Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

A subtle shift in her countenance revealed her consternation. With gritted teeth, she proceeded to dial Blayze’s number.

Glancing at his screen, Blayze courteously interjected, “Excuse me.”

“Please, go ahead.”

With his phone in hand, Blayze retreated to the emergency exit, a serious demeanor etched across his face.

“What’s the matter?” he inquired.

“Blayze, he’s disappeared!” Sierra urgently recounted the recent turn of events.

“I see,” Blayze responded with a furrowed brow.

He summoned his secretary, instructing, “Keep a watchful eye on all the building exits and arrange for someone to ascend through the emergency exit. Ensure every floor is thoroughly inspected.”

“Yes, sir.”

The secretary, having personally witnessed Tyrone and Ben entering the elevator, knew with certainty that Tyrone had reached the thirty -second floor.

As Sierra encountered Ben waiting for the elevator on her way out, and nothing seemed amiss during her journey to Tyrone’s room, it was clear that if Tyrone had indeed sought to depart, he must have taken the staircase.

Descending the stairs would consume precious time, indicating that Tyrone was likely still within the building.

With the exits blocked, there was no escape for Tyrone. The effects of the drug would inevitably catch up to him.

Upon concluding her call, Sierra impatiently stamped her feet in frustration.

She hadn’t anticipated Tyrone’s sudden disappearance.

While retouching her photos, Sabrina’s phone chimed with another call from Tyrone after an hour.

Glancing at her screen, she gracefully answered, “Hello? What’s going on?”

“Sabrina, I’ll send you my location. Come and pick me up.”

Tyrone’s deep voice, notably huskier than usual, emanated from the other end of the Line.

It felt as though he was concealing something, his words tinged with ambiguity.

Sabrina swiftly checked his messages and ascertained that he was in a hotel.

“Where’s your driver? And Kylan?” inquired Sabrina.

“The driver has headed home. Kylan is swamped with his work,” Tyrone responded before she could utter another word.

His words carried a note of urgency.

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