Savage Divinity

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Balling her fists in frustration, Luo-Luo pouted and declared, “I don’t think he likes me much.”

Head tilted in an adorable fashion, sweet Lin-Lin appeared deep in thought. “He definitely doesn’t like you,” she said, “but I think he also hates you, ya?”

Staggered by the endearing half-hare’s blunt reply, Luo-Luo choked back her tears and cautioned herself to not read too much into it. This was merely the Bekhai way, to speak with candour no matter the circumstances rather than a personal attack against her. Corroborating her conclusion, the ever contentious Mila snorted and added, “Of course he hates her. She’s a veritable stranger who showed up a few days ago and overturned his carefree and comfortable life. How else is he supposed to feel?”

Don’t cry Luo-Luo. Sumila means well, else she wouldn’t have agreed to come and offer advice...

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Luo-Luo composed herself and asked, “Then what should I do?”

“Show some spine, for a start.” Encouraging her with a ‘gentle’ shove which almost sent Luo-Luo tumbling, Sumila explained, “Friendly and affable as he is, he is first and foremost a predator, and he sees you as prey. You don’t need him to like you, you need him to respect you, so stop flinching and cowering every time he looks your way.”

“But Mi-Mi,” Lin-Lin interjected while helping Luo-Luo steady herself. “He’s not like the others. He’s sweet and friendly, so if he doesn’t like Luo-Luo, there has to be a reason. If we find out why and fix it, then everything will be all right, ya?”

“Tch. Why should Luo-Luo have to adapt to his likes and dislikes? It should be the other way around.” Unwilling to back down, Sumila’s disapproving frown filled Luo-Luo with terror even as she marvelled at how captivating the red-haired woman’s freckles were, adding character to Sumila’s expressive face and staunch personality. No wonder Luo-Luo’s Lord Husband was so mesmerized by this fiery warrior woman, even Luo-Luo found it difficult to tear her eyes away. “She needs to be strong and take control,” Sumila continued, displaying her clenched fist to emphasize her point. “Only then can their relationship progress in proper fashion.”

Easy for her to say. Sumila had nothing to fear, for if he ever became violent, she could snap his spine with a single squeeze of her thighs.

Luckily for Luo-Luo, Lin-Lin was much more sensible. “I don’t think it’ll work Mi-Mi. He’s different, ya? I still think we should find out what he doesn’t like about Luo-Luo, and it can’t be because she’s timid, he’s too gentle and kindhearted for that to matter.” Puffing her cheeks while she thinks, Lin-Lin hesitantly offers, “Maybe it’s because you’re too heavy Luo-Luo. If you want, I can teach you how to Lighten, ya?”

“Impossible.” Before Luo-Luo could recover from Lin-Lin’s second destructive blow, Sumila had already leapt to her defence. “I’m far heavier than she is and he loves carrying me around. It must be something else.” Though of similar height to Lord Husband, Sumila was anything but scrawny, a woman with an alluring, athletic build and proud of it, as evidenced by her willingness to parade around wearing little more than a long, loose tunic which left her robust thighs and iron-hard calves on full display. Oftentimes, her tunic also slipped to one side and revealed her pale, freckled shoulder, a sight which never failed to capture Lord Husband’s attention. Ignorant of Luo-Luo’s bristling jealousy, Sumila nodded in agreement with herself as she stated, “It’s because of all her bouncing about. There’s no need to adjust to his rhythm, you only need to sit still and let him do all the work.”

“You could also try snuggling with him, he loves snuggles.” Chiming in once again, Lin-Lin threw herself into Luo-Luo’s embrace to demonstrate the appropriate technique to use. “Give him lots of praise and belly rubs too.”josei

Extracting herself from the embrace before Lin-Lin could demonstrate that too, Luo-Luo tried not to sound petulant as she complained. “But he won’t let me get close enough to even try!” Having failed spectacularly, she composed herself and tried again. “He snaps every time I come close, and this morning, he almost took off my head.”

Rolling her eyes, Sumila replied, “He’s just being dramatic. If he wanted your head, he’d have it. Don’t let his bulky figure fool you, Mafu is a consummate hunter on land and in sea. Even though Rain spoils him, it takes hard work and dedication for a quin to grow fat, and there are few fatter than Mafu.”

“Hehe, isn’t that right, Mafu-fu?” Throwing herself at the dangerous, coiled creature, Lin-Lin buried her face in the quin’s soft neck fur, but still the murderous creature glared at Luo-Luo, its chin resting on its rump while baring his fangs in obvious warning. “You’re such a good hunter, you fatty fat quin, you. Don’t be greedy and share your spoils with Atir, so she can get fat too, with quin eggs and eventually quin pups. Don’t be like mean old Zabu-bu, ya? You’ll let Lin-Lin steal a pup or three, right?”

“Mafu? Share?” Striding into the clearing carrying Mama Bun like a child, Lord Husband cracked a tired smile and said, “I’m pretty sure he’s offended you’d even suggest such a thing.”

With startling speed, Mafu’s heavy-set frame appeared next to Lord Husband, transformed from murderous, oversized weasel into an adorable, chittering house pet, rubbing his cheeks with half-opened eyes and begging for treats while Lin-Lin clung to his neck. “Hi Hubby,” she called, gracefully dismounting into Lord Husband’s one-armed embrace. “Ah, you’re all wet and smelly.”

“Sorry wifey.” Giving her cheek a chaste kiss while lowering her to the ground, Lord Husband’s hand lingered on Lin-Lin’s plump hips as he said, “I meant to warn you, but Mafu is just too fast.”

Peering at the sleeping bunny, Lin-Lin asked, “What’s wrong with Mama Bun-Bun?”

“Nothing!” Shouldering Lin-Lin away, Lord Husband’s reaction seemed extreme as he added, “She’s taking a nap is all. A perfectly healthy rabbit, no need to worry your pretty little head over.”

Rather than taking offence, Lin-Lin merely giggled and stepped aside to let Sumila greet Lord Husband. Visibly relaxing at her approach, Lord Husband’s hand did more than linger on his favoured betrothed, snaking around her waist to pull her close. Shrieking in feigned resistance, Sumila’s ‘struggles’ were merely for show as she sank into Lord Husband’s damp embrace. “Scoundrel,” she scolded while feebly fending him off. “Smelly doesn’t even begin to describe it. Why didn’t you change clothes before going in for a swim?”

“It wasn’t entirely by choice.” After favouring Sumila’s lips with a kiss that was anything but chaste, Lord Husband nuzzled against her bare shoulder and explained, “Our skiff came across troubled waters and sank like a rock. Don’t worry, no one suffered any injuries aside from their pride, but Ping Ping had to carry all of us back after a hefty meal. Poor girl was so exhausted, she couldn’t even make it back to the yurt. Buried herself right on the beach and fell asleep with Guan Suo beside her.”

Lord Husband was a terrible liar, but no one present pointed it out and left him to ramble on. Continuing to ignore Luo-Luo’s presence, he greeted the rest of his pets one by one, crooning and smiling for each of his ‘fur babies’ in turn while Li Song pestered him about brushing them. Truth be told, it made her uncomfortable to see him behaving in such an unsightly manner, wholly unbefitting a man of his reputation and status, but she had to pick her battles carefully. Best to start small, like convincing him to wear a proper tunic instead going out in his oversized nightclothes, which made him look like a child dressed in his father’s clothes. His embarrassing antics like getting drunk and spewing nonsense or his hen-pecked nature would have to wait until after she earned his trust and support.

However many years away such a time might be...

Once finished greeting his pets, Lord Husband offered Luo-Luo a polite nod before turning back to Lin-Lin. “Charok’s warming up a meal, so could you bring it to Teacher? I’d deliver it myself, but he explicitly told me to go rest.” Like a remorseful child caught eating sweets before dinner, Lord Husband added, “I shouldn’t even be here, but I wanted to see you both before going down for a nap.”

No need to cry, Luo-Luo. You won’t be a stranger in your home forever. Lord Husband is a kind and affectionate man, you’ll win him over given time.

After sending Lin-Lin skipping off to see her father, Lord Husband continued to ignore Luo-Luo and Li Song in favour of his most beloved betrothed, Sumila. “Alsantset told me about your accomplishments last night, riding down errant Defiled and earning public praise from the Legate himself. Congratulations, my love. Sorry I wasn’t there to share in your accomplishment, seems I picked the wrong day to skip the Conference frivolities."

“Hmph, hardly worth mentioning.” Feigning indifference to his praise, Sumila’s glowing cheeks and radiant smile gave away her good cheer. “By the time we arrived, there was no fight left in the Defiled, already defeated and demoralized by Du Min Gyu and the Death Corps. All I did was shoot them as they fled, easily done when the land is so flat you can see for kilometres around.”

“Well, you killed plenty of Defiled and returned unharmed, which is all that matters. Hopefully, more good will come of this once people realize the Defiled aren’t sitting on their thumbs in the West and are already on their way here.” Grabbing her as she turned away, Lord Husband stood behind Sumila and kissed her bare shoulder. “Still, it seems strange the Legate would go to so much trouble. Don’t see why he had to bother.”

“What do you mean?” Leaning against Lord Husband, Sumila was not alone in her confusion, and Luo-Luo tried not to intrude on their intimate moment while listening intently from the side.

“You don’t find it strange?” Lord Husband asked, his face the picture of confusion. “I don’t know the whole story, but the bits and pieces I have don’t make sense. The Legate sent Du Min Gyu to inspect the winery, but instead of having proper reinforcements waiting nearby, he arranged for the participants of the Captain’s Contest to ‘coincidentally’ pass by. Why all the misdirection and subterfuge? Why limit Du Min Gyu to only Death Corps soldiers, then bring Jorani along without informing me? Why only the Captains and not, say the Senior Captains, or the Majors?”

All good questions Luo-Luo was glad to hear Lord Husband bring up, though she’d be even happier if he did so in private, not out in a field where others might overhear. Seeing Sumila look to her for help, Luo-Luo stepped up to provide the answer. “The answer to Lord Husband’s questions are complex and multifaceted.” Seeing his repressed sigh and averted gaze, she realized she’d already lost his attention and scrambled to recover. “But the simple answer is politics. When dealing with the holdings of an Ancestral Beast, one must proceed cautiously lest the Ancestral Beast feel slighted and take their frustrations out on their surroundings.”

“How bad could it be?” Lord Husband asked, once again shocking Luo-Luo with the depths of his ignorance. “I mean, doesn’t the Emperor have Ancestral Beasts working for them? Failing that, I’ve heard of multiple families having Ancestral Beast slaves, why not bring a dozen or so out and set them loose to hunt down big poppa piggy?”

“Impossible.” Seated in the grass, Li-Li cuddled with a bear in an adorable mirror image of Lord Husband and Sumila, running her fingers through the complacent animal’s fur with an angry frown. “The slaves you speak of would be no match for a proper Ancestral Beast.”

After exchanging a tentative glance with Sumila, Lord Husband hesitantly asked, “What makes you say that?”

“Because,” Li-Li answered while idly checking the bear’s paws, “If they were strong, then they would not be slaves.” Though not privy to the details, Luo-Luo sensed the awkward silence which followed as Li-Li gently clipped the bear’s claws with a knife. Once finished with the paw, Li-Li checked the other one before continuing. “Heavenly Oaths alone cannot constrain an Ancestral Beast, for they are not affected the same way humans and half-beasts are. Perhaps because they’ve touched upon the mysteries of Heaven, or because their bodies were birthed by the Heavenly Energies themselves, but should an enslaved Ancestral Beast be set loose, they would likely tear their captors limb from limb before suffering the consequences of violating their Oath.” With a shrug, the taciturn Li-Li concluded, “Thus it stands to reason that any enslaved Ancestral Beast still alive is too weak to commit suicide, and thus would be of no use in battle.”

After a long and silent exchange, Lord Husband and Sumila separated and the latter wrapped Li-Li in a hug. Motioning for Luo-Luo to follow, Lord Husband strode off with Mafu in tow, though the rabbits hopped along behind them in a chaotic row, hounding Lord Husband as if he owed them money. Once out of earshot, he turned to Luo-Luo and motioned for her to continue. “Right,” she said, flustered as she hurriedly recollected her thoughts. “Politics. Though subduing an Ancestral Beast through force of arms is possible, it should only be left as a last resort as the cost would be immense. Ancestral Beasts are powerful beings who stand close to the pinnacle of strength, city-destroying calamities in human form. Failure to contain the threat could lead to disastrous results, so when given the option, it’s always best to proceed with caution.”

“But why play politics with a Defiled Ancestral Beast?”

“Lord Husband, please lower your voice.” Scanning the surroundings, Luo-Luo found no prying eyes or listening ears, but who knew what Expert were hiding in the vicinity. Cursing her inability to Send, she suggested, “How about this: Lord Husband can Send his questions and Luo-Luo will answer them aloud.”

Grunting in assent, Lord Husband took her gently by the hand and Sent, “Sorry. So?”

Cheeks reddening at the intimate contact, Luo-Luo calmed her beating heart and whispered, “There are many reasons, first being that whether or not the subject in question is Defiled, he is still a being of enormous power and should be treated as such. Though your claims were reason enough to suspect him, it’s entirely possible his lackeys were working without his knowledge. By choosing three unaffiliated but respected heroes to spearhead the investigation, Shen Zhen Wu distanced himself from the findings, while the presence of Imperial Death Corps soldiers ensured the legitimacy of the venture. Any one of the soldiers could be asked to verify the findings, and as Oathsworn soldiers, their testimony can only be the truth. Thus, in the event that Lord Husband’s accusations were true, but Zhu Chanzui guilty only of poor oversight, then the Imperial Clan avoids angering a formidable Ancestral Beast.”

“...I see. That strong huh?” Crinkling his nose in frustration, Lord Husband released his grip on Luo Luo’s hand to rub his eyes and groaned with weary exhaustion. Whatever delayed his return was obviously more taxing than a mere capsized skiff, but Luo-Luo diplomatically reined her curiosity in. Instead, she focused on the emptiness which cropped up once he released her wrist, scolding herself for foolishly pining for love when she should know better. Why should it matter that Lord Husband differed from the nobles she’d trained to serve?

Better to expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised if something developed, instead of hoping for the best only to be utterly crushed by cruel reality.

“Whatever. Problems for another day. Let’s focus on the positives for now.” With a smug smile, Lord Husband took Luo-Luo hand once more and quipped, “Big poppa piggy’s in big trouble. I hear the Legate ordered the capture and interrogation of any and all employees of the Canston Trading Group. About time they get what’s coming to them. I’m just sad I can’t be there to watch it all happen.” With a spring in his step, Lord Husband continued on his merry way and Luo-Luo followed closely beside.

Hoping to take advantage of his good mood, she turned the conversation to this morning’s meeting. “Luo-Luo has more good news to share. The Yo family agreed to work alongside Lord Husband in his cast iron venture, with terms far more agreeable than expected.” A miracle considering how weak and vulnerable he made himself appear while deep in his cups. “As most of their warehouses currently sit empty, they’ve given us a list of locations to choose from and permission to visit at our convenience.”

“Sounds good,” Lord Husband said, cutting her off before she could continue. “You made certain the Yo Family holds the majority shares?”

“Yes Lord Husband, though it was more difficult than expected.” They seemed almost desperate to give up their portion of the profits, likely to get into Lord Husband’s good graces, but Luo-Luo had held firm to his instructions, sparse as they were. “One matter to note which may be of concern, Yo Shi-Woo placed Yo Sung-Hun in charge of the venture.” In response to his blank stare, Luo-Luo helpfully added, “The youngest son.” The one Lord Husband repeatedly baited by calling him useless in battle and a better merchant than warrior.

“Oh. Good. Glad he took my advice.” Oblivious to the dangers, Lord Husband approved of the decision. “He seems like a smart kid, hungry too. It’s youngsters like him who will modernize the world, once they see the benefits it provides.” Chuckling beneath his breath, he added, “Sure enough, a father knows his son best.”

Uncertain why he found this so amusing and refraining from pointing out the so called youngster was older than Lord Husband, Luo-Luo pressed on. “Yo Sung-Hun submitted a draft of his plans on how to proceed. There’s a copy on your desk for you to peruse, but the broad strokes are -”

“You handle it.” Shaking his head, he added, “If you need help, I’ll be happy to chime in, or you can ask Mister Rustram once my mom learns the meaning of moderation, but otherwise, this is all you.” Seeing she had no objections, he asked, “So how are the riding lessons going?”

Overwhelmed by his trust and warmth, Luo-Luo’s cheeks reddened as she looked down, only to burn even hotter when she noticed he was still holding her hand even though there was no longer any need to. Heart pounding in her chest, she wondered if today would be the day he brought her to bed and cursed her lack of preparation. “The lessons fare... poorly,” she answered, hoping she didn’t still reek of fear and sweat. “I have yet to endear myself to him.”

“Ah, that’s probably my fault.” Releasing Luo-Luo’s hand, he stopped and gave the quin a playful tap on the head. “Listen you, no reason to be jealous. I’m not abandoning you. Well, I sort of am, but I still love you, okay? I won’t ride you into battle anymore, but you hated that anyways, so be nice to Luo-Luo, got it?”

Eyes closed in pure bliss, the quin hardly seemed to notice Lord Husband’s ridiculous lecture, more focused on the vigorous head scratching he received. Winking at Luo-Luo, Lord Husband gestured for her to climb on, and after a moment’s hesitation, she meekly obeyed, seating herself in the harness and wholly expecting Mafu to crane his neck around and hiss. Though the quin turned around to look, he merely huffed before returning his head to Lord Husband’s hand, thoroughly enjoying the attention. Motioning for her to join in, Luo-Luo copied Lord Husband’s actions and placed her hand atop Mafu’s skull, vigorously rubbing his loose skin with all of her fingers. Eliciting a satisfied squeak, Mafu pressed his head against Luo-Luo’s hand and a smile spread across her face. Now that he wasn’t baring his teeth, she had to admit the quins were rather adorable, sleek and powerful creatures with more emotional depth and intelligence than she gave them credit for. Perhaps Lord Husband was right and Mafu saw this new state of affairs as abandonment and was taking his frustrations out on Luo-Luo.

Poor thing, he loved Lord Husband so, a loyal and devoted creature who didn’t understand why his master didn’t want him anymore. So heart-wrenching and familiar..

Having met a kindred spirit, Luo-Luo continued massaging Mafu’s scalp even after Lord Husband led them both to his yurt and abandoned them outside, though he let the rabbits in along with the large, flightless bird, who ran and hopped his way up the stairs. Alone with Mafu for the first time, Luo-Luo crooned and giggled at his adorable expressions as she ran her fingers through his fur, eventually settling down in the grass with his heavy head on her lap. Resting her forehead against his for a much needed cuddle, Luo-Luo sighed in contentment at the day’s events, proud to have tamed this once fearsome creature.

Perhaps Lord Husband’s trust could be won the same way, by rubbing and touching all the right places, and if only that horrid Zabu would leave and give her the chance to find out...

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