Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Fortress (b)

However, she wished that the devilishly strong man will also show some consideration towards her and carry her like Wolf girl. She was a girl, after all. And just like any other young girl, she too was attracted to a powerful and mysterious hero.

Nevertheless, Marvin didn't even spare a single glance her way.

He was busy communicating with Noah in his head.

‹Just felt intense mana fluctuation, 600 meters to the right. You are heading the right way, Gamer!› Noah guided his host towards the fortress. Noah could feel and detect mana fluctuation so it determined the position of the fortress by using this ability.

When teleportation portals are activated, they release an intense mana fluctuation. By sensing this fluctuation, Noah was able to guide them towards the Fortress.

"You are the one leading me. Thanks for the help, Noah!" Marvin internally expressed his gratitude to Noah, and at the same time, he followed Noah's instruction and moved towards the instructed direction.

‹Not a problem. It's a function you can willfully use anytime by paying me 10 XP!› Noah replied very happily.

He was probably happy at helping Marvin, and at the same time, earning 10 points of XP.

Walking and walking, they reached the end of a hill. Looking downward, a familiar sight entered Marvin's eyes. The area below them was a very vast pit with many buildings, it wasn't as big as a city but could be somewhat compared to a town but it was still big enough to house thousands of humans.

"That's the fortress! We have finally reached it," Lara exclaimed in unconcealed joy.

"Yeah! Let's get down and reach the gates." Marvin said before he jumped down the cliff with Wolf Girl on his back. She was sleeping without snoring and didn't wake up even after Marvin made his jump. Before landing on the ground – right when he was 12 yards away from crashing on the ground – he used spatial step and teleported to the ground just three seconds before Wolf girl came crashing down very slowly, and he embraced her in a princess carry, saving her from being hurt.

'So spatial step only works for me and the items I am wearing but others living being will not spatial step with me.' Marvin thought while princess carrying the sleeping beauty in his hand.

"Handsome brother, I'm not strong enough to get down this cliff by jumping, and I have never received formal education in fighting or mountain climbing, so I don't know how to get down without hurting myself. How about you help me out, please? It's scary being alone," Lara said in a distressed tone, and Marvin turned to take a look at her.

'Sigh, these beauties have great bodies but nothing else to back them up.' He thought while gently placing the sleepy Wolf girl on the ground. "Wait right there. I am coming up to help you get down the cliff!" He said loudly while looking towards Lara who was too afraid to get down the cliff by herself. 

She was a mere rank-1 ability user. Her ability was healing, and her magic power was exhausted. She reminded Marvin of his sad past, one in which he was helpless in front of every adversary. Hence, he climbed up the cliff by using Magic Empowered Martial Arts. He inputted 3 units of magic powers in his feet each time he stomped his foot on the side of the cliff. The burst power so strong that Marvin was able to climb the sloop which was almost vertical.

Soon after he jumped up and landed right before Lara while raising wind gust. 

"Get on my back. I will take you down, just like Wolf Girl," he said while offering his wide back for her to climb upon.

"I'm sorry for being a burden to you but I can only say thanks and shamelessly ask for your help. I am deeply grateful and will try to repay you with whether you like," she said after Marvin placed both his hand on her thighs to steady her. 

Feeling touched by his actions, Lara was making a pass on him and was inviting him for a night drive atop the white land of the soft bed but Marvin was haunted by a lot of thoughts to think about any sexual fantasies.

"No problem, you can repay me in whatever way you like after we enter the fortress," Marvin said to not let her feel bad, and he then jumped off the cliff with Lara on his back.

She held back the shout of anxiety to at least not trouble the person who she has not been able to help in any way.

Just like last time, he used the spatial step ability when he was a dozen yards away from crashing on the ground and gracefully teleported to the ground, and he then also saved Lara by princess carrying her before she crashed on the ground. He saved her just like how he saved Alina.

After that, the awake princess walked behind the handsome bloodied prince who princess carried a sleeping beauty with furry ears and a snowy-white tail until they reached three meters beyond the closed towering gates of the fortress.

Clink! Clink! Clink! Light orbs were activated and lit up the area around Marvin and his party in white lights. This was another item brought from the world of Camelot, and it was a very famous item used nowadays by the military and some well-off citizens with enough spare change to purchase one.

This thing worked like a bulb but it didn't require electricity. The thing Light orbs needed to activate is magic power which has permeated every corner of the world. This stuff was cool and very popular as it was an item that can be taken anywhere.

Once switched on, this thing had a magical rune design that automatically absorbs mana into the light orb to produce light. The light of the orb will increase in intensity if a lot of magic power is absorbed, and if you pull out the magic power from the Light Orb, the intensity of the light produced from the orb will decrease, and this light was intensified to its limit to shine down on the sudden intruders.

"Stop right there!" A commanding voice came from behind the gate, right after, the gate creaked open as a man in a green military suit with a Magic rifle in his one hand and an MES (Magic empowered shield) in his other hand stride out. "State your name and show your ID otherwise I will have to follow the protocols and you all will be taken for interrogation!" Addison said while gazing at them cautiously.

In the middle of the night, someone just came out of nowhere. This was a red portal fortress where the arrival of every member was notified beforehand by using a transmitter but Marvin didn't know as he has never been able to access red portals. Whereas Alina showcased her wolfish nature to its limit and kept on sleeping even now, and Lara silently took some step to take cover behind his back and she was trembling due to anxiousness.josei

"There are our IDs. If you may then please let us enter the fortress soon." Marvin said while handing over three ID cards to the military personnel.

"Why are you covered in blood, why are they bruised all over and what's the collar around their neck? It resembles the collar of slaves a lot,' Addison said as he pulled out a handheld scanner from his pockets to scan and verify their IDs. 

"Sir! I am just a low-ranker who got into a prolonged teleportation accident and then got teleported to this place. It was very hard to survive and I got injured a lot. Along the way, I came across some slave traders and luckily killed them in their sleep to save these girls." Marvin spewed out some bullshit he had recited in his mind while on the other hand, the scanner lit up in green light two times and a gray light one time. 

"Marvin, you really a low ranker. Your privilege level is also only one. No doubt you shouldn't be able to use the red portal to arrive here. You really are a lucky and brave fella to survive a prolonged teleportation and the dangers of the wilderness, and even kill Slave traders!" Addison said to Marvin and handed his ID back.

Right after, he stared at Lara and the sleeping Wolf Girl.

Lara who saw Addison's scary looking expression and piercing eyes, cowered behind Marvin's back indiscreetly. Noticing the weird atmosphere Marvin couldn't help but say,

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to take a better look at the girls you saved. Both of them are registered with the federation and were reported missing a week ago. Good work lad for saving them from a miserable fate. Come, follow me inside," Addison said and led them into the Fortress.

Along the way, dozens of armed guards stood in formation. Plus, powerful war type magic construct were erected right behind the fortress towering walls. Wave blaster, mana shooters, laser beam, and even area-wide blaster. Marvin had seen them before in books but now he had seen them in real life, and he felt a rush of excitement up his face.

The Fortress of Flame Hell wilderness was built in the center of a mountain and it is truly a leading-edge sight.

Its wonder is matched by the backdrop of a lush forest with towering trees whose shadows have helped draped the fortress in darkness. All the buildings here have the same design. They were built in similar shapes as that of a hanger or a dome.

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