Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 522 -Resolving the Conflict

Chapter 522 -Resolving the Conflict

Chapter 522 -Resolving the Conflict

In a moment of unparalleled significance, the final seal constraining the mighty Ocean Sage was undone, allowing this ancient being to ascend from the hidden depths of the ocean. This event marked a turning point, as the release of the Ocean Sage was accompanied by a profound alteration in the surrounding aquatic elements. It was as though all the water elements in the vicinity had, in a fraction of a second, been drawn together in a remarkable convergence. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via noovelllbbin

Following this extraordinary union of elements, the waters around the Ocean Sage underwent a spectacular transformation, culminating in the formation of a gigantic tsunami. This colossal wave, brimming with the unleashed power of the Ocean Sage, barrelled with unrelenting force towards Duke Arsena. Duke Arsena, renowned as a formidable Paladin, was no stranger to sensing impending threats. The very moment the seal of the Ocean Sage was shattered, he was acutely aware of the looming peril. Reacting swiftly to this intuition, he decided to abandon his ongoing confrontation with the two opponents he had been engaged with. Instead, he opted to forge an alliance with the enigmatic figure known as the Mystery Protector.

This alliance between Duke Arsena and the Mystery Protector ushered in a new chapter of confidence and resolve. United in their cause, they harbored a renewed sense of assurance. Despite the Ocean Sage's liberation from its ancient bonds, both Duke Arsena and the Mystery Protector harbored a firm belief. They were convinced that even with its newfound freedom, the Ocean Sage, formidable as it might be, would not be able to overpower the combined might of their united front.

However, their thinking was somewhat flawed because they overlooked another individual – John, who was now incredibly angry. After breaking free, the Ocean Sage's first action was to launch an attack on Duke Arsena. However, when the sudden assault failed to achieve its intended effect, the Ocean Sage did not continue the attack.

The Ocean Sage needed to confer with John to determine their next course of action. The Ocean Sage's mood was naturally a mix of anger and joy.

The Ocean Sage's anger stemmed from encountering several old foes, while its joy was due to finally being freed from its seals.

"I am deeply grateful for the help you provided. Without you, I would never have been able to break free from the seals so easily. But now, I want to know what your plan is going forward. What kind of gratitude do you expect from me?"

"Arsena, with the help of the Northern Myst Empire, snatched Storm City from me. Shouldn't I reclaim it?" The Ocean Sage spoke with an undiminished tone of anger. After all, not only had the Northern Myst Empire taken Storm City from him, but they had also sealed him for a long time.

At this, Duke Arsena coldly glanced at the Ocean Sage: "The Northern Myst Empire did not steal Storm City from you. The reason it has become my territory is simply because you betrayed the Order Faction and Storm City. If it weren't for your betrayal, Storm City wouldn't have faced such a grave crisis before. Don't think that just because you can deceive John, you can fool everyone else. The reason John agreed to help you must be because he fell for your deception. Now, I will recount all that has transpired at the Storm City event. Once I'm done, John will surely choose to stand by my side." josei

Duke Arsena's words took John by surprise. He had thought that Twilight and Hammer had already disclosed everything. But it seemed Twilight and Hammer might have withheld some crucial information. As Duke Arsena spoke, Twilight and Hammer also began to show signs of panic.

Indeed, Twilight and Hammer had previously deceived John, not disclosing the full story. They had been concerned that if they revealed everything, John might not have offered them his assistance.

"The reason the Mystery Faction was able to pose such a severe threat to our Storm City and the Naga tribe is due to your actions, isn't it? You had cooperated with a Saint of the Mystery Faction. Furthermore, it was your collaboration with the Mystery Saint that led to the Sea God being influenced by the powers of Mystery. If I hadn't led the armies of the Northern Myst Empire to take Storm City from your hands, the entire city would now be under the control of the Mystery Faction. Then, not only the safety of the people in Storm City would be at risk, but the entire Order Faction would face grave danger."

Arsena's words painted a picture of the Ocean Sage as a traitor who had endangered the stability of the Order Faction and facilitated the rise of the Mystery Faction. This revelation put the earlier actions of the Ocean Sage in a very different light, potentially influencing John's perception and decision regarding his alliance.

As Duke Arsena spoke, the others present maintained a profound silence. Aside from Natasha and the Mystery Protector, everyone else had some understanding of the situation Arsena described. The expression on the Ocean Sage's face turned noticeably grim; indeed, he could not deny his previous collaboration with the Saint of the Mystery Faction.

The revelation of this alliance with a known adversary of the Order Faction put the Ocean Sage in a compromising position, as it suggested a betrayal of the Faction's interests and principles. This development might have significantly influenced the attitudes and decisions of the other characters, particularly John, who had been assisting the Ocean Sage under different assumptions. The turn of events revealed a complex web of allegiances and motivations, reshaping the dynamics of the conflict.

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