Savage Divinity

Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Sabre sheathed and stance readied, Song watched her surroundings as seconds stretched into near eternity.

Not much had changed while they’d all been distracted with Rain’s plight, or at least not to Song’s eyes. Soldiers, Defiled, and Demons alike fought and died upon the battlefield, but none did so nearby. Ahead of her stood the Irregulars, working their crossbows and catapults with varying efficiency and delivering death unto the Enemy masses from behind a wall of unyielding Death Corps Guards, while behind them stood the weary reserves, tending to their needs and recovering their strength before their inevitable return to battle. The left and right were much the same, her current position encircled by allies ringed by enemies, and while she would be a fool to consider herself safe, this was the safest place she could be within a half-day’s march. So it was when Guard Leader picked this place to stop, and so Song thought it would be until mere moments ago, when something in the air caught her attention and she leapt to her feet ready to fight.

An Insight perhaps, or possibly even a warning from the Heavens above, for Song didn’t notice the others also coming to their feet until after she was readied. A good thing too, for when the balance of power shifted a half-second later, it did so without further warning.

And it was the Death Corps who paid the price.

The Enemy broke through so quickly it took Song precious seconds to put together what she was seeing, the indomitable Death Corps falling like wheat before the farmer’s scythe. It took even less time for the Irregulars to rout, chickens scattering before the wolf come to feast upon them. So complete was their panic, a good number of them even stumbled through the veil of Concealment laid out around Rain’s retinue, though thankfully, Song and so many others were in position to keep the fleeing commoners from trampling over Rain and his pets. Unwilling to look away from the battlefront, she prayed that Princess and all the other animals made it into the wagon in time, for she would never forgive herself if one of those sweet floofs was trampled underfoot.

Seek Balance. Remain calm. Lin-Lin has the animals well in hand, the most capable person for this task. Remember how well they hop to obey whenever she makes them do tricks?

Right. Taking a deep breath, Song reached for Balance and found it eagerly awaiting to greet her, the Energy of the Heavens flowing in and around her at an almost unprecedented rate. Wrapped in its warm embrace, her spirits soared as multiple, powerful presences flared to life all across the battlefield, the roiling Energy of the Heavens marking their positions in Song’s mind as clearly as if she could see each and every one of them. They appeared in varying degrees of intensity denoting a distinct difference in strength, but each one still impressive enough to take note of. Song herself sat near the bottom of the scale, indecipherable from countless others like Yan to her left, but Sister Mila and Niece Alsantset outstripped her by a fair margin, as did Kyung, who stood positioned behind and between Song and Yan. As for Sister-in-Law Sarnai, her brilliant presence outshone almost all others upon the battlefield as she stood with spear at the ready, matching dozens of powerful presences and surpassed only by a select few.

If Song and so many other soldiers were but mere candles and Sarnai a signal fire, then there were four or five Warriors who shone like burning stars in the sky, several orders of magnitude greater than anything else upon the battlefield. Where they were, Song could not say, for their dazzling presences were so far reaching they stretched from one end of the battle to the other.

A curious development, for there was no benefit to displaying Purity at such a time, but it was clear they were all doing so inadvertently just like her. The Heavenly Energy in the area seemed more active and eager, for lack of a better description, her Core a parched desert drinking in a sudden deluge of water. Putting aside her questions and concerns, Song took advantage of this boon and Reinforced her body to its limits, unconcerned by the needless consumption because for once, she was replenishing Chi faster than she could spend it. That would change soon enough once battle was joined in truth, but for now, she saw no harm in taking preemptive measures.

It wasn’t long before she caught a glimpse of this most fearsome of foes, a single, elite Enemy cadre who’d broken through the front lines. At first glance, she took them for Peak Expert Chosen advancing on foot, but there was too much out of place for this to be true. Their armour, for starters, was dark and ugly, not just in colour, but sheen as well, drinking in the afternoon light and darkening the skies above them. No, those were storm clouds rolling in over the horizon, but all the same, these foes were a clouded, sombre sight, unyielding in their forward advance, cutting a gruesome swathe through the routing Irregulars which lead them straight towards Song. Seconds passed and hundreds died, their bodies coming apart before the charge, but she looked past the spray of blood and clouds of dust and noted all manner of discrepancies. Limbs too long, necks too thick, shoulders too wide, or mouths too cavernous, each and every one of these hulking, misshapen monsters almost appeared human, but were not quite right, each different and disfigured in their own, unique ways save for one startling similarity.

Their eyes. So human and expressive in their rage, those eyes bored directly through Song’s body and set themselves upon their target behind her, the still frame of Falling Rain.

A cadre of Demons had come for Rain’s head, supported by hundreds of Chosen trailing behind, while less than thirty guards stood ready to defend him and thousands of fleeing Irregulars blocked off any and all allies from coming to support them.

The Demonic Aura crashed into her like a chariot at full speed, knocking her back on her heels in a palpable wave of indescribable terror and crippling despair. No wonder the Irregulars broke so quickly, for this was an Aura unlike anything Song had ever felt before, so overwhelming and insidious she could not bring herself to kindle her own Aura in return for fear it would be crushed underfoot. A single step back is all she retreated, but were it not for her Oath to defend the helpless Rain behind her, Song feared she would have turned tail and run, her hands and legs trembling so much her sabre rattled within its sheath. Coward. Ingrate. A good for nothing slave is what she was, one who would forget favours and violate justice if given the chance. In her haste to escape, she would have left him for dead alongside all his defenders, joining the fleeing commoners without giving a second thought to the animals she claimed to love. Oaths were all that kept her here, Oaths given in eager ignorance so as not to displease her sellers, but it was not the Oaths which kept her a slave. This was her birthright, the fate bestowed upon her by the Heavens, a slave from the second she drew breath right up until she drew her last, no matter what flights of fancy she might otherwise entertain. What purpose did she fight for? Why deny the inevitable? Better to accept her fate and end this contemptible life now so she could start anew, for it was clear happiness would never be hers.

Fear and weakness are all you possess, your true value only skin deep. Give in. Give up. Death comes, and freedom awaits.

Lies. Freedom is in your grasp, you only lack the courage to accept it.

The denial came strongly from within as Song roared in wordless defiance, shaking off the binding fetters of terror and despair. She was strong. She was loved. She was no mere slave, but Li Song of the Bekhai, a woman who suffered more than most could bear and stood upright throughout it all. Rain wore his trials and tribulations as a badge of honour, the hallmarks of his success, so why should she be any different? Warm affection and heady courage welled up from within, propelled by a stream of fond memories tinged with an unfamiliar sensation of self-love. Joyous experiences while tending to the animals, thrilling market adventures she embarked upon by herself, and countless instances of care and concern shared by her beloved friends and family, Song had much to live for and even more to lose, so she would not give in today. Condensing her Aura, she unleashed it into the world, but this was no standard Aura of courage and determination. No, this Aura contained all of Song’s emotions which she’d experienced in her joyous life, but also those associated with her previous years of suffering, all mixed and intermingled to form one, simple, poignant message.

Hold fast to hope, for no matter how dark the night may be, dawn will always inevitably follow.

Surging out in a torrent of Chi, she felt her emotions crash against the Demonic Aura and wash over it like a tide, driving it back and freeing her allies from its paralyzing grasp. It took long to describe, but it all happened in the blink of an eye, and the Demonic advance faltered for the first time as dozens of Auras kindled and joined together to drive the Enemy Aura back, but it was hers which spearheaded the charge. This was not a basic Aura, but an enhanced one, much like the Aura Rain used to show her what it was like to be loved, only Song’s was fuelled by hope and courage to combat the terror and despair emanating from the Father’s minions most foul. A new weapon of the Enemy, one they unleashed here in hopes of killing Rain without resistance, but Song would not allow it.

Other voices joined Song’s roar as they set out as one, charging forward to meet these Demons in righteous battle. Sister-in-Law Sarnai and Niece Alsantset were joined by Yellow One through Eight, leading the vanguard as their spears and blades took their foes by surprise, and then Song no longer had the luxury to watch as she did battle with the Enemy. The armoured Demons were the Enemy vanguard, but the Chosen had come along as well, pouring in through the gap opened by their inhuman allies and lending their weight to the offensive. Despite all the chaos, she could see that the opening had yet to be closed, and more would be coming to join them, perhaps faster than allied reinforcements could respond. Sorely outnumbered, Song set to bloody work, her quick draw cleaving through her first foe and killing a second on the return slash, two cuts delivered in the blink of an eye.

She didn’t dictate the Movements so much as felt herself flow through them, slashing, stabbing, and parrying with little to no thought of her own. Not to say she only reacted, only that her actions preceded any thoughts she might have, the Movements ingrained into her body over years of dedicated practice. This was her strength, the strength of diligence, perseverance, and determination, her weapons in the battle against the Enemy and its tools of despair. Knowing this filled her with a curious sentiment, a heady rush of dignity and self-worth which she belatedly recognized as pride. Yes, she was proud of her efforts, proud of her accomplishments, for she was Li Song, a Warrior, survivor, and Khishig of the Bekhai,

No. A Sentinel of the People.

In light of this self-affirmation, Song’s Aura redoubled and expanded to cover even more of the battlefield. Though barely able to see beyond her immediate surroundings, she felt the tides of panic slow and shift as the frightened Irregulars found courage and determination of their own. Stilling their retreat, they turned and saw their Legate’s plight, his carriage in plain view now that the Peak Experts had more pressing use of their Chi. There were no orders given from above, no direction given by nearby Officers, but somehow, these commoners reached a silent consensus and did something no one, not Song, not Hongji, not Rain, and perhaps not even they themselves believed would ever happen.

The Irregulars let out a lively battlecry and threw themselves upon the Enemy from all sides.

Aside from crossbows and catapults, the only other equipment the Irregulars were given was a standard blue tabard to identify them, but this did nothing to slow their charge. Men and women of insignificant strength fought with skinning knives, scavenged weapons, and even tooth and nail in some instances, their courage ignited and fury unleashed. The Chosen and Demons were strong, but now, it was their turn to be outnumbered, as the Irregulars ignored their casualties and swarmed the Enemy in droves, bringing down Defiled after Defiled through sheer weight of numbers.josei

And throughout it all, Song stood firm and lent her sabre to the efforts, defending Rain from all harm, The Enemy would not have him today, not while these righteous men and women of the Empire still drew breath, and not until after she drew her last.

Because her Oaths demanded it.

No. The Oaths bind you in chains, but chains laid and locked by your own hand.

A curious thought, one which never crossed her mind before. If she could utilize the Energy of the Heavens to bind her through Oaths, then why couldn’t she do the same in reverse? Hope, yet again, burning bright in the future, but a hope she would have to pursue after another time. Enough to know that she fought not because her Oaths compelled her, but because Rain was also a part of her family, and she would die to protect him, just as he would for her. Further introspection would have to wait, for she had Insights to study, allies to support, and Enemies to kill, all in adherence to the fate the Heavens bestowed upon her, the fate of a Martial Warrior.

A heavy burden, this holy duty, but one she could bear. The Mother never gave Her children more than they could bear, which meant Song’s shoulders were stronger than most.


Courage ignited and hope rekindled, Yan banished the unsettling memory of the Demonic Aura and stood ready to face her foes. Cold terror and crushing despair lingered behind, twin fangs sunk deep into her soul, but she was Du Min Yan, granddaughter and Terminal Disciple of Du Min Gyu, and she would make him proud.

Channelling more Energy of the Heavens than she’d ever channelled before, she didn’t understand why she was able to do this now, and in truth, couldn’t bring herself to care with the Enemy charging headlong towards them. Despite her desperate need to focus, her mind couldn’t help but link this newfangled experience to something Rain once said regarding his struggles with Balance. He likened the Heavenly Energy to a raging torrent threatening to drown him within, unable to find breath until his struggles came to an end, at which point all that was left were peace and tranquility. She always found it odd that he would name his weapons so, but now she understood, for if she could find peace and tranquility in this entropic turmoil, then she will have advanced by leaps and bounds with regards to Chi.

Before, she likened the touch of Heavenly Energy to sitting down by a lit hearth during a cold winter’s night, a warm and gentle caress which kissed the skin and sank deep into one’s bones. Slow, subtle, and seductive, its enchanting touch gently pulled you into its embrace, and Yan was always happy to oblige. In contrast, this was more like walking into the searing heat of Mila’s forge-room or stepping out into a stormy gale, not entirely unwelcome, but so direct and abrupt like a passionate lover who’d been starved of affection too long. Yan struggled to control the torrent, to direct it where she wanted it to go, but she would’ve had an easier time trying to out-muscle Mila and Husolt combined. The Heavenly Energy went wherever it pleased, and for now, it seemed determined to settle within her Core, at which point it would revisit whatever options she presented it.

Amidst all this struggle and contention, Yan found it impossible to craft the delicate workings needed to Hone her Wind Blades along the edge of her Battle Fan, so she simply threw conservation aside and unleashed a flurry of attacks on her enemies from afar. Lancing out in invisible arcs, her Wind Blades crashed into the foremost Demons to little effect, their innate Domains blunting and dispersing the budding, half-formed Domains she bestowed upon her Wind workings. This was where her weaknesses showed, her lack of Natal Palace and Domain hindering her from advancing any further along the Martial Path, but despite all the advancements made in the past two years, she was no closer to Forming her Natal Palace than the day she first left the People to become Grandpa Du’s student.

Not so with her peers, as she soon saw firsthand. Li-Li’s Aura was already a Blessing from Heaven, Condensing her hope and determination to hold back the crashing waves of Terror and Despair, weapons powerful enough to bring low a Divinity. Granted, this ignoble defeat had been dealt by the hands, or rather turtle claws, of an even more powerful Divinity, but Yan knew that if it were not for Li-Li’s fortuitous development, they would have all died here without raising a hand in their own defence. Emotional Aura was in a class of its own, so much so that if properly utilized, it was akin to using regular Aura on a helpless commoner, and helpless was the key word. There was nothing Yan could have done to resist, nothing anyone could have done to shake free, even if it were Grandpa Du or Akanai standing here with them. There was only one person and two turtles that Yan knew of who could have counteracted the Demon’s Aura. The person in question, Rain, was fast asleep and unreachable, and the first, more self-reliant and powerful turtle wasn’t here. As for Ping Ping, she was a sweetheart with no head for battle, her Aura still sitting idle and unused as she paced back and forth in front of Rain.

Which meant Li-Li had single-handedly saved all of their lives, but that was not the full extent of her contributions.

As the beautiful warrior strode into battle wearing her resplendent Runic armour, it was easy to see Grandpa Du’s influence upon her Martial Path. Though her movements differed from his, Li-Li possessed the same cold, aloof manner Grandpa Du displayed a handful of long hours ago. Wielding their sabres with exquisite poise and indefatigable purpose, they both cut through their foes without blinking and killed with laughable ease. Their presence didn’t draw the eye, but their attacks were so well-aimed it appeared as if their enemies yearned to die upon those sabres. Most importantly of all, wherever they went, their efforts bolstered their allies and supported those in need, though Li-Li did so in a far less domineering way. What she lacked in raw power, she more than made up for in speed and precision, her killing strikes measured to near perfection as she fought with frightening efficiency. Perfectly timed Deflections were followed by impeccably executed Amplifications, allowing her to not only slip past her foes’ defences, but also parry powerful strikes which Yan would have no choice but to avoid. Li-Li fought with her life on the line, staking everything on her skill alone, for one mistake would lead to death or disaster, but the steely half-cat barely even blinked whereas Yan’s nerves frayed just watching.

And then Kyung arrived at her side, and she was like a tiger given wings.

Somehow, they were both able to accurately judge and assess the strength of their foes, and know exactly which one of them should handle them. Li-Li cut down the weaker chaff while Kyung dispatched the more capable Champions, and together, they formed a bulwark which no Demon or Defiled could pass, one which held firm in front of Rain and his wagon of pets, within which he was firmly ensconced so that anyone attacking his carriage, the more obvious target, would find only disappointment waiting within.

A surge of jealousy flared within Yan as she watched Kyung and Li-Li fight side by side, their movements so naturally coordinated it was as if they’d trained together from birth. Though most might think this the case, Kyung himself admitted he’d done no such thing, and in fact had never exchanged more than a dozen words with his half-sister in any one conversation, yet somehow, they were utterly in sync. It was a product of Grandpa’s training, and a feat Yan herself could not replicate, since Grandpa had nearly beggared himself paying a Divine Blacksmith to forge her a Spiritual Battle-Fan. This was a part of his legacy Yan would never share in, and it burned to see Li-Li encroaching upon what was rightfully hers.

Then there was mighty, tyrannical Mila, striding into battle like a force of nature and killing a Demon before the clash even began. Yan hadn’t missed seeing the short spear fly out from their ranks and pierce through an armoured Demon’s defences, Domain, Deflection, and a raised guard still not enough to block the hurtling spear, the impact somehow killing the hardy monster with a single strike. In contrast, no one even saw Yan’s Wind Blades at work, for they tapered out and were rendered ineffective before ever touching a Demon’s skin. Even now, while Mila’s Paragon bit deep into the Defiled lines and left naught but death in its wake, Yan was standing here twiddling her thumbs and throwing out Wind Blades that only killed one Defiled at a time. Throughout this entire battle, all she’d done was throw herself into the fray and come out with less soldiers than she started with, her effect on the overall battle close to nil. Her Wind Blades were impressive yes, but only with regards to their complexity, not overall efficiency. Fung and Seoyoon were easily able to match her efforts on the battlefield, while Song was handily outpacing her in kills, and no one could compare to Mila’s overwhelming contribution throughout the entire battle, not even Mother-in-Law Sarnai and Alsantset combined.

Oh what a deadly pair this mother and daughter made, two warriors cut from the same cloth. Forceful, yet not overbearing, aggressive, yet accommodating, they neither held their ground nor pushed forward into the Enemy, but rather ran roughshod over and around them. Back to back the two women fought, their sweeps and thrusts passing within centimetres of each other, yet neither one balked or hesitated while dealing these high-speed killing blows. This was a trust which went beyond words, a bond which could only be described as familial, allowing them to do things no two other warriors would even dream of. Contrary to expectations, it was not the despotic Speaker Sarnai dictating the flow of battle, but the kind, soft-spoken, stubborn Alsantset who set their pace. Watching over her like a fierce guardian deity, Sarnai followed her daughter into combat and helped her to win glory. When Alsantset struck high, her mother blocked low, when she thrust right, Sarnai guarded left. Before Yan’s eyes, she watched Sarnai feint and expose a weakness which her daughter exploited, only for Alsantset to block a Demon’s overpowering attack just so her mother could deal a decisive blow.

How nice it must be to have a mother’s love, something Yan would never know because she was unwanted. Grandpa Du took her in, but only because he’d lost Kai and Song both, making her the third choice at best. No, even lower than that, for Grandpa had Kyung and could have taken Da’in if his pride had allowed it. Yan was only picked because there were no other options available, and if there had been, then she would have been left behind once again, just like all those hopeful parents had ignored her to adopt other, better children instead. For good reason too, even if they didn’t know it because Yan was a black star, a harbinger of disaster. Just look at Grandpa Du, who lost his entire fortune and the love of his family for taking her in, or her husband who lay spiritless and comatose behind her. Would he even be here on the battlefield if Yan hadn’t obstinately run off to do battle? Probably, but only because Mila had come. Yan was merely the second wife, a bonus wife, a woman he kept because she’d adamantly pursued him, slipping into his yurt like a brazen harlot without scruples. He was too good a man to spurn her after the deed was done, and Mila too kind to refuse Yan a chance.

Mila. Li-Li. Alsantset. Lin-Lin. Even Luo-Luo offered more than Yan ever could. What use did she have? What accomplishments did she have to her name? Nothing she had was earned through her own efforts, not her rank, her Spiritual Weapons, her quin, or even the clothes on her back. From the day she was born, everything she possessed had been given to her by others, and she didn’t even have the good graces to repay what was owed, forsaking the People who raised and trained her to run off with the first stranger who offered. Now, she wore the most fashionable silks paired with the most expensive of jewels, while living in an opulent manor and eating the finest of foods, living a life of luxury all thanks to the men in her life.

There was a word for women like that, a hateful, ugly word so many in Central had already associated with her name. Du Min Yan, the whore who seduced Du Min Gyu and Falling Rain both.

Idiot. Even without all those trappings, you would still be a woman of worth. Was she not the Sanguine Whirlwind, Du Min Yan? Warrior of the Hwarang and Sentinel of the People, a rising Dragon and the envy of all. The Adujan of yesteryear was a brash, confident, and courageous Warrior, so why had she changed so much along with her name? There was no need to care what others might whisper, so long as she showed her true worth with her actions alone.

A memory came to her, one she’d long since cast aside, and as if seeing it through different eyes, the veil parted and understanding dawned. Gathering her Chi into her Spiritual Weapon, she drew her arm back and cast her six-pointed shield out into the crowd with all her might. Striking a Defiled Warrior from almost point blank range, the impact knocked the ugly bastard off his feet. The Runes on his breastplate protected him from the brunt of the force, but Yan was not done. Kindling Wind Chi around the shield’s bladed edges, she formed a singular Wind Blade which drove itself clean through her foe’s neck. Catching the shield without even needing to think, she moved back three steps and cast her shield out again, this time having a clearer image of what needed to be done. Rather than aiming directly at her target, she aimed for the space beside him, and as her shield hurtled through the empty air, a Wind Blade came into existence and took her target’s life. Forward, the shield continued, with Wind Blades forming on all six points, the weapon itself a whirlwind of death as it passed through the Defiled lines.

This was how she used the shield when she first bound the weapon, but she thought it silly to throw away her only Spiritual Weapon. The Battle-Fan was helpful for utilizing Wind Chi, but as an actual weapon, it was less than optimal. Granted, it still killed as well as any other blade, but it took a great deal of effort to adapt the Movements for use with the exotic weapon, and Yan had been so focused on learning how to harness her Blessing, her basic skills had suffered for her progress.

Struck by another bout of Insight, Yan’s eyes widened with glee as she reached out to her shield and Guided it to curve around. The weapon responded so quickly she almost lost control, but she soon realized that the ease of Guidance was not due to her proficiency with the skill itself, which was admittedly mediocre, but rather because the shield was so perfectly crafted to not only cut through the air with startling ease, but to also harness its flight to accelerate as it went. Small wonder Divine Blacksmith Husolt had called it some of his best work, even going so far as to chastise Yan for not using the weapon to its fullest extent, for this was a killing weapon unlike any other. Even without use of her Wind Blades, she could send it hurtling through Defiled bodies with little more than a thought, moving about in long, circuitous loops and killing all within its path.

Right up until a Demon leapt in to smash it aside.

Yan saw it coming at the last moment, and inwardly winced at the thought of losing her weapon for the interim. Unlike Mila or Sarnai, Yan had no idea how to call her weapon back to hand, and while finding it would not be an issue, she would likely have to wait until after the battle was done to go running after it. Out of petulant spite, she Honed her weapon to the extreme and formed the densest Wind Blades she could manage, and even Amplified the impact in hopes of damaging the Demon even a bit, and the results were surprising. As the armoured fist struck the Spiritual Shield, Yan’s Honed Wind Blade bit deep and affixed itself to the Demon’s forearm instead of being batted away across the battlefield. Before she could even rejoice over her good luck, Li-Li swooped in and lopped the Demon’s arm off while Kyung finished it off. Dislodging the shield with a snap of her wrist, Li-Li flicked the shield up into the air with her sabre, allowing Yan to take control of it once more. Rather than push her luck, she directed it back over towards her and caught it with a grin, which Li-Li responded to with a soft smile of her own.

Buoyed by this success, Yan threw herself into the fray once again, unleashing a flurry of Wind Blades with her Battle-Fan and putting her Bladed-Shield to aerial work, albeit on a reduced scale compared to before. With the addition of Wind Chi, she realized she had almost complete control of the spinning shield and set to learning all its secrets, while simultaneously studying how she could utilize her Battle-Fan more effectively. There was a time when she lamented how unwieldy her exotic weapons had become, but now, she cherished their complexity. Funny how these weapons had been gifted to her by the two most important men in her life, Du Min Gyu and Falling Rain. One a doting father figure, the other an adoring husband, Yan would not be the woman she was without either one, and she loved them both with all her heart.

A warm gentle breeze caressed the back of her neck, and she felt the Energy of the Heavens respond to her innermost sentiments, more eager and compliant than ever before. There was a greater power at work here, some benediction of the Mother, for despite having used so much Chi, her Core was still almost full, her expenditure only marginally faster than her rate of replenishment. Whatever it was, it left her feeling loved and adored, but somehow, she also knew it would not last. How she knew, she could not say, but it left her with the same, bittersweet sensation she had felt when she first bid Rain farewell. It was silly to let herself be distracted in battle, but she risked a small glance towards him and knew nothing had changed. He was still lying there, asleep and unresponsive, but alive and well, or as well as could be expected. This had happened before, and like always, he would pull through in the end, and then she would tease him about getting old and falling asleep at the most inopportune times.

That’s all this was, Yan told herself, a temporary coma from which he would wake. She believed this to be true with all her heart, because to believe otherwise would be to give into despair, for she was not yet ready to lose him.

Yet lose him, you will.

A loss you can endure.

Casting these dark thoughts aside, Yan threw herself into battle and let the wind dry her tears, tears she refused to acknowledge because to do so would be her undoing.

Chapter Meme

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