Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Rubbing her forehead, Sabrina continued, “Before I returned from abroad, I was in a car accident and Lost many memories.”

It turned out that her amnesia was due to the car accident.

But Tyrone was still confused. What happened to the child?

Did she perish in the car accident? Or had someone taken her away?

“How did the accident happen? Were you seriously injured?”

“I can’t recall clearly. I had a head injury, and when I woke up, much of it was a blur,” Sabrina recounted with lifeless eyes

She tried to reconstruct the memories. But the more she tried, the hazier they became. Eventually, she gave up.

Tyrone frowned in thought.

Sabrina hadn’t mentioned the child at all. It appeared she didn’t know about the child’s existence.

Furthermore, the car accident seemed suspicious, almost as if it had been orchestrated to obstruct any attempts at an investigation.

Did someone take the child while Sabrina was unconscious? Or was she taken from Sabrina before the accident happened?

Tyrone furrowed his brows as he contemplated, then inquired, “So, you told our grandparents that you were going to stay longer to go to a summer camp and come back later so they wouldn’t worry about you?”

Sabrina informed Cesar and Wanda over the phone that she was attending a summer camp. The summer break was nearly over, and then she returned from abroad.

Tyrone vaguely remembered his grandfather mentioning something about it back then. Though he didn’t take much notice because he didn’t care about her back then.

At the mention of Cesar and Wanda, Sabrina’s gaze darkened. She nodded and admitted, “Yes, I was afraid they’d be concerned.”

Tyrone felt a pang of sympathy for her

He longed to touch Sabrina’s face, and his hand moved instinctively

But he quickly changed his movement and gently touched her shoulder

She had been alone in a foreign hospital, grappling with memory loss.

The pain she had endured in silence was unfathomable.

He recalled her mentioning how she had tried to integrate into his family.

Perhaps they didn’t seem like major issues, but those incidents occurred repeatedly, and Sabrina endured them.

He blamed himself for realizing this too late.

Almost ten years had elapsed since she became part of the Blakely family at sixteen.

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