Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: First World: Angry Mum With A Slipper

Anger clouded Qie Ranzhe's judgement, he didn't know when or how he arrived at the gates of the Lin Mansion. His mind was running wild with erratic thoughts certainly hangry vowing to take vengeance on Zhao Huangzhi for further ruining his night. He could have at least pacified his anger by eating the food made for him by Lin Jingxie eating it as comfort food. These series of events left a bitter taste in his mouth that could only go away if he laid eyes on Lin Jingxie. Just a glimpse of him would resolve all his grievances that's why he walked all the way here in the middle of the night.

He initially walked towards Lin Jingxie's room but loud sounds of what could only be a commotion drew his attention. The mansion that is usually peaceful by now was still as lively as ever with a group of servants eavesdropping outside Master Lin's study while whispering to each other with their ears glued to the door. They were completely engrossed in their unethical conduct that they didn't notice someone approaching.

Qie Ranzhe stood behind them listening in on their conversation with no intention of making his presence known. "Did young master really say that? Aiya.....that young miss was so beautiful but ran off crying," said the cook swinging his arms around with a ladle in his hand.

"Haha that's not all, he even went as far as telling her to mature first then come back and try again," said a young maiden covering her mouth while snickering.

One servant tapped the gardener while asking, "Is young master really into older women or he was just trying to make her abandoned hope because l really can't imagine young master kissing a grandma. Ah, that's so fuckin wrong," while curiously leaning forward.

A hand suddenly smacked the back of his head as he yelped, "Ouch." An older woman among the group was displeased by his discrimination and so hit him hard before scolding him.

"What's wrong with an older woman, huh? I am as energetic and more experienced in bed so of course, young master would go for ladies my age. We are better than those innocent little girls who don't even know how to eat it right," she said poking his head in anger. All the servants gawked at her speechless wondering how such a filthy mouth belonged to a lady.

Qie Ranzhe clearly heard this and frowned obviously displeased, he not only had to worry about cute lolis but also older women. What kind of situation was this? He thought back to all the aunties Lin Jingxie had been polite to, did he like them all as well? Frustrated, he massaged in between his brows with two fingers sighing inwardly while suppressing his rage.

"Who knows maybe l can give young master a tutorial free of charge," she uttered proudly inciting a disapproving reaction from the rest of the servants.

"Oh please spare us,"

"My pure ears, l can't wash them clean even if l scrub ten times,"

"What the fuck is wrong with you," they all complained talking over each other.

This was obviously the last straw for Qie Ranzhe as he rudely pushed through the group before opening the door to the study. The entire Lin family was too focused on their argument that they didn't even notice when he walked in. Lin Jingxie was at the far end of the room running away from a livid Madam Lin threatening him with a slipper while the rest of the Lin men held her back.

They had never seen her this angry before with a flushed face and purple veins bulging on her neck while yelling at a petrified Lin Jingxie. "Older women huh! If that's your type then l am going to beat you till you can't even look at an older woman ever again!" she roared lunging forward with great strength trying to break away from her husband and teach her son a lesson.

She had never laid a finger on him for his entire life but today she was going to make a clear example out of him. 'She's bad shit crazy,' thought Wen Qinxi devising an escape route. He had randomly came up with an excuse to get Madam Lin off his back but didn't anticipate her extreme reaction otherwise he would have taken precautions and said it while standing by the door for an easy getaway.

Seeing that her attempts to break free were futile, she resorted to throwing the only thing in her hand and that would be the slipper she had originally planned to beat him with. Like a professional pitcher in baseball, she accurately flung that slipper aiming at Lin Jingxie's face.

It was as though time slowed down with the slipper spinning in the air heading for a wide-eyed Wen Qinxi hesitating on whether to make a break for it. He decided to take the punishment head on hoping it would appease Madam Lin but just as he braced for impact, he felt a swift breeze blowing by and a loud pa sound as the slipper smacked someone's face.

Wen Qinxi swiftly felt up his face looking for where he had been hit only to look up and see Qie Ranzhe standing right in front of him stretching his arms wide on either side in a protective stance. Wen Qinxi peeked from behind him to look at his face only to find a red patch with slipper print clearly visible like a fine piece of art.

" that's gotta hurt," said Wen Qinxi peeking from behind Qie Ranzhe's shoulder while poking at the irritated patch of skin. Qie Ranzhe turned his face gazing at him from the corner of his dark fuming eyes. Feeling as though his entire face was heating up under that gaze, Wen Qinxi retreated mumbling, "So fuckin scary."

Madam Lin was stupefied frozen in place feeling ashamed that she hit Qie Ranzhe who had nothing to do with this. "Aiyo.....l have committed a crime to such a handsome face," she said shaking loose Lin Mingxu and her husband darting towards Qie Ranzhe, "Wuwuwuwu...auntie is so sorry. Get him some ointment!" she yelled to the melon eating servants while touching his face with trembling hands.

This scene had all the Lin man slackjawed feeling like old discarded clothes replaced by the shiny new one. Wen Qinxi decided to take chances and quietly slip away while she was distracted but only took two steps tiptoeing to the exit hunched over like a thief making his escape when her gaze shifted to him.

"You...not even God can save you now," she said pulling him by his ear leading him to the door, "go kneel in the main hall as punishment and don't you dare stand up till that essence stick finishes!"josei

'Woman why are stealing my line? l always execute the punishments,' thought Master Lin with a downcast expression and yes, he only thought but didn't dare say it otherwise he might end accompanying his son kneeling as well. The guard assigned for such assignments showed up out of thin air as though he had been waiting to hear the word punishment and escorted Lin Jingxie to do his time.

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