Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Ruling a beast's army!

"Eh? What's wrong?

Bai Yue asked with a startled expression on her face as Marvin's steps suddenly paused. One could see the intensity of the silver glow in his increasing at a rapid phase as he subconsciously looked into the near future, and a moment later, the glow in his eyes dimmed.

"Shit! This is a trap. The queen has a special skill that allows her to sense the presence of everything that enters the radius of her special skill." The moment Marvin looked at the ant queen several meters before him, his eyebrows raised. "She had detected us the moment we entered the ant tunnel. She had been waiting for us to reach here so that we will become fodder for her unborn children!"

As soon as he said those words, Bai Yue and Leilani gulped in nervousness, and at the very moment, their eyes widened as they looked at the eggs inside the cave that started to shake. The queen's lair was incomparably larger than the ant tunnel. It was at least thirty times larger. One could see countless amounts of white eggs laid along the ceiling, walls, and floor of this cave.

All of them started shaking and cracks slowly spread across the shells of the eggs.

Marvin's eyes squinted. From the entrance of the passageway up until now, he had used his special skill to peek into the future, again and again, to avoid encounters with a large group of ants or worker ants in general, and reached the ant queen's cave safely without attracting any trouble.

He knew that as soon as it is found out that a group of humans are heading towards their queen, due to the nature of ant societies, every ant, including worker ants, ant's generals, and Queen's royal guard will do everything in their power to intercept and kill them even if it meant sacrificing their lives.

Although that wasn't a problem as he knew that he will be able to hunt them all down because of multiple reasons. First off, his abilities were just that powerful. Secondly, only one to five ants can attack them at a time in the narrow passageway, and at most 10 ants can attack them in the wide passageway. He could easily cut down dozens of them by using his swords made out of magic power.

Nevertheless, Marvin never planned to engage in a battle with any worker ants as he didn't want to kill them, rather he wanted to subdue them.


The worker ants will work for him. They will gather the treasures scattered around the Blood Fiend Wilderness and offer all the treasures they gathered to him, and he will use those treasures to increase his strength, wealth, and value.

That's why he sneaked all the way here, but it seems like this was all a plan orchestrated by the ant's queen.

The Queen of the worker ants has detected them the moment they entered the tunnel leading to her lair. The queen's special skill was similar to Noah's. She could detect the magic power of everyone in her tunnel even if they are using special items to hide their presence. However, she let them come here.

Firstly, she wanted to feed them to her unborn children. After all, human flesh was among the best delicacies of the beast's world. Secondly, it's because according to the information she perceived from her special detection skill, she found out that the strongest amongst the group, Leilani, isn't even as powerful as her secret royal guard.

According to her, Bai Yue was the weakest and Marvin was the second weakest human.

The foolish and stupid queen judged their strength according to the amount of magic power present in their body.

The queen turned around and looked in their direction with an ice-cold glare as if she could really see them. The royal guard protectively standing before her also turned to look in their direction.

"Our cover has been blown. There is no need to remain under the effect of the invisibility talisman," Marvin said as the intangible runic chains etched all over his body receded and his figure blurred into existence.

Then, the peerless figures of his wives also blurred into existence. After that, it was Fatty Liam and Xiao Xie.

"I say, we should kill this queen. She's far more insidious than me!" Xiao Xie spat out as she looked at the ant's queen with a scornful glare.

"What should we do?"

"Are we going to fight her?"

The beauties asked as they looked at Marvin. At the very moment, the shells of the eggs cracked open and around 250 ants as small as half a meter and as big as two meters came crawling out of the eggs, and a green liquid could be seen dripping down their bodies, as they looked at their mother while standing around her, as well as pitifully crying out due to hunger.

As soon as he saw that, Fatty Liam's eyes widened with his jaws touching the ground. He said, "Is this how a new squad of ants is created? Damn! The queen's reproductive ability is otherworldly!"

Bai Yue's eyes twitched. "You still have the mood to crack a joke even in this situation," she said.

"Well, it isn't like we will get hurt or anything. They are just too weak to do any harm." Fatty said as orange flames lit up the center of his gauntlets.

As he said those words, the queen screeched as one by one, newborns turned their heads towards them.

The newborns and the royal guard let out a horrible shriek, showing their big mandibles as they rushed straight at them.

"Hurry up and split into two groups. Little Ball, draw the attention of the newborns and kill as many as you want. No need to hold back at all." Marvin's gaze flickered with a thoughtful glitter as he stared at his wives. "The both of you will be fighting against the royal guard. It isn't too hard to defeat it. Switch between shielding and attacking and you'll win for sure."

"What about you?"

"I will try to end the battle as fast as I can by subduing the queen!" Marvin exclaimed as he charged straightforward, rushing into the newborn's ants with a dagger held in one of his hands.

Such an act could only be considered a suicide if done by a rank-1 magic power channel opening expert.

However, Marvin's strength far increased his realm, and although a lot of newborns pounced at him from different directions, they never came into direct contact with him. Marvin's body flickered as he utilized his excellent movement skill. One could only see the newborn ants slamming past his afterimages and crashing on the ground. 

Furthermore, there was a deep hole in the exoskeleton of each of the ants that pointed at him, and if one looked at it carefully, they will notice that the hole was so deep that it reached the very center of the ant's brain.

‹ The Gamer have reaped the lives of 29 newborn ants ›

‹ You've earned a total of 290 XP ›josei

‹ The ant's queen is internally sweating profusely. She is regretting her decision of allowing a ghost-like you to reach here. She believes you aren't a human but a devil lord! ›

‹ The Gamer has gained 99 credits for face slapping the greedy ant queen that was planning to feed you and your party to her newborns babies! ›

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