Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: First World: The Legendary Sword

Knowing he was on Zhao Huangzhi's hit list, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but feel a bit shaken. He knew it was just a game but he dreaded the thought of starting all over again and his fear of pain intensified his desire to live. Though the pain index was at it's the lowest setting, Wen Qinxi wasn't reassured in the slightest. He had to come up with a plan to get that crazy girl off his back otherwise he would have to bear the consequences.

Lee Jienjie watched Lin Jingxie's expression change multiple times immediately figuring out what was bothering him. "Jin-ge, your relationship with Qie Ranzhe its....," she said reaching out to touch his hand hanging low on the side of his thigh. Machu who had been sitting outside the kitchen noticed this scene frowned and promptly dispatching an eager Shuen to deal with it.

Wen Qinxi who had been inattentive was busy mulling over what the system said so was completely unaware of Lee Jienjie's actions. He raised his head with an absent expression saying, "Huh?" Lee Jienjie was about to repeat herself when Shuen, out of nowhere, walked right in between them forcing Lee Jienjie to release Lin Jingxie's hand.

"Excuse me," he said swaggering between them even though there was so much space for him to just walk around them. Lee Jienjie was extremely irritated glaring at the disappearing figure of such a disrespectful brat.

"Lee Jienjie, you were saying?" he asked bringing her back to reality.

"Oh, l was asking about your relationship with Qie Ranzhe," she said with her voice quieting down with each word uttered. Wen Qinxi stared at her with a confused look that seemed to ask 'what about it?'. Judging from his expression she continued saying, "I know you are close friends but Zhao Huangzhi won't be happy till she monopolizes Qie Ranzhe that's why I ran over here to try and pacify her."

Wen Qinxi's expression softened feeling extremely grateful to her. He really felt those two would tear him apart if he stayed between them any longer. Wen Qinxi let out a soft laugh saying, "Thank you for that, you truly saved me though she won't rest till l am dead," while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

That gorgeous laugh had Lee Jienjie feeling bashful with flushed cheeks. She really loved Lin Jingxie and genuinely wanted to help him. Unlike Zhao Huangzhi, she knew love couldn't be forced but that didn't stop her from dreaming that their relationship could be a little more than this. She hoped that in helping Lin Jingxie he would change his perception of her, from a little meimei to a girl he could spend the rest of his life with.

"That's why l am here. I came up with a solution that can ease the tension. I know Qie Ranzhe is important to you and can't stop being friends with him so l came up with a plan to get Zhao Huangzhi off your back," she said with an excited look on her pretty face.

Wen Qinxi subconsciously raised a brow gazing at her with a sceptical look. What plan could she possibly come up with that could help him survive this world and ultimately save him from an untimely death? Lee Jienjie scanned around and saw some inquisitive eyes peeping in their direction making her choose to whisper her plan instead.

Being this close to such a beautiful lady emitting the sweet scent of spring, Wen Qinxi tensed up expecting some form of stimulation as nature intended but as her warm breath brushed against his ear nothing memorable transpired. He wasn't even a tenth as annoyed as he was when Qie Ranzhe whispered in his which happened way too often. There was a tingly sensation at first but like a struck matchstick, it died down in an instant. 'That's odd,' he thought just as she finished talking.

Lee Jienjie lingered a little longer after she finished whispering her plan staring at Lin Jingxie's chiselled jaw and smooth skin. She secretly hoped to accidentally brush against his cheek with her lips but her plan was instantly doused with cold water. Shuen had made his way back forcing them apart with another shameless, "Excuse me."josei

She finally lost it yelling at him, "You stupid brat! You better learn some manners soon otherwise l will personally come over there and beat some manners into you!" while angrily pointing at Shuen. Shuen who had been scolded by Lee Jienjie didn't seem remorseful choosing to rudely stick his tongue out at her instead.

Angered by his childish behaviour she lunged forward to beat the crap out of him but Wen Qinxi who had been mulling over her plan grasped Lee Jienjie's arm pulling her away with his mind lost in thought. He unintentionally led an angry Lee Jienjie back to the dining room only to witness a mind-blowing event.


With Lin Jingxie gone the atmosphere turned icy cold in a trice even though it was the middle of spring. Qie Ranzhe didn't want to leave Lin Jingxie all alone with Lee Jienjie for too long. Who knew what type of brainwashing that seductress would do to Lin Jingxie. He didn't want to be here any longer than he had to so he said, "Speak," in an impatient tone.

Zhao Huangzhi was initially pleased to finally have Qie Ranzhe all to herself but seeing him with one foot at the door, her heart sank and couldn't help express her grievances. "Ran-ge pl-," she said but quickly shut her mouth when he shot her a ferocious glare that sent chills down her spine. Why she loved a man who didn't give her any second thought? Not even she could answer that question. All she knew was that Qie Ranzhe was her very breath and without him, there was no point in living.

"Qie Ranzhe," she corrected herself before saying, "my father arranged for me to get back to the capital so l am leaving tomorrow. I came to say goodbye." She wore a doleful expression inching closer to Qie Ranzhe while nervously rubbing her perfectly manicured fingernails.

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything, he just stood up to leave but Zhao Huangzhi swiftly grabbed his arm pleading with him, "l know you don't especially like me right now but l like you and wanted to leave you something l know you will truly love," while the servant placed the wooden case right in front of Qie Ranzhe.

Zhao Huangzhi excitedly opened the box for him showing off the legendary sword Hei An Zhi, the pride and joy of the Zhao family. Though the sword's origin was unknown, the initial owner was General Zhao, Zhao Huangzhi's great-great-grandfather nicknamed the Vanquisher as he conquered Kingdoms till there was nothing left not even livestock.

He single-handedly expanded the nation's territory conquering all their enemies but even after all that his thirst for blood wasn't quenched. Legend has it that he became a bloodthirsty crazed maniac going after his nation's allies against the emperor's wishes. This led a desperate emperor to orchestrate his most powerful General's murder by having General Zhao's son murder his own father at the promise of countless treasures and prestige.

The night he was poisoned it was said the General felt his death drawing closer and chose to drive the Hei An Zhi into his heart whispering something to it. Rumour has it that the sword was lodged in his body for two days straight as everyone failed to pull it out it till it suddenly dropped on its own. It was believed among the common folk that whosoever wield this sword would become powerful enough to overturn nations.

This magnificent sword was the Zhao family's heirloom passed down for generations but because the Zhao family feared it's formidable power it was reduced to a priceless museum display showcased to guests when hosting dinner parties. Now Zhao Huangzhi had taken that very sword without permission handing it over to Qie Ranzhe all in the name of love. Qie Ranzhe was fully aware of the sword's full identity and sure enough, he was interested. Zhao Huangzhi saw a flash of excitement in those bone-chilling dark eyes causing her heart to flutter. She wished she had more legendary weapons to gift him and earn his love.

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