Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 894 - Lu Bewley Model

Chapter 894 - Lu Bewley Model

894 Lu Bewley Model

In fact, Xiao Tong did write that thesis just to graduate. She asked her brother to help with the mathematical model optimization, but the thesis ended up disrupting the entire economics field...

The improved Bewley model... or the so-called Lu-Bewley model, was far superior to the previous Bewley model, both in terms of computational efficiency and the accuracy of calculation results. This greatly benefited the macroeconomists around the world.

And it wasn’t just that.

What surprised people wasn’t just the superiority of the Lu Bewley model, but it was also the fact that Professor Lu was doing research on economics!

And that he had already produced such an outstanding result!

The Bewley model had always been a state of the art model for the field of macroeconomics; it was one of the classical mathematical economics concepts.

But now, there was a more powerful model presented in front of them. How could they not be excited?

Even though Lu Zhou didn’t officially name this model, the academic community named it for him.

Which was the Lu Bewley model!

This was Xiao Tong’s graduation thesis, but the spotlight was entirely on her brother. However, she wasn’t discouraged; instead, she was almost relieved.

She knew that she could have never produced this level of research on her own.

Because of this, at the bottom of the thesis, she clearly stated that the mathematical model was mainly completed by Lu Zhou, and that she was mainly responsible for the economic theory and data collection.

Maybe because she was a second author, because after the thesis was published, she didn’t receive any unnecessary harassment.

As for her mentor, Professor Forster, who was named as the first author, his email was being filled to the brim.

This middle-aged professor was overjoyed.

Allowing one student to graduate in exchange for the first author on an outstanding thesis, this was one of the best trades he had ever done!

The only unfortunate thing was that his name wasn’t included in the Lu Bewley model...

... josei

University of Oxford campus.

An office in the department of economics.

Professor Forster spoke in an angry voice toward a poor BBC reporter.

“I think the Lu Bewley model name is totally unfair! As a first author for this paper, I think my name should be in the model! This is outrageous!”

People like Professor Forster were never satisfied.

Even though Professor Forster knew this thesis was outstanding, he didn’t think it would be this magnificent. He didn’t expect the entire macroeconomics community to be raving over this paper. The paper even attracted the attention of several big names!

Like Krugman...

Forster often talked about Krugman’s international trade economics theory in his lectures. He never expected Krugman to comment on his paper in the Science highlights section.

Indeed, the Lu Bewley model thesis was featured in the famous Science highlights section. This was the first time the Lu Bewley model name was seen. The entire economics world decided to adopt the name.

This made him excited, but also furious.

Nothing indicated that he contributed to the mathematical model!

The BBC reporter tried and failed to calm Forster down. He had no choice but to continue the interview.

“But Mr. Forster, according to an academician from the Royal Academy of Sciences, the essence of the paper is the mathematical side, which was independently completed by Professor Lu Zhou... What specific contributions have you done to the model?”

Professor Forster was stunned.

“Um... Contributions are often not reflected in the paper itself,” Professor Forster awkwardly said. “You know, when it comes to scientific research, especially the theoretical side, collecting and interpreting data are also very important. Being able to collaborate with a world-class scholar is also the job of a scientific researcher!”

He was correct.

Social skill was also part of scientific research.

There were even people who had substandard research abilities but were still able to produce good research results because of their connections.

After all, most scholars were relatively introverted. If someone could connect two scholars together, or even put two people in a room together, they might be able to create some friction.

For example, Montgomery, who studied number theory, and Dyson, who studied physics, had never interacted with each other prior to Princeton’s “master socializer” Giovala connecting them together.


After the BBC reporter heard Professor Forster’s explanation, he had an awkward expression on his face.

“But according to our sources, the reason why Professor Lu participated in the research was that his sister Ms. Lu Xiao Tong was involved in the project.”

Professor Forster furiously said, “Enough! I’m her supervisor, and I was the one who brought her into the world of academia! Who do you really think contributed more!”

The interview continued in the office.

Even though the doors were closed, Xiao Tong could still hear the anger in Professor Forster’s words through the door.

If this were before, she would have been a little worried.

But now, she only felt relief and pride.

It was time for her to say goodbye to this place.

Ansley was also standing in the corridor outside, and she looked at Xiao Tong and said, “Congratulations on graduating... Sometimes I think your choice is correct, but there are things I can’t say.”

Xiao Tong smirked and said, “I know what you want to say.”

Ansley shrugged and said, “Good, I feel like Forster argues like a little kid.”

Xiao Tong brushed her hair and smiled.

“I couldn’t agree more.”

The two smiled at each other.

Ansley then said, “Have you decided on where you want to go?”

“Not yet, I just want to go to Princeton, but I haven’t thought about which teacher to apply to.” Xiao Tong paused for a second and said, “I’m not in a hurry; I still have the holidays to think about it. I’ll probably read through some papers, see which research directions are interesting.”

“I think you should think carefully, don’t make decisions too soon,” Ansley said. “Also, you should wait a while before asking him for a recommendation letter... He’s not in the best mood right now, who knows what he’ll do.”

Xiao Tong casually said, “Actually, the recommendation letter doesn’t matter, plus Professor Forster’s personality... I have a better chance at winning a lottery than getting his recommendation letter.”

She wasn’t very worried about the recommendation letter.

Even though the letter was important, it wasn’t crucial.

With an Econometrica thesis under her belt, most professors would strongly consider her PhD application, even without a recommendation letter.

Ansley smiled and said, “Looks like you have it all thought out, then I wish you... A happy Chinese New Year.”

“Thank you.”

Suddenly, the phone in her pocket vibrated.

“Wait a second... I think I received a notification.”

Ansley: “Go ahead, open it.”

Xiao Tong took out her phone and glanced at the email notification. She read the title and froze there.

Ansley noticed her expression and asked, “What?”

“I...” Xiao Tong calmed herself down and said, “received a letter from Professor Krugman.”

“Krugman? Paul Krugman from Princeton?” Ansley froze for a second and said, “Oh my gosh! Krugman! I read his paper a few days ago! What did he say?”

“He said...” Xiao Tong looked up in disbelief and said, “He asked me to study a PhD with him... That is, if I haven’t decided yet.”

Ansley: “...???”

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