Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter: 268

Tyrone glanced at Bradley and acknowledged, “Indeed.”

He knew him all too well.

This guy had once tried to elope with his wife!

“Mr. Blakely.” Bradley greeted him.

Tyrone nodded in response and shifted his gaze to the woman trailing behind. “How long have you been here?”

“About an hour,” Sabrina replied, sipping her fruit tea.

Chains, sporting a jovial smile, proposed, “What a pleasant coincidence! Mr. Blakely is here to see Galilea and Ms. Chavez is here to see Bradley. Why don’t we all have lunch together? My treat.”

“That would be great.”

It was nearing noon. Chains wrapped up the shoot and had an assistant director accompany them to a nearby restaurant, where they reserved a private dining room.

Once seated, Chains announced, “Order whatever you like. I’m paying the bill today!”

“Thank you.” Bradley expressed his gratitude.

“Thank you,” Galilea chimed in, smiling.

Turning to Sabrina, Bradley offered a few dishes.

Sabrina skimmed through the menu and nodded.


Observing the exchange, Chains chuckled and commented, “Seems Like you’ve got a good handle on Ms. Chavez’s tastes, Bradley. How did you two get acquainted?”

Bradley looked lovingly at Sabrina, confessing, “She used to be my next-door neighbor as a kid. She was always teary-eyed.”

“Childhood companions turned lovers? How unexpected. Inform me when you decide to get married.”

“Stop teasing us. We’re just buddies,” Bradley defended, aware of his boundaries considering Sabrina was taken.

“I see. You youngsters have a peculiar way of labelling relationships,” chimed in the assistant director.

Tyrone lifted his gaze, his indifference masking the slight frown that creased his brow as he observed Bradley and Sabrina.

He had cautioned her about Bradley’s unsuitability.

Was she smitten by him regardless? novelbin

“Tyrone. Tyrone?”

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