Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: First World: Pay You Back

Wen Qinxi closed the wooden case and stashed it away before rolling up an extra quilt longitudinally to evenly divide the bed. He sincerely hoped this would help prevent another embarrassing event like the one that happened the last time he slept over. Wen Qinxi washed up and changed out of his outer garment but even then Qie Ranzhe hadn't reappeared probably hiding his precious sword on mars or pluto.

He slumped hard onto the comfy bed lost in thought. Wen Qinxi regretted giving Qie Ranzhe that sword otherwise they wouldn't be in this situation. He felt bad forcing Qie Ranzhe to let go of something that was obviously of sentimental value to him. With that in mind he decided to let him keep it. The plot had already gone haywire ages ago so why would he bother taking away his favourite plaything?

Feeling like a heavyweight had just been lifted off his shoulders, Wen Qinxi rolled to his side now focusing his mind on the plan devised by Lee Jienjie. The plan to get his name off Zhao Huangzhi's hit list. He had two options with the first being cutting off his entire interaction with Qie Ranzhe which was totally out of the question. How was he supposed to help him if they weren't friends?

The second option was Lee Jienjie's suggestion which Wen Qinxi had to admit was ingenious. The only other way to get Zhao Huangzhi to call off her mercenaries was for Lin Jingxie to get a girlfriend. If he had a girlfriend it would put Zhao Huangzhi's illogical mind at ease but he actually didn't want to date someone hence Lee Jienjie's suggestion to create rumours of their nonexistent relationship.josei

This rumour would at least guarantee his survival in the game and didn't have to sleep with one eye closed. He decided to ask Jolie to help him spread the whispers around till they reached Zhao Huangzhi's ears that is once Qie Ranzhe entered the guild. Wen Qinxi was too engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't know when Qie Ranzhe came back, he only returned to himself when he heard Qie Ranzhe ask, "What's that?" in a gravelly tone. Wen Qinxi sat up straight before looking around wondering what he was talking about. An impatient Qie Ranzhe shuffled over while pointing at the quilt dividing the bed in half.

Wen Qinxi finally got what he was talking about and chuckled while saying, "This is for my own safety. I got strangled by an octopus the last time l slept over here," while patting the rolled up quilt proud of his border fence as though it would effective against intruders.

Qie Ranzhe was evidently displeased with the new arrangement as he lay down on his designated side of the bed. He so wanted to tear that quilt to shreds given that this might be the last time they will sleep on the same bed for a long time as he would be enrolling into the guild in a few days time. It wasn't in his nature to give up easily and so he resorted to negotiating trying to seem as pitiful as ever saying, "Jin-ge this isn't necessary. I promise l will keep to my side of the bed," while watching Lin Jingxie's back.

He could tell Lin Jingxie was dozing off as his breathing relaxed and his body lying in a sluggish manner. Taking advantage of this he snuck his hand under the boundary quilt but soon retracted his hand when Lin Jingxie suddenly slapped his arm scolding him, "Stop fooling around and sleep. Tomorrow you have to wake up early and participate in the trial. Don't bother coming to see me if you fail to get in." This statement was enough to deter Qie Ranzhe as he didn't bother Lin Jingxie anymore and fell asleep soon after. As the saying goes 'good things come to those who wait' a good thing definitely happened to Qie Ranzhe as he woke up with Lin Jingxie cuddling him like a sleeping baby panda.

As soon as he opened his eyes he was suddenly faced with Lin Jingxie's charming countenance laying next to his face in deep sleep. His arm was tightly wrapped around Qie Ranzhe chest and his leg around Qie Ranzhe's waist. The so-called barrier had long since been kicked off the bed to who knows were. Qie Ranzhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry wondering who exactly needed protection form who. He wanted to stay like this forever but since he needed to leave early for the trial he was left with no choice but to wake Lin Jingxie up. He gently rubbed Lin Jingxie's back beckoning him to wake up but the guy refused mumbling in his sleep with his brows creased together in annoyance.

Qie Ranzhe tried again and this time his voice was a few decibels higher. It seemed to work because Lin Jingxie finally moved and just as he thought he had successfully woken him up, Lin Jingxie suddenly shifted his face with his moist lips brushing against the corner of Qie Ranzhe's lips. Qie Ranzhe froze with his heart literally trying to burst out off his chest as Lin Jingxie's lips lingered for what seemed like an eternity.

As soon though sensing the uneasiness of his human pillow, Lin Jingxie slowly opened his eyes. At first, he had no clue as to what was going on that is until he fully opened his lidded eyes. As though struck by lightning a wide-eyed Wen Qinxi jumped off the bed like a cat that had suddenly landed its paw into a puddle of water yelling, "What the fuck!"

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