Samsara Online

Chapter 61 New mission

Chapter 61 New mission

Xie Feng didn’t say anything, his expression didn’t change either and asked casually: "Oh? King Hu Yi, you know about the system?".

King Hu Yi started laughing out loud, as if he found Xie Feng’s question funny. After a few seconds, he answered: "I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help but laugh. I forgot that you players refer to us as NPCs".

After thinking for a moment, King Hu Yi shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "But, sorry, Shiva. I cannot answer your question. Not only me, no one will be able to answer that question due to system restrictions. Perhaps, when you are strong enough, you will know".

Suddenly, King Hu Yi shook his head and said quickly "No, as long as you complete one or perhaps the two Final Missions, you will be able to understand many things".

Xie Feng smiled bitterly as he raised his hands in surrender and did not continue with the topic.

"To answer your question, yes. In the Beginner’s Village, after fulfilling two extremely tough and practically impossible requirements, the Village Guardian gave me the option to accept or reject one of the two Final Missions". Said Xie Feng after recalling King Hu YI’s previous question.

King Hu Yi simply nodded and didn’t seem surprised. However, Xie Feng noticed a strange glow in the king’s eyes. Unfortunately, he could not correctly identify what the king thought.

King Hu Yi seemed to be looking into the distance, as if remembering distant times and continued to speak: "As you probably know, the human race and the demons began a war that continued for many millennia and still continues with no sign of stopping. The day the Goddess of Creation was wounded by a mysterious woman, the Goddess of Creation, the most powerful being and protector of the Adastreia Continent, disappeared from everyone’s sight".

Xie Feng nodded. Although he does not know the reason why the Goddess of Creation disappeared, he has his own ideas as they probably have theirs.

King Hu Yi continued to narrate the past: "After that woman stopped the war, giving a momentary pause to the killing, she said that in the near future a man with the title Creator of Myths would appear on the Adastreia Continent and put an end to the war, saving humanity".

Speaking at this point, King Hu Yi looked at Xie Feng and smiled bitterly: "Although that woman said it would be soon, in reality it has been countless years since then. I don’t know what that mysterious woman was comparing to to say that you would appear soon".


King Hu Yi took a long breath as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and continued to speak, as he looked at Xie Feng with bright eyes: "You are destined to be the hero of humanity!".

Xie Feng smiled bitterly and pointed at himself as he said in a self-critical voice: "King Hu Yi, please do not mock me. I am only a rookie player at level 13. My team, as you will see, is so pitiful that a single slap from one of your soldiers would be enough to kill me. Why don’t we talk about the mission you published in the Mercenary Guild and leave aside the issue of saving humanity until my level is higher? By then, it won’t be too late, right?".

King Hu Yi thought for a moment and nodded, "You are right. Although your destiny is to be a hero, the current one is too weak. Let’s not talk about this topic now. About the mission...."

Seeing that King Hu Yi was not speaking, Xie Feng knew that the old man who looked kind to him, the King of the North, was hesitating.

Xie Feng understands the king’s hesitation, as his level is too low after all.

However, even though he understands, that does not mean that Xie Feng likes to be underestimated. Therefore, after standing up, Xie Feng turned around and walked to the door.

King Hu Yi quickly stood up and called him: "Shiva, where are you going?".

Xie Feng stopped and without turning around he answered: "*Sigh* ... It seems that the mission is not so important. Otherwise, King Hu Yi would not hesitate so much, making time waste in this way".

King Hu Yi’s face changed several times before finally nodding: " *Sigh*... you are right. I am sorry to show you such behavior unworthy of a king. You see, I don’t consider myself a king. Come, sit down and let me explain to you what the mission is about".

Xie Feng nods. From the moment he saw this room, the clothes and attitude of King Hu Yi he had noticed that the old man in front of him does not act like a king. He is not arrogant, proud, nor does he speak in a superior tone.

He also feels more like this. Otherwise, if King Hu Yi was an arrogant person, Xie Feng would have left immediately.

After seeing Xie Feng sit down, King Hu Yi gradually began to explain: "To be honest, I don’t think a player of your level can successfully complete this mission. However, since you are the holder of the Mythmaker title, maybe you can do it ..... About a month ago, a monster snuck into town and killed several citizens. After killing almost 20 people, the monster wounded one of the soldiers who was patrolling the area and for unknown reasons, this monster not only took the body of the dead, but also took two children with itself".

King Hu Yi’s tone of voice became more complicated and he continued to atone:

"The day the monster attack happened, my only son was playing with other children in the city near where the attack took place. Fortunately, my son was not killed, but unfortunately, he was abducted by the monster. So far I have sent 10 bronze soldiers and 5 silver soldiers, however, no matter how hard they looked, they could not find anything. The only clue I have so far is that this monster seems to live near the Dark Forest.

The only people who saw the monster that day died and the soldier who fought it is still in a coma without waking up due to a powerful poison. Therefore, the only conclusion I can reach with this information is that this monster is a monster that specializes in poison or magical attacks with maturation.

However, even if the monster’s level is low, its venom is sufficiently powerful to put a level 50 bronze soldier to bed for 4 weeks".

King Hu Yi finished his explanation and looked at Xie Feng with a bitter smile: "Now do you understand why I don’t think you can complete the mission? How could I not care about my own son.... "

Xie Feng nodded silently. In fact, a monster strong enough to sneak into town, kill several people, wound a soldier (albeit with poison) of level 50.... It’ s certainly an extremely powerful monster.

After considering it several times, Xie Feng made his final decision:

"All right, King Hu Yi. Leave this mission to me. Although I cannot promise anything, I will do my best to bring your son and the other kid to safety".

King Hu Yi was surprised. He did not expect that even after hearing his words, Xie Feng would still insist on the mission, after all he knows that even though players do not actually die, they lose equipment and levels when they die.

"Good good good!" said King Hu Yi as he nodded sharply and stood up. "You don’t have to fight the monster, just find out its whereabouts and inform me. However, if you are lucky enough to find my son without the monster around, here, use this".

[Ding!.... You have received ’High Range Teleportation Scroll’ from King Hu Yi]

[Ding!.... You have received a ’Map of the Dark Fores’t from King Hu Yi]

[King Hu Yi’s High Range Scroll: A scroll personally created by King Hu Yi after imbuing high level magic for several months. Use: Can immediately teleport up to 5 people to King Hu Yi’s location without the need for casting. Quantity: 1]

[Ding!.... New mission available!]

[Mission name: Inspect]

[Type of mission: Unique Mission]

[Mission Grade: A]

[Mission requirements: Level 20 (Nullified by King Hu Yi) / 100 fame points]

[Description: A poisonous or magical attack monster has its eyes on Eminentis City for unknown reasons. The King of the North wishes you to investigate the whereabouts of the monster and make a report.]

[Reward for success: 20 gold coins / 10 points of fame / Special permission from the King of the North / Favorable impression from the King of the North towards you +10]

[Punishment for failure: Favorable impression of all NPCs in Eminentis City towards you -5 / Favorable impression of the King of the North towards you -10]

[Time limit: 9 days]

Xie Feng nodded without saying anything and stood up.

King Hu Yi stood up at the same time and again thanked him with a sincere expression, to which Xie Feng responded by politely shook his head, indicating that there was nothing to be thankful for.

Suddenly, King Hu Yi remembered something and gave a letter to Xie Feng. Seeing his confused look, King Hu Yi explained: "That letter has my seal and an explanation. If you go to the Saddle Shop you can receive a free saddle until you finish the mission. The Dark Forest is far from here so if you go on foot you will not be able to do it in time".

Xie Feng carefully kept the letter in his inventory and thanked King Hu YI for his consideration.

After saying goodbye to the king, Xie Feng left the palace.

Fortunately for him, he did not meet the innocent maiden again with a late love. Otherwise, Xie Feng would not know what to do.

With a slight sigh, Xie Feng stopped thinking about those things and walked to the Mount Shop.


I wanted to take a few words to thank all those who continued to support the novel even after it was contracted. josei

Thank you very much to those people who unlocked chapters with coins.

Thank you very much to those people who cannot buy coins but still vote for the novel.

Thank you very much to all of you.


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