Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155

Sabrina drew nearer to Tyrone and observed that his attire had become thoroughly saturated, with his hair adhering to his forehead, trickling with rainwater.

Tyrone cast his gaze upon the umbrella Sabrina held but opted not to accept it. Instead, he fixed his eyes upon her and expressed, “Thank you, Sabrina. I genuinely appreciate your presence but I cannot bring myself to accept it.”

Amidst the soft glow of a nearby lamp, ephemeral silhouettes materialized with every word he uttered.

Bowing her head, Sabrina advanced, pressing the umbrella into his hand.

“Please, take it! Return to the car.”

The instant she relinquished her hold, the umbrella plummeted to the ground.

A transformation swept across Sabrina’s countenance. She regarded the umbrella on the ground and then locked her gaze on Tyrone, remarking, “If you don’t want it, so be it! If you wish to become drenched in the rain, go somewhere else but avoid Lingering downstairs. Otherwise, I’ll find myself in dire straits if any harm were to befall you.”

“Alright, I’ll leave the community.”

Sabrina was momentarily wordless.

He turned on his heel and strode away.

Angela’s Library

Amidst the downpour, his posture remained towering and resolute, albeit with a touch of solitude.

Overcome with a surge of frustration, Sabrina spun around and was about to ascend the staircase.

She had intended to offer him an umbrella but his ingratitude had soured her intentions.

He could stand wherever he pleased! And she wouldn’t care!

Having traversed a short distance, Sabrina abruptly halted. Her lower lip firmly clenched between her teeth, she spun back around, her eyes locked onto Tyrone’s retreating figure. In a fiery outburst, she exclaimed, “Tyrone, have you lost your senses?”

Tyrone paused and pivoted to meet her gaze.

Beneath the relentless raindrops, he arched an eyebrow and responded, “Sabrina, I may not understand why you hold such certainty but I want you to know that I haven’t helped Larry pass the buck. Even if your trust eludes me, perhaps you can place your faith in the authorities. Before the investigation concludes, please don’t harbor ill feelings toward me.”

“I don’t have such feelings for you. You can depart now.”

Sabrina blinked back her tears.

The verdict had yet to be rendered, although the judge had formulated a ruling in advance.

The official pronouncement of the judgment would only occur once the investigation findings were delivered to the prosecuting authorities.

“Really? In that case, can I go to your home?” Tyrone walked back to Sabrina a few paces, locking eyes with her as he inquired.

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It took Sabrina a moment to grasp his intent to ascend to her home.

“No, you can’t,” Sabrina responded, her gaze drifting to the forsaken umbrella on the ground.

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