
Chapter 175

Chapter 175: The Ball




Bloed checked up his appearance in the mirror.

He was wearing a black suit with blue threads decorating it. His bright blue hair was elegantly combed, and his blue eyes glowed faintly in the night.

These were the clothes he was going to use in the ball of tonight.

In this world, clothes such as suits were unusual, or at least Bloed had never seen them before. Despite it, Bloed decided to go with a suit to show his identity as the heir of the Human Confederation (although it was not as though someone else knew about it).

Plus, Bloed felt suits suited him.

After he was done, Bloed left the room and went to the courtyard to wait for his two partners tonight.

Less than five minutes later, they appeared.

The first one to exit was Regina. She was wearing a knee-long white dress with small blue flowers printed on it, and a beautiful golden necklace hanging from her neck, matching with her deep golden eyes.

A bracelet with several black jewels was hanging from her right wrist, and two silver heeled sandals covered her feet.

Regina's appearance was truly stunning. Bloed could not help but look agape at the silver-haired Valkyrie in front of him.

A few seconds later, Liu Ying followed after Regina.

Liu Ying was also wearing a dress, but hers was a tight-fitted red one with a black belt on her waist. Because of her disguise, Liu Ying's crimson-red hair and amber eyes had turned black, but that was not enough to hide her great beauty.

If Regina was a moving and elegant beauty, then Liu Ying was an explosive one. Bloed could not help but wonder how Liu Ying would look five years later when she is in her twenties and her figure finishes developing.

"How is it? Are we beautiful?" Liu Ying asked with a teasing smile when she saw Bloed's look. At the same time, Regina stared at Bloed expectantly.

Bloed smiled and nodded. "You two are always beautiful, although tonight you are more beautiful than usual."

Liu Ying blushed, but her lips curved in a grin.

"Good answer. As expected, you will make a great husband."

Bloed was speechless.

Fortunately, he was already getting used to Liu Ying's straightforward teasing, so he was able to keep a calm look.

When the group of three left the house, they found a carriage waiting for them.

"You are finally out." The voice of Javelin came from beside the carriage. When the group looked in his direction, they found at Javelin standing with Illina beside him, hand to hand.

Bloed was slightly surprised.

"It looks like your relationship has advanced a lot."

Illina blushed. "Javelin was to talk this afternoon with my parents and a lot of stuff happened. In the end, We set the ceremony around one month later. You three are invited, by the way."

"We will be pleased to go," Bloed replied with a smile. Although spending a month in the beastmen countries was outside his plans, he thought it was alright if he postpones his plans to go to the marriage of a friend.

But when Bloed looked in the girls' direction to ask for their opinion, he realized they were staring at Javelin and Illina enviously while occasionally glancing at him from the corner of their eyes.

Bloed did not need to be very smart to understand the meaning of their gazes.

Fortunately, Javelin came to his rescue before the situation turned awkward.

"Let's board the carriage, guys. The ball will start soon."

Bloed, Regina, and Liu Ying nodded.

When the group arrived at the palace (pyramid), several people were already present.

Beastmen of all the races, sexes, and ages were entering the palace one after another. They entered alone or in pairs while saluting their acquittances in the crowd.

According to Javelin, each person attending this ball was someone of great importance or with the right connections. This was literally a ball for the highest society within the beastmen.

Soon, it was Bloed's group turn to enter. Javelin and Illina walked at the front, holding hands and smiling like a happy couple. At the same time, Regina and Liu Ying hugged an arm of Bloed each, as though the three of them were lovers.

Bloed was slightly embarrassed, but he did his best to not show it in his faces. Instead, he smiled calmly while matching his pace with his two partners for tonight.

As soon as they entered the hall, they heard someone announcing their names.

"Mr. Javelin Sharpclaw with his fiancée, Miss Illina Snow, and his friends, Mr. Bloed Norman, Miss Regina Norman, and Miss Liu Ying."

Bloed felt several gazes on them. Some curious, some inquisitive. Most likely, they belonged to beastmen curious after seeing two humans (?) and a demon partaking in this kind of ball.

Nobody was idiot enough to question their participation, though. All the people here were people with power, connections, or authority, so they were clear there must be a reason Bloed and the others were invited.

Of course, although nobody came to seek trouble with them, nobody tried to converse with them either. Bloed was happy with that. He was not very interested in socializing with nobles he was probably not going to see again after tonight.

Unfortunately, though, Javelin and Illina needed to do their duties as nobles and greet the familiar nobles in the hall. So they were forced to leave Bloed's group alone for a while.

A bit bored, Bloed looked around to see if he found something to do. At that moment, the music started to play.

As though it was a signal, several people moved to the center of the hall to dance. Bloed saw several males inviting their choices of a partner for the dance.

At the same time, he felt Regina and Liu Ying beside him tensing up in anticipation.

Bloed smiled wryly, but he soon made up his mind. With a smile, he extended his hand towards the girls.

"Any of you wish to dance, beautiful ladies?"

Regina and Liu Ying smiled shyly before nodding.

The first to go was Regina. She grabbed Bloed's hand and walked towards the center of the hall with a nervous look.

Bloed was a bit amused. To think that the usually cold Regina could show such an expression.

At the same time, he got the urge to tease her.

"You are very beautiful tonight, Regina."

"… Thank you, master... You are very handsome too. I'm sure you are the most handsome man in this place."

Bloed smiled wryly. That was surely an exaggeration.

'Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, huh.'

Shaking his head, he started to dance with Regina while looking straight to Regina's eyes.

Soon, his lips curved up in a gentle smile.

He remembered the words of Javelin in the airship. To not wait until it was too late.

Bloed had been thinking about these words for a while. And today, he decided.

He was going to answer to Regina and Liu Ying's feelings.

He was not sure if what he felt for them was love, but he knew he liked it when he spent time with them.josei

Maybe feelings the thoughts in Bloed's mind, Regina's put on a moving smile.



"I love you."

"… I know."

"I'll love you always, master."

Bloed fell silent and scratched his cheek in embarrassment. He was a bit weak against this kind of straight attack.

Fortunately, the song finished at that moment, so Regina reluctantly moved away and yielded her position to Liu Ying.

As for the demon, she took advantage of the opportunity to glue to Bloed's body and giggle happily.

"I'm sure you are the envy of all the young beastmen here. They must be wondering who you are to gain the favor of two absolutes beauties."

Bloed was speechless. Was she flattering him or flattering herself?

With a wry smile, Bloed retorted.

"… Are you sure it is not the contrary? Perhaps the young beastwomen are envious of you for having such a perfect partner like me."

"Bah, you wish. I have already been invited by three young nobles in just five minutes. Of course, I reluctantly tell them I already have a partner, so you should feel fortunate."

Bloed stared at Liu Ying's shy smile and nodded.

"You are right, I'm very fortunate."

"It's good you know."

The dance continued for a while, and during that time, Bloed danced with Regina and Liu Ying once and again, talking about many silly topics.

To be honest, Bloed found it more enjoyable than he expected. Suddenly, however, the musicians stopped playing.

At the same time, a voice came from the entrance of the palace.

"His Majesty, King Arlen Firstmane, is here."

Instantly, the people in the hall moved out of the way, giving way to the ruler of this place.

The king of The Great Savannah.


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