Savage Divinity

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Undeterred by the excruciating waves of agony emanating from my severed stumps or the sheer difficulty of getting dressed in my current handicapable state, my goofy grin threatens to rend and tear my underused face muscles. It feels good to accomplish something for once and finally have a mark in the win column. Passive Healing with Panacea, it’s a wonderful thing. I mean, sure, I can still fight and actively Heal, but it takes more effort than none, which is significant when locked in a battle to the death. If I make more Keystones, this frees my attention up for more demanding efforts, like Amplification and Deflection. Unless I could make a Deflection Keystone... something like... if object approaching at X, where X is a declared speed, then Deflect the object... Would it work? No, it’s way too complicated to keep in mind, I should simplify things if I want it to work, like... a Keystone I only focus on when I want to Deflect? Would it remain in place when not focused on?

You’re getting way too ahead of yourself, idiot. Gotta learn to walk before you can run. Just because you made one Keystone doesn’t mean you can support an unlimited number. It’s fine now because all you have to do is keep the first-aid kit in mind, but the more Keystones you create, the harder it’ll be to keep them sorted. One for Healing, one for Reinforcement, one for Lightening, one for Honing, and one for Guiding, how many Keystones can you keep in mind before the new ones crumble away?

Then there’s the matter of powering the Keystones. Your Chi and fat reserves are being siphoned off at a considerable rate right now, which isn’t a problem now while you’re rested and have easy access to food, but what happens if you run out of Chi in the middle of battle or fall unconscious for hours or even days and accidentally cannibalize your muscles? Because you have less Chi than your peers, triage and economy of action have always been a top priority regarding Chi usage, but this throws both those concepts out the window. Cut yourself a little, a minor nick is all, and see what happens. The little scratch gets equal priority to your missing limbs and seals up in an instant, hardly efficient and more harm than good.

Celebrate, but within reason. You’re off to a good start, but don’t get full of yourself. There’s still a long way to go before you reach Mila’s level, much less surpass Baatar or Akanai and match GangShu.josei

...My subconscious is a real party pooper, but he... I have a point. Making an off switch for my Healing keystone and directing its efforts are now first on the docket, but this is still a big step forward and I refuse to let pragmatism and pessimism bring me down.


Mother fucker, how do I put on pants? This shit is impossible!

Emerging from the impromptu bathhouse in a wrinkled, unbuttoned shirt and dirt streaked pants, I find the ever reliable Pran and Saluk ready and waiting to lend a hand, probably drawn here by my muttered curses but too kind to mention it. Enlisting their help to carry the pan of Chi-water to the rabbit enclosure, an errant thought strikes me as I study the twin half-bull’s oh-so-familiar profiles. If the brothers had longer horns and a full head of hair instead of their bald scalps and long, braided ques, then they’d be the spitting image of the Ancestral Bull from last night’s meeting. Well, maybe not the spitting image. A scruffier, less impressive, not as handsome, more villainous image, but it still leads me to the same conclusion. The well-dressed and immaculately groomed Ancestral Bull with the dainty manners and explosive temper has to be Pran and Saluk’s dad, right?

Well, not dad in the traditional sense, but you know... genetic donor if I’m being generous or deadbeat if I’m being honest. The brothers are probably related to Man Giao too, but if Pran and Saluk didn’t want to meet their successful Brigadier General of a half-brother, I can only assume they want nothing to do with their Ancestral Bull dad. Knowing what Pran and Saluk went through as children, I don’t blame them for not caring too much about blood ties, but I’m a real sucker for happy family reunions, no matter the circumstances.

Like... Why aren’t Mila and Guan Suo trying to get to know one another? I understand there’s a massive age difference and Guan Suo is a cantankerous bastard, but they’re half-siblings and related by blood. Shouldn’t it mean something? Don’t get me wrong, I love my adopted family, but I’m still curious about my biological parents. What happened to them? How did I end up a slave destined for the mines? Did they love me like my parents from my past life, or was I a burden they sold to save themselves? Do I have siblings who were treated the same way, or was I singled out? Was I the crying runt they couldn’t wait to get rid of, or did they die defending me with their last breath?

Why don’t I remember them?

Maybe I’m being judgmental and overly sensitive, but I can’t even imagine a scenario in which I would abandon a child, any child much less my own, yet most half-beasts I know have never met their Ancestral Beast parent. I was told Ancestral Beasts are wired differently from humans, abandoning their ‘feeble’ half-beast offspring because of their animalistic instincts telling them to but what about GangShu and Mama Gam? Assuming I’m right and everyone at the table last night was an Ancestral Beast or Human Divinity, then how come Mama Gam breaks the mould? She cares enough for Eldest Gam and Wu Gam to watch over and protect them, so what gives? Are instincts just an excuse, or is she special somehow? Then again, there’s the rumours of Eccentric Gam murdering his previous disciples for failing to live up to expectations. Are they baseless rumours or was it Mama Gam acting on her instincts and culling her brood?

Then again, GangShu met Jorani and didn’t commit filicide, so maybe I’m blowing things out of proportion. Either way, I should probably play it safe and leave Pran and Saluk behind the next time I’m summoned to the Magistrate’s Palace.

Thanking the brothers for their help, I send them away before plopping down beside the rabbit enclosure, calling for sweet Mama Bun with dried berries in hand. Recognizing her name, the big girl awkwardly bounds over on three paws while clutching the sleepy Pong Pong to her chest with the last. It’s adorable how attached she’s become to her little Spiritual Algae snack, unwilling to put him down for even a minute. Even better is the symmetry between the massive Mama Bun carrying little Pong Pong while tiny Blackjack rides atop the gargantuan Ping Ping, a sight which never fails to fill me with mirth.

I dunno why, but long-eared rodents and hard-shelled reptiles go hand in hand like rice and... well anything. Rice is awesome. I’m starving, which means I’m running low on spare calories to turn into Panacea, which means I need to eat soon, but first, I need to test a hypothesis. When I channel Chi into my bathwater water, am I creating unbound Spiritual Water? I know Ping Ping loves the water I fail to bind, but how does Pong Pong feel about it?

Lifting Mama Bun over the fence, the big girl melts in my lap with a leisurely yawn, still lethargic despite sleeping for almost twenty-four hours straight. Running my fingers through her fur as she munches away at berries, I sit and wait for Pong Pong to poke his head out, but the little turtle remains firmly concealed in his shell. A light tap explains why as he alternates between yawning and glaring, stretching himself awake and grudgingly accepting a dried berry as atonement for disturbing his slumber, but all the berries in the world can’t distract him once he notices the pan of water. Eyes wide with avarice, Pong Pong magically slips out of Mama Bun’s embrace and scampers down my leg, soaring through the air with a graceful leap to land directly in the pan. Faster than I can snap my fingers, Pong Pong drains the pan dry and turns towards me with a hopeful stare, obviously hungry for more.

Pong Pong’s actions clinches it. I’ve been creating unbound Spiritual Water, the significance of which is lost on me at this moment, and hopefully it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass. Good god, the amount of progress I’m making today is incredible. Made love to Yan, created a Keystone in my Natal Palace, and now, I’ve finally solved the longstanding mystery of why Ping-Ping follows me around. Slow down buddy, make any more progress and someone might call you ‘productive’.

Just to cover my bases, I fill the pan with mundane water to see if Pong Pong does it again, but after paddling around to enjoy the shower and void his bowels, the tiny turtle hops out and returns to Mama Bun’s embrace. Luckily, my big sweet poop-eating bunny shows no interest in the now contaminated pan, though I note the bunbuns didn’t drink any of the clean water I left in their enclosure either. Probably because they slaked their thirst on poop water. Such disgusting, yet adorable creatures, so precious as they huddle together for yet another nap. Having learned from my mistakes, I immediately dispose of the dirtied water beside my yurt, sighing as my gaze lingers on the outline of flattened grass left by Mahakala’s... er... presence.

It’s not the best memorial, but it's all I’ve got. Hopefully, the Abbot doesn’t take offence when he learns I left his senior brother’s remains unburied or whatever, but Taduk and the Legate’s people still need to study it and the effects of the Demonic Goop. A weapon wielded by mortals capable of bringing down a Divinity, it’s exactly what I’ve been trying to create, and now that I’ve seen it in action, it terrifies me to no end. Hungry, mindless Spectres hellbent on destruction, their mere presence tainted all the Heavenly Energy around them. I can still feel the wrongness of the energy I took into my body, the sin I experienced just by meditating in their proximity. Thinking about it makes my skin crawl and stomach turn, and I’m not ashamed to admit the thought of facing Anathema again unnerves me. If not for Mahakala’s chanting, I’m not sure what would have happened, but something tells me it wouldn’t have been pleasant.

Would I have joined them and become one of their mindless horde? A creature hellbent on destruction and nothing else? How did Big Papa Piggy create Anathema? What was the deal with the chanting? Even now, I can recite the chants out loud without thinking, though I admit it’s not as impressive as Mahakala’s booming baritone, but what does it mean?

“Morning hubby.” Throwing her arms around my neck, Lin interrupts my silent contemplation with a hug from behind. I must have gotten up later than I thought if she’s already awake, there are more pressing matters to concern myself with as Lin nuzzles my neck with a smile. The sweet girl has the nose of a bloodhound and after what we went through last night, I’m not sure a single bath is enough to scrub Yan’s scent from my skin. Laying a wet kiss on Lin’s nose to ease my paranoia, I quietly greet Mila, Li Song, and Luo-Luo while my sweet wifey squeals in mock disgust. Resting her chin on my shoulder, Lin sinks down and says, “Mama Bun’s awake! And you took a bath! So nice and clean.”

Whew. Safe. “Yea, there was an incident in my yurt this morning. Don’t kiss Mama Bun or any of the rabbits until they’re washed. If any of you want to bathe, there’s a heated stone tub behind those gorgeous wooden folding screens. I doubt we’re keeping it all for long, so it’s now or never, and I recommend you try it before I wash all the bunnies.” I shudder to think about all the fur they’ll leave behind.

“Maybe later hubby. Breakfast first. Come sit with us?”

“Gladly. It’s been a busy morning and I haven’t eaten either, so for once we can all have breakfast together.” As Lin gathers Mama Bun into her arms and Mila helps me stand, I put on my best smile and direct it towards Luo-Luo. “Could you take Li Song and help my sister set up? There’s something I need to talk to Lin and Mila about.”

Half expecting her to tear up and pout, Luo-Luo instead offers a cold smile and bows her head in acknowledgement before leaving with Li Song, their arms linked as they make their way over to Alsantset. If it wasn’t for Yan showing up in the middle of the night, I’m not sure if I could’ve kept myself from paying Luo-Luo a midnight visit, not after her engineered nip-slip got me all hot and bothered while I was reeling with grief and despair. Truth be told, even after indulging in carnal pleasure with Yan for hours last night, I’m still ready and raring to go at a moment’s notice.

Men are disgusting creatures.

“So?” Irked by my wandering eye, Mila’s grumpy scowl fills me with warmth. “What do you need to talk about? I’m hungry, so make it quick.”

A wave of guilt hits me as the gravity of my situation hammers home. I’m about to tell my two sweet and loving betrotheds I slept with another woman. Sure I had backhanded permission from a letter they wrote, and it’s Yan not some random woman off the streets, but I still should have spoken to them before sleeping with her. How do I even go about bringing it up? ‘Hey, so I slept with Yan last night, but I totally wanted to talk to you both first, but then she got naked and I lost control’?

It’s weird being in love with three different women, mostly because I’m still not entirely convinced polygamy is acceptable behaviour.

Pulling Mila in close, I hug my betrotheds tight and confess, “Last night, after you all left, Yan dropped in for a visit.”

Before I can continue, Mila utters an angry growl and sinks her teeth into my neck, her sharp canines uncomfortably close to tearing skin. Speaking around a mouthful of my neck, my fiery beloved says, “We know. Sound travels and our yurts are close.”

Oh no...

“Er... How loud were we?” Not too loud, right? We muffled our moans as much as we could...

“Loud enough.” Mila’s teeth bite down a little harder and I decide not to press my luck.

On the other side, Lin puts on a serious expression and says, “Remember Rainy, no more women or I’ll be sad, ya? I won’t blame you for this, and Yan’s twenty now, so she’s of marriageable age, but there hafta be limits.”

With all the solemnity I can muster, I reply, “No more. I would never want to make either of you sad.”

Releasing me from her fanged clutches, Mila purses her lips and says, “We will discuss this later, in private. I have no issue with Yan joining our marital bed, but I am hurt you didn’t think to speak with Lin or I before taking matters into your own hands.”

‘I am hurt’. Three simple words, but the pain is almost too much to bear. “I’m sorry, beloved. I wanted to, but at the party, Yan was so cold I thought she no longer cared about me, then she showed up and we started talking... When it became clear where things were headed, I tried to slow it down and told her I hadn’t discussed the matter with you, but then she showed me a letter you wrote and... well, I lost my head. I’m sorry beloved.” Reaching out to take Mila’s hand, I continue, “I am a horrible man and betrothed, one who is in love with three different, wonderful women. I love you Mila, and you Lin, and I also love Yan. I intend to ask for her hand in marriage, and I hope to have your blessing to do so. If you cannot, then I don’t know what I will do, but I cannot stand the thought of losing any one of you.”

Lin nods in silent, but enthusiastic approval, but Mila merely scowls and glowers. “You have the letter?” I nod, praying she finds it in her to forgive me. “You know,” she says, tightening her grip on my hand. “I am an esteemed Martial Warrior, both beautiful and strong.”

“Yes beloved.” I would rather fight Anathema without Blobby or Chi Water than face Mila right now.

“I only need snap my fingers and hordes of hopeful suitors would come calling.”

“And they would be lucky to earn your affection, beloved.”

Despite my flowery reply, Mila’s grip tightens and my bones creak in her grasp. With a sweet smile, she continues, “I could have my pick of almost any man I choose, any three men or five even should I desire it.”

“Understandably so, beloved, for you are a phoenix among chick – among cranes, outstanding in every way.” Don’t call her a chicken, idiot, it’s a colloquialism for whore. “Beloved, I only have the one hand, so could you possibly, maybe...”

“Good. So long as you know.” Loosening her death grip, Mila flashes her beautiful smile, so sweet and charming I fall head over heels for her once again. Fear does that to me, and I don’t think it’s healthy, but who cares. “I love you Rain, and if that means I must share you, then so be it. This is the price I pay for falling in love with a lecherous pervert, but I knew who you were long before your actions revealed it.” Leaning close, she gives me a peck on the cheek and whispers, “Luckily, you were clear headed enough to think of me beforehand. A minor consolation, but better than nothing, I suppose. As for your marriage to Yan, after what you did last night, you better marry her, else I’d never forgive you.”

Yea, definitely dodged a bullet. Probably worse.

Pulling Mila in for another hug, I kiss her shoulder and Lin’s forehead. “I don’t deserve either of you, and that’s the truth. I can’t promise I’ll never make you angry or upset, but I promise to love you always and do everything in my power to make you happy.”

“I know hubby. That’s why you’re the best.” Beaming from ear to ear, Lin tugs my arm and says, “Breakfast now, ya? I’m hungry.”

Laughing as I hobble behind her with Mila’s help, I sigh in relief at how well things went. Life is good. Better than good, it’s amazing. Beyond belief. Mila, Lin, and Yan love me, I made significant progress along my Martial Path, and now that the Defiled have made the first move, there’s no more sitting around on our asses. I fully expect the Legate to tell all of Nan Ping what happened in Sinuji and to hand out deployment orders within the day, which gives me just enough time to ask for Yan’s hand in marriage, convince GangShu and Radiant Fist Wugang to send a message to the Abbot, and sort out the last details regarding my cast iron venture before leaving to fight the Defiled, where I can gobble up all the Heavenly Energy I desire.

All in all, things are looking up.

Well, aside from the whole marching to war business and all the imminent death and destruction headed my way, which means things are okay, I suppose.


Whatever, things could be worse, so I’ll take it.

Chapter Meme

- End of Volume 21 -

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