Sanguine Paradise

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: [Day 4] – “Return”

∼ Day 4 ∼

‹ Micheal, 25 minutes before ›

Looking at the familiar boots of the adventuring party, coupled with another man's boots and those of the woman called Yieve.

Shit, everything was going so well. Maybe it was from his whimper just before being completely paralyzed or just very bad timing for her to wake up, but it really ruined my plans.

While I knew the risks involved, I had already taken it into consideration that something like this could happen. But I did it exactly because I was confident in my ability to escape to the air even if I were to be discovered by the woman.

That was at least... until this fucking Hannard bastard came smashing through the door.

How the hell did he come here so fast, there literally wasn't even a 10-second gap between her screaming and him busting through the door.

He must've for some reason for being nearby in the middle of the night. But how the fuck was I supposed to be to predict something like that, simply very bad timing.

Listening to their ramblings in their weird language I suddenly get a notification.

[Language - Mordrian, has been learned 5%]

I suddenly noticed, when I intently focused on them talking I could in some weird way kind of understand a minuscule part of it. It wasn't like I could understand the words, but a very few words became somewhat vaguely clear to me.

Not saying that I understood what the words meant, but I instead could feel what the words' intend that they were used with. For example, I could recognize that some of the words were said with questioning connotations on them, implying that they were questioning each other about things.

Hmm, what an interesting skill.

I suddenly panic for a second as I see the slim but taught frame of Yrmel moving over and kneeling at the bedside.

Seeing her not doing anything but that, I calm down. Hearing her voice call out I guess she wants to show the others something.

This time around, the amount of time it took to reach 5% in the Mordrian language doubled before I got this new notification.

[Language - Mordrian, has been learned 10%]

Okay, it would seem that the language doesn't get learned in a linear fashion, which I had somewhat expected would've happened.

But getting a notification about the increases in language learned every 5%, I felt it was a bit too much so I asked the system to change it.

-System! Change the notification of languages learned by the language adaptability skill to be at only the 10, 25, 50, and 100% checkmarks-

[System notifications has been customized]

Nodding to myself I draw my focus back to the one annoyance in my plans that could've ruined them all, and also who already have, the adventures.

I try listening to the adventures again.

But, it would seem that they had become relatively quiet for some reason.

Trying to pick out something in the conversation that just started between Elias and Darshan I realize they've become extremely worried after realizing something.

Hmm, what the hell are they talking about? Did they realize I was the one stalking them back at the glades? I wonder.

Ending the conversation, Darshan and Hannard swap places with the kneeling Yrmel.

Seemingly handling the body on the bed over my head, which only makes me begin to hope that they'll soon leave.

Taking away the body of Maliek and seeing everybody begin to move out of the bedroom, my heart begins to feel oh-so-sweet relief.

Buuuut of course, that lasted only for a second or two as the motherfucker by the name of Darshan tells Yrmel to do something, and she begins to approach the bed again.

My tiny little heart once again leaps up into my throat as I stare in panic while Yrmel lowers herself down to stick her than in under the bed.

I was just about the strike it with paralysis and run away if her hand accidentally touched me. But luckily her hand were just barely a few centimeters out of reach from me while it was seemingly trying to find something.

But then my eyes widen in horror (if I actually had eyelids that is) as suddenly more length of her arm sticks in under the bed and I have to dodge it a few times while trying to not make any sound at all.

Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck, why me, why me!

Not finding anything with her hand I see her body change position as if she wanted to take a look under the bed, so I panic.

Looking everywhere at once, I try to find the solution.

What the fuck does she want?!

Immediately spotting a wooden sculpture and a wooden box I immediately realize the sick dilemma that no was no doubt put forth from some chuckling mischievous god currently watching the scene from somewhere.

Making a split-second decision I push the wooden box into the range of the still searching hand hoping not only it was the object of her search. But also that she manages to find it and take it before she leans down enough to watch under the bed.

While I did have my obscurement active ability, the room had been lit up and with only being a meter from the face of an experienced and powerful human. I doubt my level 1 advanced skill is going to do me any favors here but I still activate it for safety's sake.

Her hand finds the wooden box just as I see her chin reach the underside of the bed frame.

Retracting her arm and the box with it, she moves towards the door.josei

Oh.... my-fucking-god.

If this kinda shit continues in the future, no monster or powerful human is going to be the thing that kills me. But rather a fucking heart attack, will be the sad end of my story.


Mentally sighing, I try to make my nerves calm down seemingly for the millionth time since arriving in this world.

It really isn't easy to be a mosquito, jeez.

As soon as Yrmel eventually leaves the room and closes the door I get a message.

[Obscurement has reached LVL: 2]

[Obscurement has reached LVL: 3]

Yeah, no fucking kidding. The system also seems to agree with me...

All that was enough to level my advanced skill not once but twice!

It must have not so much to do with my mastery of the hiding this time around but rather that I managed to hide from so many humans and four of them being very powerful in comparison to me and being in extremely close vicinity.

While very efficient way to power level skills by risking your life seems a go-to for fast skill grinding. It doesn't become all that efficient when you're dead, so let's keep that grinding method used not all that often...

Staying in under the bed for about 5 minutes after hearing the last door being shut in the house, I begin to crawl out from under the bed and approach the door.

Using a slight crevice in the door frame I see into the living room, which is now pitch black as they had snuffed out all of the lights.

This played into my advantage, so while turning attention fully towards my senses, such a smell and heat sensitivity, I check if there's any lingering humans in or outside the house.

I don't detect any humans and as such begin a very slow progress of me prying the door open without too much creaking. Luckily these doors from somewhat medieval times didn't have a handle or lock mechanism and only relied on a hinge to swing it open and shut.

Having to this time open the door even wider since not only have I increased in size yet again but my abdomen is already full with the blood of Maliek. So currently, I'm about the size of a normal-sized dog.

Managing to open the door just enough for me to scuttle my inflated bug ass out of the horrid bedroom, I turn towards my escape, the shattered window!



I'm too fucking big now... Are you fucking kidding me?


Severely annoyed by all the problems that have appeared today, I look for another way out.

No other windows are shattered like the previous one, and these medieval glass panes are not the type that opens and closes but are rather build into the wall of the building.

Guess I'll have to use the front door since no other exit seems to be available

Using the windows to scout out the situation, I feel relief as no other humans seem to be nearby the entrance of the house and have seemingly gathered somewhere else that I can't really see but rather hear from the commotion.

Even slower this time, I pry open the door.

This door was a bit thicker and heavier than the one leading into the bedroom but luckily the old geezer had oiled this one, making it not even squeak a tiny bit.

It also made me impressed that this door even still holds after that giant of a man charged through it.

Argh! Micheal shut the fuck up about medieval craftsmanship, you need to get the fuck out of here before you make any more trouble for yourself, I reprimand myself.

Seeing nobody around I take to the starry night sky.

I make sure that I gain enough altitude so that the sounds produced by my wings aren't heard by the humans below.

Looking up at the beautiful sky filled to the brim with shining stars and the moon that seems at least five times as big as the one back on earth, I sigh in awe.

Remembering it would probably wise to activate obscurement here, so I do so quickly. But I also keep an eye on my stamina to make sure I won't randomly drop out of the sky and go splat on the ground.

So... another day survived...

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