Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: First World: Protect You In Secret

Generous with no bounds and committing to do whatever is necessary to make sure his friend gets the girl are the top qualities of a good wingman but Wen Qinxi was starting to sway. He had been a wingman before though it was mostly in online games, helping a friend to get a female player, it was enough experience for him to help Qie Ranzhe get the love of his life.

To achieve his goal of getting this high maintenance CEO out of the game they had to successfully pass all five worlds and get Qie Ranzhe's split consciousness back as one ultimately saving the overbearing CEO who was currently a vegetable in the game room. To pass the worlds Wen Qinxi had to stir the story in such a way that would guarantee Qie Ranzhe a happy ending. The ending had to be satisfying enough to make Qie Ranzhe let go of each world.

Unfortunately, part of that happy ending included Zhao Huangzhi. After discovering how vile she could be Wen Qinxi became extremely reluctant to pair these two together. Having someone who was willing to use such methods to get what she wanted within Qie Ranzhe's inner circle had Wen Qinxi dithering. He hadn't slept all night thinking about this but failed to come up with an answer and could only consult Jolie. Every action Wen Qinxi took in this game was on a trial and error basis as he wasn't even sure if what he was doing would truly help them win this level and move on to the next world.

"Jolie l know your dear CEO loves Zhao Huangzhi in the real world but is it really okay to bring them together when she's this evil/ Would it really affect the final result if we find him another girl?" asked Wen Qinxi exting the mansion heading in the direction of the shelter.

The system didn't respond for a long time thinking of a way to respond to him without raising any suspicions. In reality, it also didn't know but still chose to advise him. "Well l don't know either but all l can say is that without satisfying Qie Ranzhe consciousness you can't pass this world. What are you going to do?" asked the system.josei

Wen Qinxi heaved a long dejected sigh and was about to answer the system when he spotted Lee Jienjie who happened to be walking towards his direction. When she saw him, her eyes sparkled as though she had just seen an oasis in a dry desert. "Jin-ge!" she cried out in a shaky voice, "l was on my way to see you. I heard you had been recuperating in your room these past three days and couldn't help but worry."

The system almost choked at the word recuperating saying, 'Pfft....recuperating my ass. More like getting drunk," with a snicker. Wen Qinxi rolled his eyes within and chose to ignore it before answering.

"Thank you for your concern but there's no need. Its you that l should be more worried about. How are your injuries?" he asked with his eyes in full view of healing bruises that were obviously the handy work of Zhao Huangzhi's goons. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of woman would do such a thing to another woman? Isn't this kind of woman highly capable of killing a person without blinking? Well, Lee Jienjie got one thing right, both Qie Ranzhe and Zhao Huangzhi would be well suited for each other that is if he wasn't trying to change Qie Ranzhe.

"I am doing okay though l can't leave the house anymore without escorts," she said pointing towards the evidently buff men and several maidens following behind. Wen Qinxi couldn't help but feel bad, Zhao Huangzhi had used Lee Jienjie's feelings for him to draw her into this mess. Ridden with guilt, he couldn't help but apologise to her.

"l am truy sorry for getting you involved in this," he slowly said forgetting that only Lee Jienjie knew what truly transpired that day.

His words startled her and so she asked, "You know?" with her heart in turmoil.

Wen Qinxi realised his mistake and panickingly salvaged the situation, "l guessed it had something to do with her judging by your words the other day. Plus bandits in this town are a rare occurrence so they must have been brought in by someone," he said trying to make up a plausible excuse.

Lee Jienjie soon relaxed but put on a stern expression warning him with good intentions. "Jin-ge if she's willing to go this far to get Qie Ranzhe's attention what more do you think she would do to you just to keep him all to herself?" she said leaning in closer with dark eyes, "You don't need Qie Ranzhe, he will only bring you trouble. l am literally begging you to stay away from him."

Wen Qinxi was touched by her concern for him but there was no way in hell he would let that boss of his run around with no supervision otherwise they would only leave this place when they had grey hair. "l understand but you don't have to worry about me. I will stay as far away from her possible but l can't abandon my friend just because of her," he replied attempting to reassure an anxious Lee Jienjie.

His answer didn't seem to put her mind at ease as she wanted to say something else but soon swallowed her words down realising she couldn't convince him. "Just be careful Jin-ge," she finally said choosing to protect him in secret. They exchanged a few thoughtful words before eventually parting ways.

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