Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 526

Chapter 526: A New Fujoshi Recruit

When Wen Qinxi heard the words what I asked him to do, he placed the game controller down and looked at his brother. Wen Danzhe was at the fridge taking out a can of soda. As soon as he turned around he was met by Wen Qinxi's probing gaze which almost scared his soul away.

"What?" he asked before taking a sip while staring at his brother.

"What did you ask him to do?" asked Wen Qinxi but before Wen Danzhe could answer, Wen Qinxi's cellphone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out thinking it was Qie Ranzhe explaining himself. Yes, It was him alright but it was a picture of him passed out and it was his mother who sent that picture with the caption 'does this person belong to you'.

"Damn it....," yelled Wen Qinxi rushing to the bedroom to change his clothes.

"What?.... What happened?" asked Wen Danzhe seemingly vexed by the entire situation. He walked over to the couch and checked Wen Qinxi's cellphone only to spit out a mouthful of soda. He didn't think his mother would actually get Qie Ranzhe drunk.

He placed the can on the countertop and hurriedly changed into his shoes almost tripping on himself. The two brothers were out of the apartment in two minutes heading towards their mother's house.

Meanwhile, Qie Ranzhe had reached his drinking limit but Mama Wen wasn't done interrogating him.

She gently poked him and Qie Ranzhe raised his head revealing his misty eyes and flushed cheeks. He propped up his head with his hand and smiled sheepishly at Mama Wen.

"I promise you this isn't like me.... I usually dri-drink more than this," he said seeming apologetic.

"Yeah, yeah, sure... now tell me, have you two slept together?" she asked her intentions simple. She needed to know whether to drag this man by the ear to Amsterdam and have him take responsibility for her son. Or possibly drag her son by the ear to take responsibility for this CEO. The decision on whose ear will get dragged was solely dependent on her next question.

Qie Ranzhe hurriedly shook his head with his hands waving like he absolutely did not do anything. "No no, we haven't done anything except cuddling. I promise, that's all we did... but in Flagship we..... um..... we had a son. Do you, do you want to see?" he said excitedly taking out his cellphone like the proud dad in the office.

"Let me see," she said accepting his cellphone and her eyes brightened looking at that picture. That baby was so cute she couldn't resist putting up an expression of endearment looking at the picture.

"What's his name?" she asked wondering who between them mothered this virtual baby. Based on her son's pain endurance index which was in the negatives she believed the answer to that question was Qie Ranzhe. If her son were to give birth he would faint from the pain. Of course, the likelihood of that happening was zero but she was curious to know if it hurt.

"Qie Xieling," he said directly answering Mama Wen's next question. Her son could only be the..... shou in this relationship. She had done some research while Qie Ranzhe was dozing off earlier which opened her up to a whole new world she never thought she would step into.

She vowed to delve deeper into this interesting world later but now she had questions that needed answers. Little did she know she would become a full-blown fujoshi constantly pairing up her straight younger son in her head to every handsome boy she walked past.

"I don't know but that's our son," he said speaking as if Qie Xieling was real. Their son was one of his proudest achievements in Flagship second to him actually getting Wen Qinxi pregnant. Never in his dreams did he ever think that man would be with him yet here he was trying to get Mama Wen's consent.

"So my son is the um... the bottom in this relationship?" she asked with the alcohol boosting her courage. Okay fine, that's a lie. Even if she was sober she would still ask that question in the presence of her son.

Qie Ranzhe's eyes widened refusing to answer that question especially when he recalled the cleaver in the drawer a few feet from them. Mama Wen already had a definite answer from his silence. Well, it did make sense based on their appearance. One was so domineering while the other was silent but a firecracker when provoked.

She was about to tell him to take care of her son and not break his heart otherwise she would break his legs when the apartment door was suddenly opened. Her two sons walked in panting heavily like they had been running a marathon. Qie Ranzhe had already laid his head on the kitchen counter. He was too drunk at this point.

Mama Wen took off one of her slippers and flung it at them nailing Wen Danzhe's back.

"Ma! This has nothing to do with me," yelled Wen Danzhe having failed to dodge slipper one.

"You knew and didn't say anything. You are guilty by association," she said before taking off slipper two. Mama Wen was like an unparalleled sharpshooter when it came to throwing things. She accurately hit Wen Qinxi's butt despite him dodging the attack. josei

"That's for lying to me. Why didn't you tell me sooner, huh? When have I ever made you feel like you can't tell me anything? I had to find out from him that I had been running around like a headless chicken looking for a nice girl for you yet you already had a boyfriend... tsk, go take care of him," yelled Mama Wen before walking away locking herself in her room.

With that door closed the dark expression on her face vanished as she sprawled on the bed with her cellphone in hand. She wasn't upset about her son's sexual preferences she was upset about him not saying anything sooner. She had unknowingly set him up on a blind date thinking she was helping the situation but it turned she had the wrong gender entirely.

Meanwhile, Wen Qinxi was trying to wake Qie Ranzhe up while rubbing his sore butt cheek. He felt like pinching Qie Ranzhe for not saying anything. If he had known Qie Ranzhe was going to come to see his mother he would have prepared her in advance but this boyfriend of his just had to jump the gun.

"Well, mum outdrank him... huh?" said Wen Danzhe earning him a fierce glare from Wen Qinxi, "don't look at me like that. At least now you know he is serious about you and based on mum's personality you will be wearing a wedding ring pretty soon. You can thank me later."

"Piss off," replied Wen Qinxi suppressing a smile that was slowly growing at the corner of his lips. They had matching tattoos, matching necklaces and had an in-game son, the only thing missing was a matching pair of rings which his younger brother facilitated.

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