Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Power Up!

‹The power of the draconian snake has now successfully integrated with the gamer's soul and body›

‹Your Magic Power capacity has increased to 200 units ›

‹Your intelligence has increased to 15 points ›

‹ Your Strength has increased to 45 points ›

‹ Your Dexterity has increased to 40 points ›

‹ Your Vitality has increased to 50 points ›

‹ Your Wisdom has increased to 30 points ›

‹ Your Resistance has increased to 30 points ›

As soon as this message popped up, Marvin felt an increase in his strength. He could tell that a mysterious kind of energy had permanently strengthened him both mentally and physically. All in all, he was pretty satisfied as his strength has almost doubled.

At the same time, the establishment of the blood contract has momentarily weakened the draconian snake.

‹ You've become the master of the powers and abilities of the Draconian Snake ›

‹ You've gained the ability [Draconian Might] ›

‹ You've gained an affinity towards the element of water, wood, and poison. The gamer can use water, wood, and poison type magic by evolving his magic power into water, wood, and poison element mana ›

Marvin gained new abilities and affinities and also a massive boost in his strength as the blood contract had finalized. He would've gained even more if the draconian snake was in its peak conditions. But this much was more than he ever asked for and thus he beamed a satisfied smile.

"From now on, address me as your Master," Marvin commanded the small version of the draconian snake.

Even though the draconian snake didn't want to call him out as its master, its thought moved against its will.

"I, Silva, the monster lord of the blood fiend wilderness's blood valley greets the supreme master!"

The beast realized that it had fucked up as soon as those words were uttered from its very own mouth.

"How could it be?" The Draconian Snake angrily hissed.

"Isn't it simple, my bloodline is superior to yours. You should've already understood this the very moment your draconian might didn't work on me, but you were consumed by your pride and refused to accept the truth that was right in front of your eyes," Marvin said without a hint of pity.

"Damn it all! I did rather die than serve you!"

The draconian snake threatened to kill itself through self explosion but Marvin stopped it with a single sentence.

"First off, you can't commit suicide or bring trouble my way."

The self explosion stopped due to the clauses of the blood contract that say the master's thought and words are absolute.

"Haha, good! From now on, you're at my beck and call. If I tell you to go west then you must never head east. If someone I know is in trouble for some reason and you happen to chance upon it, you must help them even if you end up sacrificing yourself. You must accept me honestly and do everything to please me until I am alive, am I clear?" Marvin hurriedly said to permanently bound the stupid beast to the rules he just set down.

Now, it couldn't even commit suicide as the clauses mentioned in the blood contract will be enforced to keep it bound if it ever tried to hurt itself.

"As you command, supreme master!" The haughty and naughty Draconian Snake replied with the utmost respect.

Furthermore, its tone has gotten gentle and Marvin could determine that this beast was a female snake.

Fatty Liam grouped up with Marvin just a few minutes after he enslaved the draconian snake.

"Brother, thank God you're safe," Fatty Liam said, exhaling a sigh of relief. "What just happened here? What's this aqua bracelet wrapped around your shoulder?" He asked as he pointed at the enormous carcass of the draconian snake with the index finger of his right hand while simultaneously pointing out at the draconian snake that was coiled just three inches above Marvin's elbow.

"Little ball, We hit a jackpot!" Marvin exclaimed before he pointed at the draconian snake wrapped around his shoulder and said, "The mutated water snake we killed a day ago was only an avatar of this beast."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, and I've forced it to submit to me," Marvin said with a laugh and he then continued by pointing at the carcass of the draconian snake, "This here is a monster lord that has ruled over this valley for years. I just defeated it by giving it my all. Now, we just need to dismantle it to extract the treasures insides of its body!"

As soon as he said those words, Fatty Liam's eyes burned with vigor and he pulled out multiple machines that could automatically dismantle the corpse of the draconian snake.

"It's a sin to dishonor the body of the deceased, supreme master," the draconian snake said in a sweet tone.

It actually could speak in human language but it never tried to.

Fatty Liam's eyes opened wide in surprise and his mouth gaped as he gazed at the little blue snake with a look of bewilderment.

"This snake can even talk?"

"It sure can. Anyway, you continue with what you were going to do as this beast is in no position to demand for anything at all," Marvin said to Fatty Liam.

"Okie Dokie Yo!" Fatty Liam exclaimed as he pressed on the activation buttons of the dismantling machines.

The Draconian Snake internally shed tears of blood as the dismantling machines badly mutilated the remains of its body.

"Xiao Xie (Little Evil), don't feel sad. The resources will help your master become powerful, after all." Marvin teasingly smiled as he taunted the beast.

He imagined the Draconian Snake spewing a mouthful of blood because of his remarks.

The beast that has been bullied beyond comprehensible limits was angered beyond belief. Yet, it couldn't utter a single word of disagreement as it was bounded by the rules of the contract. Furthermore, Marvin was like a grim reaper to the draconian snake as he could decide its life and death with a mere thought.

"Yes, master, I will stop feeling sad," the draconian snake replied as it internally shed a river of tears.

"Xiao Xie, you've been ruling this place for how long?" Marvin asked as the draconian snake saw his silver eyes glistening in calculative and thoughtful glitters.

"I have been ruling this place for the past thirteen years."

The Draconian Snake couldn't help but reply honestly.josei

"Hmm, you should have a lair filled with a lot of treasures, right?" Marvin said with the smile of a greedy merchant plastered on his handsome face.

The Draconian Snake knew where this talk was going.

The greedy nature of the human remains unchanged no matter what the era!

"Yes, I have three lairs and each of them contains a lot of treasures that I was going to use to surpass my bloodline tribulation and become a flood dragon a few weeks later."

"Are they near here?"

As soon as he said those words, Xiao Xie's eyes flicked in excitement. One which belongs to a backstabber.

"All three of my lairs are located in the blood fiend wilderness and they are interconnected by an underground passageway," Xiao Xie replied. "If you want to go there, I can lead you to them!" It added sweetly.

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