Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1219 - The Existence of the Void

Chapter 1219 - The Existence of the Void

Chapter 1219: The Existence of the Void

Perso Fernando was a bridge builder from California and a huge believer in Galette Miro.

Honestly, because he had not received any higher education, he couldn’t fully understand Professor Galette Miro’s theory.

But fortunately, the great Professor Miro took care of the laymen and narrated his complicated and difficult theories in a simple way.

Thanks to this, even a person like him could hear the deepest voices of the universe.

After hearing about Professor Miro’s death, he, and the other believers of the spirit of the universe, was filled with anger.

They believe that the ILHCRC persecuted him. Those narrow-minded materialists and authorities in physics murdered him and covered his death as a suicide.

In fact, there were indeed many signs of suspicion about Miro’s death. For example, two hours before his suicide, he was answering questions from his “believers” on his blog and even ordered a ham pizza. It was hard to imagine such a cheerful and intelligent person would end their life this way.

These doubts gave conspiracy theories room for fermentation.

Driven by a sense of justice, faith, and emotions, Fernando boarded a flight to Shanghai and came to the ILHCRC building. He stood on the front line of saving human civilization with his brothers and sisters.

These protesters were different from most people.

They didn’t stand here because of money; they really believed that the stupid physicists might ruin the world. In fact, this was not the first time Fernando did something like this.

A long time ago, he did an “amazing” thing. He went to Switzerland at his own expense and snuck into the underground tunnel of the LHC, which caused the planned experiment to be suspended.

Although he was prosecuted by CERN afterward and was permanently banned by the Switzerland and French customs, he did not have any regrets.

He felt like that was a badge of honor.

Also, an environmental protection organization that was against the collider experiment paid for all of his legal expenses.

Less than five minutes after they occupied the streets, police forces began to gather nearby. They were easily able to disperse the crowd.

Before he was caught, he seemed to vaguely hear some incomprehensible words.

However, because he didn’t understand Mandarin, he didn’t figure out what those words meant until he was escorted into the ILHCRC headquarters by several police officers.

He was put together with many of the most passionate protesters and brought into a small room to make a statement. He was about to ask for a lawyer when a young Chinese man walked into the room.

Fernando didn’t like the way the man was looking at him.

However, he suddenly felt like this person looked familiar. His pupils expanded.

“Lu Zhou?”

Lu Zhou chuckled.

“I didn’t expect you to recognize me.”

Fernando clenched his teeth and said, “Your sins have betrayed humanity. I would recognize you even if you were burned to ashes.”

Lu Zhou smiled. He didn’t care about Fernando’s impolite words. He glanced at the statement on the table and said, “Perso Fernando, a native Californian. I guess you are probably... the bishop of the spirit of the universe?”

Fernando smiled arrogantly.

“Bishop? That is something only blind religious people believe in. We advance together; we don’t need the guidance of anyone!”

Lu Zhou listened to his words and nodded.

“You done?”

Fernando spoke.


Lu Zhou: “Then come with me.”

Fernando paused for a second.

“Where to?”

Lu Zhou replied, “You’ll see.”


In fact, whether someone was a materialist or an idealist, they didn’t care about gods or any kind of mysterious magic.

This was like how Galette Miro’s beliefs did not contradict his profession as a physicist. Not only was he a scholar in particle physics, but he was also a believer in “consciousness determinism”.

The difference between materialism and idealism was only whether matter or consciousness came first...

There was no doubt that Galette Miro was a good physicist and a brilliant guy.

Lu Zhou admitted that, although at first he thought that this guy didn’t seem to be smart, he actually underestimated Miro.

Perhaps the wisest thing Miro did was to divide his academic theories and philosophical thoughts into two parts and expose his theories to different target groups.

He developed a small group of supporters of the spirit of the universe at the ILHCRC.

He had also developed a group of believers of the “spirit of the universe” in the form of religion through pop-science and the Internet. Even though this wasn’t a religion at all, believers of the spirit of the universe treated it as such.

Although “spirit of the universe” and “universal animism” were completely different things, they actually complemented each other to some extent.

The former provided theoretical weapons, while the latter provided material weapons.

This wasn’t like a religion; it was almost like a revolution...

Because of this, two days after Miro’s death, protests broke out in all parts of the world except China.

Western Europe was hit the hardest.

CERN and the Cadarache fusion power station were affected to varying degrees.

It was as if overnight, the spirit of the universe had suddenly developed into a large-scale group of believers.

It was as if there were an invisible hand pushing the believers forward...

Aside from the protests around the world, their ideologies were not extreme.

Lu Zhou carefully studied the notes left by Professor Miro.

Galette Miro, the creator of the spirit of the universe, took the concept of “human unity” as the highest ideal. He believed that as long as the consciousness of all mankind was unified, they could communicate with the greatest existence in the virtual realm—the “supreme consciousness that creates all things and defines the universe”.

As for the virtual world...

According to Professor Galette Miro’s description in his notebook, he was actually talking about the Void.

Lu Zhou felt like Miro had borrowed his theory of “extra string dimensions”. josei

When describing the virtual realm, Miro described the universe as a box, and he put the spirit of the universe outside the box. The spirit of the universe was the “consciousness” that determined the laws of the “matter” inside the box.

In this sense, in addition to Miro’s identity as a physicist, he was also an idealist.

To be honest, Lu Zhou was dumbfounded at the protesters.

From what he understood, in addition to human civilization, there were many other civilizations that were also in the upper echelon.

Regardless of whether the “great consciousness” existed or not, hoping to integrate the consciousness of all mankind in order to communicate with the “spirit of the universe” was ridiculous.

After all, compared to the vast universe, the existence of human beings was tiny.

Humans were simply insignificant...

Lu Zhou stood in the crowded lecture hall and looked at the time on his watch.

The seminar was going to begin in five minutes.

He knew that what he was about to demonstrate would have a huge impact on the entire physics world and the direction of human civilization. He even wondered if he was being too hasty.

He still remembered that The Observer warned him that it was not a good thing to face the Void and that there were too many “unknowable” things inside the Void.

But in any case, this was the best opportunity.

The Void was actively showing itself to the universe.

If he missed this opportunity, human civilizations would have to take generations before they could explore the world outside of their box.

Lu Zhou reached out and gently picked up a marker on the desk.

He was going to show the world...

The existence of the Void!

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