Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: First World: Unrequited Love

They say being in love is the greatest and long-lasting high on the planet explaining why humans crave for it like an addiction. What people might not know is that loving someone who might never love you shakes you to the core but its incredibly exciting making you feel alive as both Zhao Huangzhi and Qie Ranzhe could testify. One had her sights on the other but the other had his sights on his friend who had no idea how Qie Ranzhe felt towards him. Of course, the downside to unrequited love is the unforgettable piercing pain that stabs at your heart deeper and deeper as you hold on to them. Zhao Huangzhi felt that pain when her plan failed miserably right before her eyes.

She couldn't understand why her food wasn't good enough for Qie Ranzhe despite the fact that it was prepared by the finest chef bestowed upon her grandmother by the emperor himself. Zhao Huangzhi was piqued by this situation accusing the man of sabotaging her. In her moment of anger, she impulsively fired the chef resulting in her buttocks being spanked by the ruthless grandma Zhao. With a servant rubbing ointment on her sore butt, she couldn't help but wonder what was so special about Lin Jin's food that had Qie Ranzhe deeply attached. At that moment, she made a decision to approach Lin Jingxie and ask directly. She knew he wouldn't turn her away as he was the only one who supported her love pursuit for Qie Ranzhe. The next morning she found herself at the Lin Mansion bright and early just as the golden sun rose from the horizon looking to talk to Lin Jingxie.

The servants were enchanted by her rose like delicate beauty that was alluring yet unattainable like a diety with thorns that would make you bleed if you displease her. She was led to a table out in the garden set for breakfast where Madam Lin and Lin Mingxu were just about to eat. Lin Ming clearly knew who she was but Madam Lin had a little impression of this dazzling beauty but welcomed her none the less.

She politely greeted them refusing their offer to join them for breakfast before inquiring about Lin Jingxie's whereabouts. "I could tell you where he is but l don't think a lady of your stature would be able to join him," said Lin Mingxu with a disapproving look on his face. He clearly disliked her and didn't even attempt to conceal his feelings. Though they wished to achieve the same goal Lin Mingxu couldn't shake the feeling that Zhao Huangzhi might harbour ill-intention towards his brother. Maybe not now but definitely in the near future.

His gut feeling told him that this woman was dangerous maybe even more dangerous than Qie Ranzhe but at least Qie Ranzhe was obsessed with his brother and wouldn't harm him. So he kept his distance watching her closely, even Lin Jingxie seemed to keep his distance from her hence he had nothing to worry about. But now she was seeking him out stimulating Lin Mingxu's vigilance. There was absolutely no way he was leaving them two alone together.

"I really don't mind. May you please show me the way?" she said in a such a coy tone that had Madam Lin creasing her brows while exchanging looks with her son with an expression that seemed to be saying, 'is this one of the vile women from the capital you were talking about?'

"Sure," replied Lin Mingxu as he stood up gesturing with his hand 'ladies first' before following behind her. Just as he took a step forward, Madam Lin suddenly grasped his wrist pulling him back in concern. She had already branded her a vixen, minx and other names that are not suitable to say in front of children as she could clearly see through that fake smile and worried for her sons.

"Does either of you like her?" she anxiously asked in a whisper watching her graceful slender frame walking towards the door.

"No that's Qie Ranzhe's love interest. No need to worry mother," he said patting her hand before walking out. His words didn't put her mind to ease in the slightest because she had accepted Qie Ranzhe as her son and was naturally worried for him. She had to intervene and personally deal with this matter hoping it wasn't too late for Qie Ranzhe otherwise Zhao Huangzhi would be extremely difficult to get rid off.

Lin Mingxu led her to the kitchen with neither of them exchanging words along the way which didn't bother him because he didn't care about her so why bother having insincere beauty-parlour chitchat. Zhao Huangzhi on the other hand felt disgruntled as her charms didn't seem to work on Lin Mingxu who should be smitten by now. Instead, the boy was cold and distant freezing her out with no room for negotiation just like Qie Ranzhe.

The only one who seemed to care for her was Lin Jin who, unfortunately, was the person she needed to get rid of so she could monopolize Qie Ranzhe. They soon arrived at a spacious kitchen with grey smoke escaping through the door. Her eyes instantly became teary with the smoke stinging her eyes the closer she got. Lin Mingxu didn't move, he just pointed for her to go in while lazily leaning against the wall.

"In here?" she asked with a fixed expression hiding her displeasure as this was the first time she had ever stepped into a kitchen her entire life. Though hesitant at first, she endured willingly going through with it as long as it got her the lover she yearned for day and night. With reddened eyes, she entered only to find Lin Jingxie chopping some vegetables while simultaneously frying something.josei

Her heart sank when she realized that the young master was handling such a peasant job meant to be done by a servant. Was the Lin family so poor that they couldn't afford a cook and had their heir do it? "Jin-ge this...," she said stunned out her mind.

Wen Qinxi was surprised to see her but couldn't pay much attention to her otherwise he might burn Qie Ranzhe's dinner. He smiled gently and said, "You shouldn't be here, didn't Ming Ming tell you about the smoke? It might ruin your beautiful dress."

"Its okay l have plenty more. What are you doing?" she asked wiping away a tear flowing from her irritated eyes looking like a fallen angel.

"I am making food for Qie Ranzhe. Its Sichuan chicken, hot and sour shredded potato stir fry and some ginger garlic spinach stir fry. Oh, l will also pack some rice for him" he replied while keeping busy. He had been meaning to let the female lead take the lead with this one and relieve him of this tedious task but knowing Qie Ranzhe's personality he planned on easing him into acceptance.

"Jin-ge treats Ran-ge so well. Would you please teach me so l can also make food for him?" she said grabbing his arm by the elbow with a whiny voice that even sickening herself. She didn't expect Lin Jingxie to take her hand off as though unhappy with the contact as he began explaining.

While half-heartedly listening to Lin Jingxie she heard Qie Ranzhe's voice coming from outside the kitchen as he was conversing with Lin Mingxu. She suddenly had an idea, the oldest trick in the book that could set her ship sailing. This would kill two birds with one stone and she could finally have her happy ever after.

She waited for the right moment to ask Lin Jingxie to show her how to slice the potatoes. Without thinking it through deeply engrossed on the task at hand, Wen Qinxi stood beside her carefully demonstrating how to cut them the right way. Zhao Huangzhi tried again but she so bad at it wasting his preped ingredients. He really didn't want to peel more potatoes again.

So Wen Qinxi placed his hand over hers guiding the knife in between her fingertips properly slicing through the starchy potato while explaining patiently. To everyone else, it looked like a romantic scene out of the movies but to Wen Qinxi, he was simply teaching the female lead how to take care of her future husband.

Qie Ranzhe suddenly walked in only to find the man he loved holding hands with the seductress so naturally like they had done it a dozen times before. His heart was racing with a heavy feeling crashing his chest as a flush of anger crept up his face while clenching his jaw. "What are you doing?" he said in a cold tyrannical voice that startled the both of them. Zhao Huangzhi was truly skilled pretending to be surprised by his sudden arrival.

"Ran-ge it was him who touched m-," she kept on talking but none of the two was listening with their line of sight colliding caught in a stalemate. Qie Ranzhe could see obvious signs of guilt on Lin Jingxie's face which made him completely misunderstanding the situation. He felt a suffocating pain coupled with a heartache that felt as though his heart was being torn apart. He naturally couldn't stay there much longer and so he angrily stormed out disappearing without a trace.

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