Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1150 - Physics Is Far Beyond the Standard Model

Chapter 1150 - Physics Is Far Beyond the Standard Model

Chapter 1150 Physics Is Far Beyond the Standard Model

Lu Zhou turned around, and the pen in his hand began to dance on the whiteboard.

Lines of calculations appeared on the whiteboard, as if he were waving a magic wand.




Lu Zhou looked at the equations on the whiteboard. He smiled satisfactorily and nodded.

Not bad.

He felt like he was in the zone, as if he had stepped into a mysterious void, and that he was infinitely close to the end of truth.

Even though this sounded a little arrogant, it was what he truly felt.

Lu Zhou spent a few seconds savoring this moment before he took a deep breath and began to concentrate again. The tip of his pen began to move again; it was like his brain was connected to the universe...

The real difficulty regarding the elementary particle hidden in the hyperspace was in the abstract mathematical operations of the high-dimensional space.

When it came to physics, any equations involving higher dimensions became quite complicated.

The calculations involved were complex and esoteric.

Whether it was the logical operations or the numerical calculations, this was the ultimate test of a physicist’s mathematical skills.

Fortunately, Lu Zhou knew mathematics like the back of his hand.

The “mathematics Grand Unified Theory” was also of huge help. One could make the argument that it reduced the difficulty of the problem by a whole magnitude.

Most abstract things couldn’t be represented by graphical images at all. However, if they could be uniformly described in an intuitive mathematical form, everything would become much simpler.

Of course, this might be convenient for Lu Zhou, but for the vast majority of physicists who were not in the field of mathematics, especially those that did not understand the “mathematics Grand Unified Theory”, these steps did not seem so intuitive...

This was difficult, even for the experts.

Professor Frank Wilczek was sitting next to Witten, and when he looked at the whiteboard, he was completely fazed.

Honestly, mathematics had never been his strong suit. Only a few of his students were able to make achievements in mathematics.

If he were good at mathematics, he wouldn’t have collaborated with Lu Zhou, who was just an intern, on the 750 GeV project.

He resisted the urge to speak for a long time.

Finally, he couldn’t help but speak to Witten.

“What is he writing?”

Witten didn’t answer his friend’s question. He stared at the whiteboard with a solemn look in his eyes.

Unlike most other people, he was a Fields Medalist level expert in the fields of topology and partial differentiation. This made it easier to digest the theories that were being presented to him right now, albeit only slightly.

Maybe if he were a bit younger, it would be a bit easier. But now, just keeping up with Lu Zhou’s rhythm took almost all of his brainpower. Even though he wanted to answer Frank Wilczek’s question, he had no time.

In the blink of an eye, the whiteboard was full.

When the staff member began dragging another whiteboard from the side, Witten took the advantage and explained to his confused old friend.

“... Basically, he used an abstract mathematical method to build an extra-dimensional model similar to the ADD. This model has a dimension n and contains some strange properties... Let’s call it the Lu Zhou Mechanism. By using the experimental data obtained by the high-energy collider, he was able to test his model in higher dimensions. This explained the weird 750 GeV characteristic peak signal that appeared frequently, but it had an insufficient confidence level.”

Frank Wilczek was baffled. He scratched his head and replied, “What do I have to do to understand these things?”

Witten said in an uncertain tone, “Maybe read some books on algebraic geometry and the Principia Mathematica... Or maybe just give up, it might be too late.”

“... Jesus, when did mathematics become this difficult?”

Witten sighed and spoke.

“If you’re talking about algebraic geometry, it’s been like this since the middle of the previous century.”

A new whiteboard was dragged onto the stage.

Lu Zhou spent half a minute organizing his thoughts before he grabbed a pen and continued to write.

It was like he was reciting a beautiful poem; lines of obscure calculations were written on the whiteboard. Everyone in the audience was quiet; there wasn’t even a single sound in the venue.

Lu Zhou was completely immersed in his own universe. Even his breathing was synchronized with his writing.

The only sound in the venue was the pen squeaking on the whiteboard.

Time quickly went by.

The audience watched Lu Zhou intently.

In fact, even though these calculations might be a little too difficult to understand for most people, some people could still feel the brilliance.

Some people were suddenly enlightened.

Edward Witten squinted; a flash of excitement crossed his face.

The closer Lu Zhou got to the end of his proof, the more people began to understand the mystery written on the whiteboard.

Even though this was still difficult to interpret.

It was much easier than before.

Finally, he began to write down the last line on the whiteboard. josei

[Z =...]

Lu Zhou put down the marker and turned to face the silent lecture hall. He spoke in a calm and loud voice.

“I might have forgotten to mention that the argument regarding the existence of the Z particle was finished 27 lines ago. The last 27 lines is a proof regarding the properties of the Z particle I thought of just then. I’m quite surprised at myself; I thought I would have to spend a few weeks trying to solve it.”

Lu Zhou glanced at the whiteboard, then looked back at the audience. He suddenly smiled.

That smile was like the first ray of sunshine after a rainstorm. It seemed to have blown away all of the dark clouds hovering above people’s heads.

Perhaps being in a good mood made it easier to solve problems.

He paused for a second and continued, “Every object is made from atoms. When we first named this word, its meaning was the elementary particles that made up matter. In fact, as physics continues to advance, we soon discovered that atoms can be subdivided.

“Soon, we discovered electrons, neutrons, protons, followed by quarks, leptons, Higgs particles, etc.

“What would happen if we keep on dividing?

“I’m afraid that no one can answer this question at the moment. We can use phenomenological models such as the ADD to prove the existence of n-dimensional space, while M theory predicts that n=11, but we don’t know what exactly is in this space. We just know that in the three-dimensional world, the high dimensional object is a ‘string’ for us.

“Just like the sphere I mentioned in the beginning, if the 2D people only rely on their eyes, they will never understand what that infinitely small black dot is. Maybe the space above them is full of small spheres, and the shadows constitute the world that they observe.

“The same applies to the 3D space.

“The light we see, the air we breathe, the water we drink... Divide them infinitely many times, maybe we will end up with small black spots.

“This includes the Z particle. I don’t dare to say that what we see at the moment is its full form. Perhaps what I revealed is only a projection in an X-1 dimension. And that it has even greater hidden secrets behind the hyperspace.

“Perhaps this is the curse of being three-dimensional creatures.

“Perhaps when our civilization is advanced enough, when we can fully discover all of the dimensions of the universe, when we can observe the eleventh-dimensional ‘string’... At that time, we will be able to fully observe the small sphere and see a complete picture of the universe.”

Lu Zhou smiled again.

“As the final treat for this seminar, I will copy the great physicists and make a bold guess.

“Perhaps one day in the future, when our civilization becomes advanced enough, when the solar system can no longer provide enough energy for us...

“We will use the hyperspace to achieve interstellar navigation on the magnitude of light years. We will be able to travel across star systems and galaxies!”

There was no response from the audience.

Obviously, everyone was still in shock.

Lu Zhou felt a little disappointed at the fact that there was no applause. He was about to put down his marker, bow to the audience, and walk off stage.

However, he suddenly remembered something. He immediately turned around and looked at the whiteboard.

“... Almost forgot something important.”

Lu Zhou smiled awkwardly and wrote down one final line on the whiteboard.

[Z(n)= 0~1.25TeV, if and only if n=3, Z=750 GeV.]

“750 GeV is the energy it forms in three-dimensional space. Unsurprisingly, 1.25 TeV is the upper bound of its theoretical mass while its rest mass in a three-dimensional space is 0.

“Go ahead and try to prove me wrong! The data collected from the Lunar Hadron Collider supports this conclusion.

“And the last 27 lines of calculations deals with the mass of the Z particle. One day, we will build a more advanced collider, and you will see that I am correct.”

Lu Zhou placed the marker on the whiteboard tray and looked at the silent audience. He rested his hands on the podium as he spoke.

“As you guys can see, this particle is much heavier than what we had thought.

“It’s far heavier than the 750 GeV that we can observe.

“Physics is far beyond the Standard Model.

“Thank you.”

He bowed and walked down from the stage.

The second he turned around, thunderous applause flooded the venue...

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