
Chapter 166

Chapter 166: Don’t Take Too Long

Bloed was not sure how he managed to escape from that situation.

For an instant, Bloed considered the idea of stabbing Javelin. Although the bastard 'whispered' it in Bloed's ears, all the people nearby were literally superhumans. They heard his words clearly.

Thus, it created an awkward situation where Regina, Liu Ying, and even Illina, were looking at Bloed weirdly.

How was he supposed to answer in that situation?

"Sigh… So troublesome…" Bloed sighed and took off his clothes before entering the bath. He had come here to relax after the incident in the deck.

As expected from an airship used by royalty, the bath was very luxurious. It was made of aromatic wood with A big bathtub heated slightly to adjust the temperature of the water.

The bath was just perfect considering the slightly cold temperature caused by the airship's height.

When Bloed's submerged himself in the water, he let out a long sight of satisfaction.

Almost instantly, though, his expression turned complicated.

Now that he was alone, Bloed could not help but think again about his current situation.

"… What should I do?" Bloed asked himself and heaved a sigh of exasperation. "Dammit, it's so hard..."

Bloed was pretty smart, but he was just as inexperienced when it came to love. Besides, although he had kissed both Regina and Liu Ying before, he was not sure if he wanted that kind of relationship with them.

In truth, Bloed liked both of them. Both Regina and Liu Ying were extremely beautiful girls. Furthermore, facing Regina's devoutness and Liu Ying's daringness, it was impossible not to be charmed.

But, liking was different from love.

Plus, when Bloed thought of someone he loved, the face of that woman appeared on his mind.


"… I'm an idiot."

With a self-deprecating laugh, Bloed closed his eyes and let the water wash his body.

At that moment, Bloed heard the door of the bathroom opening.

For an instant, a bad presentment appeared on Bloed's mind.

'It can't be, right?'

Fortunately, when Bloed opened his eyes, Regina was not there.

Instead, a handsome male catkin entered the bath with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Javelin smiled at Bloed. He then walked towards the bathtub and submerged himself on the water.

After a long sigh of contentment, Javelin stared at Bloed smilingly.

"You look troubled, huh. Why? Are you having women troubles?"

Bloed's expression crumbled. For an instant, he wanted just to jump towards him and stab a blade through his chest.

Unfortunately, the catkin was stronger than him.

"Hahahaha, well, I'm sorry for what happened in the deck. I admit that I wanted to tease you for a bit."

"… Forget it." Bloed exhaled with a tired expression. "Just… Stop the teasing. I'm already at the edge of my reason just dealing with Liu Ying and Regina's advances for you to add fuel to the flames.

"Hahahaha." Javelin laughed again. He then stared at Bloed fixedly before putting on a serious expression.

"I don't understand, Bloed. It's obvious that Miss Regina and Miss Liu Ying are head over heels for you. Why are you avoiding them then?"

Bloed fell silent. Honestly, he did not want to talk to Javelin about this.

Soon, though, he thought better.

"… Javelin, do you have experience with women?"

"Well, I'm not an expert. But I think I can give you a good piece of advice. Tell me, what is troubling you?"

"… If… If you love someone, but that person never looked at you like that, and you know you can never be with her… What should you do?"

Javelin was startled. Soon, though, he put on a bitter smile.

"Damn. That is a hell of a problem. I guess I understand your situation now… Why do you think you can never be with that person? Is she married to someone else or something like that?"

"… She is dead."

Javelin froze. He then sighed and put on an apologizing expression. "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Bloed shook his head. "Just help me with my question."

Javelin fell silent before shaking his head.

"You already know the answer, right? You must let go."

Bloed nodded. He already knew it.

But it was not so easy.

For Bloed, Camilla was not just his mother. She was his everything.

When he had nothing, she gave him everything.

Strength, warmth, a surname, a home… a family.

Everything Bloed is today was thanks to her.


"… I'm not sure I can forget her."

Javelin smiled bitterly. "Well, that is normal. I guess I understand now why you are so evasive with the two misses… Bloed, let me tell you a story."

"A story?"

"Yes… Maybe it will help you." Javelin said and looked at the roof with an expression of pain. "You perhaps don't know about it, but my family is pretty important in my hometown. The Sharpclaw family has produced generations of outstanding assassins. The number of demigods in the story of my family is as high as three, although none of them is alive today.

"I was born in that kind of family. So, since I was a child, everybody had high expectations of me. Fortunately, my talent did not let my family down. Every day, I trained incredibly hard, and I had results to show for that training.

"… But eventually, I grew tired of that training. I wanted to be like other children and enjoy playing around. Unfortunately, every time I suggested it, my elders scolded me and tell me to train harder.

"In that kind of life, I met a girl." Javelin smiled softly. "I was just eleven back then, and the girl was eight. She was a servant the family assigned to me.

"She was the only person of my age I could interact with, so eventually, I grew close to her. When I was fifteen and she was twelve, I was sure I wanted to marry her, and I suspected she also loved me.

"But… As a child of a powerful family, my marriage is not something I can decide easily.

"When I turned sixteen, my father told me I had a fiancée, and I had to marry her.

"… To be honest, I did not think much about it at that moment. However, the girl I loved was different.

"She knew that her status as a servant was unable to match me. But she said nothing. Inwardly, though, she was waiting for my words.

"She was waiting for me to make a decision. I'm sure she would have accepted even if I took her as my concubine."

… I never said what she wanted to hear.

Bloed could hear Javelin's longing and pain in his bitter words. It was as though he was cursing himself for his idiocy.

"And one day... that girl suddenly disappeared.

"When I asked around, I learned my father had sent her away. He learned of my feelings for her, so to stop me from making a mistake, she sent her away.

"I became very angry. I loved her, but now, she was away. And I did not know where she was.

"At that moment, I regretted never expressing her my feelings.

"After that day, I away ran from home. I started to work with the intelligence network of the kingdom in hopes of finding her again.

"… When I turned twenty, I finally found her."

Bloed sighed. From Javelin's words, he knew this story did not have a happy ending.

Javelin laughed bitterly.

"She was married to someone else."

"… I'm sorry."

"No." Javelin shook his head. "It was my fault. I later learned that it was her way to cope with our separation. She wanted to forget me and make me forget her, so, she married someone else.

"When I found her, she already had a child... I was unable to tell her I loved her...

"After that, I offered myself to go to Diadel Duchy. I went there to escape from the pain.

"For a while after that, my life was a mess. I slept with a new woman every day. Hell, I even forgot about my fiancée… To be honest, I feel sorry for her."

"What happened to her?" Bloed asked.josei

Javelin smiled. "Illina is my fiancée."

Bloed was stunned. He never expected the two of them to have that kind of relationship.

Although he had noticed they were a bit closer than normal.

"… I owe a lot to Illina." Javelin said with a smile. "She endured at my side even when I rejected her and slept with other women... This time, I'm planning to marry her after returning… I have already made her wait for too long, so I must do my best to give her the happiness she deserves…

"Bloed, I don't know what you will choose in the end… But, how long are you going to let these two incredible girls wait for you?"

"… How long, huh."

Javelin smiled. "Just not take too long or it could be too late by then. I hope my story was of help."

"It was," Bloed nodded with a complicated expression. "Thank you."


I'll try to post another chapter tonight...


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