171 Chapter 170-The Top-tier 'Coquette' Snowla (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

After contemplating for a moment, John sent a message to Snowla: I'm sending you my location. Come find me.

Snowla: Huh?

She was momentarily confused about John's intentions.

John: Coincidentally, I also have a quest in the Bone Cave. I might as well help you with your class transition quest while I'm at it.

No sooner had John sent the message, when a beep rang out from the communication channel. Snowla had actually made a voice call.

As soon as the call connected, Snowla's soft, sweet voice could be heard: "Galewind, why are you also heading to Bone Cave?"

John replied nonchalantly: "I just took on a mercenary quest to clean up the Bone Cave. If you had told me a few days later, your class transition quest might have been screwed."

Snowla: "..."

Indeed, John was right.

According to the mercenary quest he received, the Bone Serpent, a lord-level boss in Bone Cave, was already at level 230, likely a unique boss.

This means that once John defeats it, the Bone Serpent may never reappear, and other bosses might replace it in Bone Cave.

In that case, the scepter Snowla is looking for in her class transition quest might be lost forever.

John, standing quietly by the entrance of Cloud Sea, ended the call.

The players passing by were all hurrying along, with only those who'd just completed quests giving John a curious glance.

No one recognized who he was, even those who stole glances at him only found it curious that a player would still have such basic gear on...

Ever since he put on the Asura Mask, John felt a significant surge of security.

He'd grown tired of the adoring stares he'd receive from players whenever he was recognized.

A low-profile life like this was far more to his liking.

John didn't have to wait too long.

Soon enough, the petite and exquisite figure of Snowla appeared in his line of sight.

Her snowy white hair flowing behind her, Snowla rapidly rushed towards him.

"Galewind, I recognized you right away. Why'd you put on such an ugly mask?" Snowla queried.

John, somewhat helplessly, shook his head and replied with a bitter smile, "Had no choice. Been drawing too much attention lately, so I figured a mask could help conceal my identity..."

Covering her cherry lips with her hand, Snowla giggled, "I see. But you are quite the talk of the town now, Galewind. You've got hundreds of thousands of posts about you on the game forums. Lots of people are guessing who you really are..."

"You shouldn't have been so low-profile in the first place. A real powerhouse should be admired by all. If you'd shown your strength earlier, would those others even be an issue?" She chuckled, the smirk never leaving her face.

John knew exactly who she was referring to. She must be talking about the guild leaders of the other top guilds...

"I don't like the limelight, you should know that by now..." John responded, his voice void of any emotion.

Snowla feigned realization, a mischievous grin playing on her face, "Right, I almost forgot that Galewind loves to play the fool while hiding his claws. You've always been like this in other games..."

John sighed and said, "Let's get moving. We should make the most of our time. You can fill me in on your class change quest on the way..."

Taking the lead, John started walking out of the city with his hands clasped behind his back.

Snowla followed closely behind, her footsteps echoing his own in perfect sync.

On their way to Bone Cave, John casually asked, "So? Are the two vice guild leaders of your guild still giving you trouble?"

Snowla's sweet smile didn't falter, her delicate features sparkling in the sunlight.

But her eyes held an icy chill, "Can't help it. Those two foolish women can't stand being under someone else's command. They think they're the ones who should be in my place."

"They don't even think about the kind of wolves the Black Rose Guild is up against. With their dim-witted minds, if they were in charge, the guild would probably disband in no time..."

John didn't respond.

He'd met the two women Snowla referred to as 'fools'.

Neither of them seemed capable of leading the Black Rose Guild.

If they weren't backed by two major corporations behind the scenes, they might not even hold the vice guild leader positions...

After a moment of thought, John replied softly, "If there's something you can't handle, you can always tell me."

Upon hearing this, Snowla's eyes softened from their icy glaze to warm spring waters.

She quickly moved to John's side, wrapping her arm around his, and said in a playful tone, "I knew Galewind would help me. After all, we've fought through life and death together many times before."

John was feeling the soft touch on his arm, his heart filled with emotions. This little lass seemed to be growing more and more impressive...

Snowla was casually clinging onto John, her smile as radiant as a blooming flower.

From the perspective of others, they looked like a young couple enjoying a sweet outing in the game.

"I am serious about this matter, don't take it lightly. Even though your guild's two deputy leaders aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, they have the backing of two massive conglomerates and certainly have brain trusts on their side."

John glanced at Snowla, emphasizing his words, "I believe you can handle a fair competition, but what if they resort to dirty tricks? After all, they are part of your guild, you can't keep an eye on them all the time like you're watching out for thieves, right?"

Snowla laughed heartily, seemingly simple and naive on the surface. Her sweet voice was full of confidence, "Don't worry, Galewind big bro, although I'm young, I'm not someone any Tom, Dick or Harry can mess with." josei

While talking, she leaned closer and closer to him.

Eventually, it seemed like she wanted to hang onto John entirely.

John couldn't stand her intimate gestures any longer and tried to extract his arm from her embrace.

But Snowla's beautiful face suddenly turned to one about to burst into tears, "Galewind big bro, don't you love me anymore?"

John held his forehead helplessly, sighing, "What on earth do you have in your head all day?"

Snowla pouted, grievance in her voice, "That's exactly it! Godslayer has been online for several months, and Galewind big bro has never reached out to me... If it wasn't for the auction last time, I doubt we would have met again..."

John was about to explain when Snowla let go of him, her back facing him, her tone low, "That woman who was with you last time, she's your girlfriend in reality, right? Although she's taller than me, her figure isn't as good as mine... What did you see in her?"

John was getting overwhelmed.

This girl was the epitome of an attention seeker. However, her behavior didn't provoke annoyance but rather a sense of cuteness...

Snowla always managed to leave a great impression with her personality.

It had to be said, it was a talent...

However, how did she master such skills at such a young age?

John was suddenly curious about what her life was like in reality...

Seeing Snowla's pace quicken, John had no choice but to speed up.

As they walked side by side again, John turned to her, a helpless smile on his face, "Can you stop making me out to be a jerk? We clearly haven't had any stories between us."

Snowla huffed, turning her head away from John.

She looked like a sulky little wife.

"Hmm... Aren't I right? Galewind big bro, you're a jerk..."

John was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to respond to such an unreasonable girl.

So, he responded with silence.

When John remained silent, Snowla nervously turned to sneak a peek at him.

She was met with John's somewhat embarrassed gaze.

Snowla was immediately flustered, stamping her foot and playfully complaining, "There you go, Galewind big bro, you're bullying me again. You scared me, I thought I said something wrong."

John's lips curved into a gentle smile, teasing her, "Only realizing you said something wrong now? I'll give you a chance to take back your complaints, or else you're in for a punishment."

"Is Galewind big bro's punishment a spank? Bring it on!"

Upon hearing she was to be punished, Snowla not only showed no fear, but actually stuck out her perky little bottom in eager anticipation.

This sight left John speechless and flabbergasted.

After enjoying their fair share of chatter and laughter along the way, they quickly approached their destination.

As they passed a barren hill, they came across a massive cave with an entrance several tens of meters wide.

Billowing clouds of black smoke poured out of the cave.

Scattered around were some decayed skeletons, presenting a rather horrifying scene.

As they got closer, the sky darkened, and the black smoke from the cave mouth spread around, seemingly painting the whole space with a touch of black.

Looking around, John noted the place was utterly desolate with no sign of any living beings.

Presumably, the Cloud Sea officials had issued warnings to nearby residents to steer clear of the area.

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