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Chapter 879 - Special Issue

Chapter 879 - Special Issue

Chapter 879: Special Issue

Nothing exciting happened around Christmas. The only thing that made Lu Zhou happy, other than his new fireplace, was a reply from Annual Mathematics.

In the reply, Professor Sahn, the editor-in-chief of Annual Mathematics politely told him that, the two theses he submitted, the Quasi Riemann hypothesis proof and the hyperelliptic curve analysis method, had been published.

Just like they had originally planned, the two theses, which were 51 pages long combined, were going to be published in a special issue.

Since Professor Faltings changed his opinion and the two theses were officially published, the preprints on arXiv began to flood into analytic number theory and complex analysis journals.

Everyone wanted their theses to be reviewed as soon as possible.

They wanted to publish their theses before someone else came up with a better result.

After all, once a stronger conclusion had been reached, and had been peer-reviewed and published, the weaker conclusion would no longer be eligible for publication.

Therefore, in order to be the first to publish, many PhD students and unknown scholars submitted their theses to crappier journals. On the other hand, the journals set up a special “fast review option”, which meant more thesis processing charges.

Because of this, these journals were ridiculed on Mathoverflow. Some big names in mathematics even publicly stated that these journals didn’t have any integrity.

While half of the mathematics world was busy submitting their journals, Jin Ling University hung up a big red banner at their campus entrance. This was to celebrate Academician Lu’s Annual Mathematics special edition publication. As well as celebrating Academician Lu for solving another world-class problem.

Now that the Quasi Riemann hypothesis was solved, the value of epsilon was slowly increasing.

People wondered, how far was the mathematics world from solving the Riemann hypothesis?

People began to speculate that it would be solved within their lifetime.

Jin Ling University, mathematics department.

The office at the end of the corridor.

After knocking three times, Dean Qin opened the door and walked into the office.

“Lu Zhou, congratulations! I’ve never heard of anyone being able to publish two special edition theses in Annual Mathematics! I’m afraid you’re the first professor in history to receive this honor.”

Lu Zhou wasn’t excited at all.

What’s so amazing about publishing two special editions...

Nothing to be proud of.

When Lu Zhou saw Dean Qin sit on the sofa, he put down the pen in his hand and sighed. He looked at Dean Qin and said, “Thanks... Can we talk about something? My banner is always at the school entrance. If you really don’t know what else to hang on there, can I sell it as advertising space?”

Dean Qin nearly spat out his tea.

He coughed and put down the cup. He stared at Lu Zhou with his eyes wide open.

“Come on! Look at how rich you are!”

The income of all Jin Ling University professors combined wouldn’t even add up to Lu Zhou’s income.

Forget about everything else, just the East Asia Energy shares alone had increased by ten times since Lu Zhou bought them.

Not to mention that, when one was at Lu Zhou’s level, money was just a number.

Lu Zhou made a helpless gesture and said, “I’m just saying, we should be more lowkey. An Annual Mathematics thesis... really isn’t worth this much publicity.”

Dean Qin shook his head and said, “Why would you say that, the Annual Mathematics is one of the big four mathematics journals. It’s more rigorous than Science and Nature. Forget about the special issue, I would be bragging if our mathematics department could publish even one thesis in Annual Mathematics.”

Dean Qin smiled and said, “After all, you’re a role model for countless Jin Ling University students. This is very important! If you’re embarrassed, just pretend like the banner doesn’t exist. It doesn’t hurt you anyway.”

Lu Zhou shook his head and didn’t say anything.

He was definitely embarrassed, and it was almost revolting.

Dean Qin probably thought that Lu Zhou wouldn’t mind his face being plastered around the school, that was why Dean Qin was humble bragging so much.

Dean Qin: “Speaking of which, how’s your research on Riemann’s hypothesis going? If you can’t tell me, just pretend like I didn’t ask.”

“I have nothing to hide. It’s just that I can’t give you an accurate estimate.” Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, “I can say that it will be solved within three years.”

Three years was a little too long.

Lu Zhou felt like he could solve it in a year or two.

However, that sounded too much like bragging, so he conservatively said three years.

But he didn’t realize that, for most people, claiming to solve Riemann’s hypothesis within three years totally counted as bragging...

“Within three years, I see. Hopefully, I won’t be gone by then,” Dean Qin jokingly said. He suddenly changed the topic of conversation. “Speaking of which, you received an invitation for the ICM next year, right? Do you plan on speaking there?”

“I haven’t decided yet,” Lu Zhou replied. “If I’m going, it’ll probably be a report on Riemann’s hypothesis.”

The ICM 45 and 60-minute reports didn’t have to be about a thesis. It could just be a presentation on what the scholar was working on for the past four years.

Regardless of whether or not the scholar had published a thesis, people could talk about anything at the report and exchange opinions with their colleagues.

The Fields Medal medalists were always invited, and some scholars who had produced outstanding results in the past four years were also invited to do a report.

Generally speaking, it was a casual and relaxed conference.

It was perfect for scholars who focused on attacking big propositions, who didn’t often publish theses.

However, Lu Zhou still hadn’t decided on whether or not he was going to go.

After all, he had no idea what he would be doing in half a year’s time.

Dean Qin smiled and asked, “Speaking of which, at the St. Petersburg University ICM, there’s going to be a vote for the next ICM venue, right?”

Lu Zhou: “Yeah... Why?”

“Nothing, just asking...” Dean Qin smiled and said, “What did you think about the report we held in Jinling last time? Did your friends give you any feedback?”

“The feedback was pretty good...” Lu Zhou closed his notebook and moved away from the draft paper on his table. He sighed and said to Dean Qin, “Just give it to me straight.”

“Haha, I knew you’d notice.” Dean Qin scratched his head and said, “Here’s the thing, the city council and I had a discussion, and we think mathematics is very important for scientific research. Even though it is a basic science subject, it shouldn’t be ignored. In order to create an academic...”

Lu Zhou: “Cough!”

Dean Qin stopped talking and got straight to the point, “Could you maybe, ask around, and see if the next ICM can be held in Jinling?”

Jin Ling University wasn’t as good as Aurora University or Yan University. Even though the return of Lu Zhou and the establishment of the Jinling Institute for Advanced Study improved the situation, they had only caught up to Kai University.

Even though there were many Jin Ling University professors who had connections with the international mathematics community, the only person with enough influence to affect the ICM conference was Lu Zhou himself.

After the previous report ended, Lu Zhou had a feeling something like this would happen. But he didn’t expect Dean Qin to actually go through with the plan. josei

“That’s a little difficult, I’m not a member of the ICM board, and I’m not even friends with them...”

Dean Qin slapped his thigh and sighed as he said, “Ah, I’m going to retire in a few years. I just want to help my alma mater in these last couple of years. In a few decades, no one will remember me. But they would remember that the 2026 International Congress of Mathematicians was held in Jinling, and that’s all I want. Can you help me? At least give it a shot...”

“If that’s all you want...” Lu Zhou smiled and sighed at the same time. He said, “I can’t promise anything, I’ll... try to help.”

Dean Qin was overjoyed. He stood up and shook Lu Zhou’s hand.

“Thank you so much!”

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