Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 726 - A Moment of Celebration

Chapter 726 - A Moment of Celebration

Chapter 726: A Moment of Celebration

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Moon landing successful!

After this short video clip was shown at the New Year’s Gala, the entire country was moved.

For thousands of years, people had looked at the Moon as a mythical place; a place written in poetry and songs.

Ever since China successfully became the third country to send astronauts to space, setting foot on the Moon had always been a dream of the Chinese people.

But, all of this wasn’t easy.

Even though China had caught up with America and Russia in terms of manned space flights, China had always been behind America and Russia in terms of high-thrust rocket technology. Not just that, but China was also behind the EU and Japan.

However, Skyglow’s successful test flight completely changed the situation. The advanced ion thruster propulsion technology was able to send Chinese astronauts to the Moon!

People sitting in front of their TVs had their eyes wide open.

Tears of excitement were rolling down their faces...

Inside a house in Beijing.

Yuan Huanmin was sitting in front of the dinner table eating New Year’s Eve dinner. Two drops of tears rolled off the corners of his eyes as he watched the TV.

As the chief engineer of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, seeing China’s lunar module and Chinese footprints on the Moon was his lifelong dream.

And now, his dream came true.

His son noticed the tears. “Dad, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

His granddaughter quietly said, “Don’t cry, don’t cry.”

“I’m fine, you guys... Don’t have to worry about me,” the old man took off his glasses and wiped his tears. He said, “I’m just... a bit emotional.”

He thought back to his attitude toward Lu Zhou and the Skyglow project, and he couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

Even though he knew his intentions were good, he still couldn’t live with himself if the Skyglow project failed because of him.


He was a little too harsh on himself.

At the same time, inside a house in Changan, another family was also eating dinner.

The old man looked at the TV and smiled as he patted his thigh.

“Haha, I knew it, this kid is a genius!”

The only downside was that Lu Zhou didn’t think carefully about the consequences. But after all, all 20-year-olds were immature. It was rare for a 20 something-year-old to stay humble while becoming famous and rich. josei

Not to mention that the world was always more forgiving to people with extraordinary abilities.

The woman sitting across the old man smiled and said, “Look at how happy you are. The guy already won a Nobel Prize, of course he’s a genius.”

The old man said, “Many people have won the Nobel Prize. But I’m afraid he’s the only scholar who has achieved this much at his age. Unfortunately, no award in China can match his achievements.”

These three astronauts were definitely going to be awarded at the commendation conference.

As for the scientific researchers and heroes working behind the curtains, they would receive awards as well.

As for what award should be given to Lu Zhou...

The old man contemplated for a while.

The woman sitting across the table smiled and said, “He has already won the highest award in the scientific world, he probably doesn’t care anymore. Instead of worrying about what medal to give him, you should focus on providing him with a good academic environment and creative resources.”

“You’re right, but awards aren’t only for the recipients, it’s also to motivate and inspire others.” The old man suddenly looked up and said, “Forget about it, I can’t think of a solution. I’ll have a meeting and discuss with others.”

Regardless, the important thing was that the astronauts were still on the Moon.

They could postpone the commendation conference until next year.

On the other hand, the news that Chinese astronauts had landed on the Moon spread across the internet.

Within ten minutes, Skyglow was trending across major social media platforms.

This was just as exciting as the Beijing Olympic.

Lu Zhou opened Weibo and saw that Skyglow was trending above the New Year’s Gala. He couldn’t help but smile.

[It’s really been a hard and long ride. (cry) (cry)]

[This is the most exciting news I’ve heard this year! (excited)]

[Everyone knows that landing on the Moon isn’t that difficult. The reason why the Americans aren’t landing on the Moon is that their target is the sun! This isn’t big news, go to bed, everyone.]

[Yeah! I heard American scientists are very smart, they’ll land on the Moon at night!]

1[I’d like to thank the Skyglow scientific researchers!!!]


After closing Weibo, Lu Zhou took a glance at Twitter.

Surprisingly, the official NASA Twitter account didn’t tweet anything.

For a long time, every time China made progress on the moon landing, NASA would send almost patronizing encouragement and praise.

Because they knew that China was significantly behind them in the field of aerospace. NASA had already explored half of the solar system and even began to launch detectors outside of the Kuiper belt.

However, not only had China completed a 50-ton low-Earth orbit carrying capacity, but their astronauts had landed on the Moon.

Obviously China was rising in the aerospace industry.

Of course, the NASA directors might be in a meeting right now, and that’s why they weren’t tweeting.

Lu Zhou smiled and scrolled through Twitter. He read the comments from foreign netizens. He then turned off his phone and lay on the sofa.

The first stage of the manned moon mission was complete. He could enter the system space and press the mission complete button if he wanted to.

However, Lu Zhou wasn’t in a hurry to enter the next mission stage.

After all, there were many easy and rewarding side missions in his mission panel. He just had to wait for the astronauts in the sky to help him complete these missions...

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