Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1192

Chapter 1192

Chapter 1192

However, she wasn’t a coward and wouldn’t be intimidated.

Jennie only heard what Sabrina was saying, but she could guess what the person on the phone had said.

Knitting her little brows, Jennie pouted and exclaimed, “They’ve gone too far! I have to tell my uncle!”

Sabrina sighed.

“Don’t get angry and let their actions ruin your good mood, Jennie. They’re not worth it.”

“Same goes for you, Sabrina. Here, have some meat.” Jennie scooped up a piece of meat and served it to Sabrina.

“Thank you, Jennie.”

They had just started eating when Sabrina received a message that instantly ignited her anger. The contents were so infuriating that she lost her appetite completely.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y novelbin

The director of the police station sent a message stating that they had thoroughly investigated the case involving Galilea and Rowell.

The evidence was overwhelming.

The case was at the procuratorate for further review, and once the procuratorate had completed its examination, they would prosecute them.

The police substation director had closely followed the case’s progress. The acting lawyer for Galilea submitted a condition report to the court, highlighting that Galilea had been suffering from mental

illness in recent years.

The case was considered only an “attempt to cause harm, and the penalty for the accused was relatively lenient. With the condition report, it was likely that Galilea would not go to jail.

Sabrina clenched her fists in anger and frustration. She felt sick to her stomach.

It appeared that Galilea might not be held responsible for her actions due to her so-called mental illness.

It was a hard pill to swallow.

Was it so easy for Galilea to escape from the law?

After they finished eating, Sabrina decided to take Jennie to the shopping malt.

They were in search of some new clothes for the upcoming spring season.

Two hours later, they exited the elevator with several shopping bags in their hands.

Jennie trudged along, complaining that she was exhausted and too tired to continue walking.

Sabrina attempted to coax her, saying, “We’re almost there. The car is just a little further ahead.”

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks.

Standing before them were several tall and imposing men blocking their way. Their expressions were fierce and unwelcoming.

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