Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose




Sabrina glanced at Tyrone and found his face was a little pale. He remained silent, his fists clenched in simmering anger. A pang of sympathy gripped Sabrina. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Contemplating whether to divulge the truth, she decided against it.

No, she didn’t want to make it too easy for him and decided to make him suffer a little longer. She resolved to reveal the truth to him tomorrow.

The car lapsed into a profound silence, with only the sounds of their breathing permeating the air.

As the vehicle stopped at the apartment building, Sabrina opened the door and stepped out. Turning around, she noticed Tyrone still seated, unresponsive. She asked, “Tyrone, aren't you getting out?”

Tyrone kept his gaze straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with Sabrina. “You can go ahead.” Sabrina was stunned. It appeared that he was really angry. Sabrina hesitated briefly, then nodded. “Alright, then you can stay in the car.”

She closed the car door behind her and entered the apartment building, leaving Tyrone to contemplate the tumult of emotions within him.

Sabrina intended to come clean and have a conversation with Tyrone tomorrow.

After watching Sabrina disappear into the building, Tyrone pulled out his phone and dialed a number. Subsequently, the driver turned the car around and drove him to a club.

Tyrone made his way into the club and reached a room. He pushed the door open and stepped inside. Mrs. George, seated next to Richard, pointed at Richard and said, “You're here. I’ve brought him to you.”

“Thank you,” Tyrone acknowledged, closing the door and settling into an armchair. His gaze fixed on Richard, but he remained silent.

Richard observed the interaction between Tyrone and Mrs. George, feeling a sense of foreboding. Recalling her earlier words, he finally comprehended something. “Mrs. George, you...”

Mrs. George placed her index finger on her lips, signaling to Richard not to speak. Tyrone’s piercing gaze bore into Richard, leaving Richard feeling pale and unnerved.

Sensing the tension, Mrs. George looked at Tyrone and inquired, “What are you going to do?”

Tyrone’s cold, dark eyes remained fixed on Richard, betraying no hint of his thoughts. Richard felt a sinking sensation in his stomach and swallowed a Lump in his throat.

After what seemed like an eternity, Tyrone finally spoke in a low and intimidating voice. “How do you know Sabrina? When? Where?”

Glancing uneasily at Mrs. George, Richard hesitated.

“Look at me!” Tyrone suddenly shouted. A cruel glint in his eyes demanded Richard's full attention. “Think carefully before you answer my question!” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Tyrone could hardly bear to look at Richard. The mere notion of Richard and Sabrina possibly having a shared history, knowing each other since her senior student years, and perhaps even having a child together made Tyrone feel like he was about to explode. He had to use every ounce of self-control to prevent himself from strangling the life out of Richard right there and then. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Seeing that Mrs. George had no intention of helping him and the intense gaze in Tyrone’s eyes, Richard had no choice but to answer truthfully. “| met Sabrina in a bar. I’m just a waiter,” he said, his voice filled with hesitation. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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