Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Reaching Mana Channel Opening rank-1!

After leaving the Mystic shop with a refreshing smile on his face, Marvin went directly to his house.

"My strength has gone up by 10 ranks after only seven days of obtaining Noah. It will surely attract unwanted attention and bring countless trouble if I am to reveal it. Registering myself as an adventurer by undergoing the adventure association test can wait. I should patiently wait for a few months before dominating the yearly tournament. At that moment, I will reveal my true powers!"

Marvin knew that he would get in trouble if he were to reveal his truth of being a rank-10 ability user. Although he could take the adventure association exam to gain an independent ID card, he has already faced the corruption of the adventure association. That left a distasteful taste in his mouth and made him understood that adventure association wasn't trustworthy.

He needs to hide his real rank and heaven-defying growth from the world for now and reveal it to win the tournament. After he wins the tournament, he'll be crowned a champion and will enter the eyes of many big powerhouses.

'Once I get crowned as champion, I'll be protected by the authorities and my future will be boundless!' He thought before entering his house.

"Welcome back elder brother!" Just as he stepped inside his home, Marvin heard the cheerful gentle voice of Angelia calling out to him.

Little An was so worried the past few days that she couldn't even sleep well. Actually, she's just like this whenever Marvin went out to the wilderness to earn some cash for the family, and each time she will be waiting to welcome his home.

Marvin's heart melted the moment he saw his cute little sister dressed as a rabbit and wearing a short skirt with knee-high socks.

This was the first time that Marvin saw little An wearing an outfit and it was so cute that Marvin's sis-con cells took over. She was wearing pink rabbit ears, a short skirt that reached down her thighs, and a pair of pink sneakers and white knee-high socks.

What a wonderful sight!

"My cute little sister, what magic took over? When did you become the rabbit princess?" Marvin exclaimed before walking up to her and lifted his hand on instinct to pat her head as he almost couldn't hold himself back from patting his cute sister.

"I'm not so cute," Angelia said under her breath but she couldn't help but feel happy at being praised for her cuteness by the person she cherishes the most. "Mom dressed me up like this. She also did my makeup with Aunt Janna! You know, I was so happy, hehe." Angelia said like an excited little kid explaining to her mother what happened in school today. All the while she was giggling like a silly lass.

Although she said the first sentence under her breath, Marvin was still able to hear it because of his enhanced senses.

"You're the cutest person in the world. Even the Moon God will descend if he sees you!" Marvin couldn't help but praise her one more time. It wasn't because she was his sister but she was really cute.

The story of the Moon God and the Rabbit princess was no different than Romeo and Juliet. The myth of their love story was so widespread that most everyone knew of it. Only a person living under a rock did not know of them.

"Really?" Angelia asked while blushing. She was skeptical about his words, as she was a cripple that couldn't move without the help of a wheelchair.

"Yup, you are really cute! The Moon God will surely become love-stricken at first sight." He exclaimed and her smile widened due to happiness.

Seeing her so happy, a silly smile also formed on his face. He went ahead and scooped her from her wheelchair.

"Ah, brother, what are you doing?" She yelped like a startled kitten when she found herself in her brother's familiar warm embrace.

"Ba, what else except taking you to your room," Marvin replied. For him, it was a casual thing to do. Even though her face was adorned by light makeup, he could still make out the small almost indiscernible dark circles under her eyes.

He felt guilty. Marvin knew that he was the reason behind her worries. He was the reason that kept her awake. That's why he was making up to her by taking her to her room.

"You know, I have grown up. This is so embarrassing for me!" Angelia said. Little An cheeks were already rosy from happiness because of Marvin's praise but they turned bright red from the embarrassment caused by him carrying her to the room. She felt embarrassed because of being treated as a child still by her elder brother even though she's clearly 16 years old.

"Haha, you'll always be my baby sister even if you become a grandma!" Marvin confidently said.

"Stupid brother," Angelia covered her tomato-red face with her small hands before closing her eyes to not look at him.

"Whatever you say," Marvin laughed before entering her room, placing her on the bed, and covering her with a blanket to keep her warm.

"Rest well," He said before planting a kiss on her forehead and stood up to leave but she stopped him by grabbing his shirt lightly.

This was their single. Angelia was too embarrassed to say "Stay with me until I sleep". Thus she would tuck at his clothing whenever she wants to say that.

Marvin sat beside her and began to sing a lullaby for her. Their mother was always busy and Marvin's as the elder brother has always looked after his sister from a young age. His love for her was boundless. The same could be said for Angelia who was still dressed as a rabbit.

"Noah, there must be a way to heal her from her paralyzed state. Care to explain it to me?" Marvin asked Noah while looking at Angelia's peaceful sleeping face.

He was certain that his mysterious "Noah" must have such knowledge.

‹Glad you asked, Gamer! Your sister is no less unique than you. She possesses the physique that was once mentioned in the "Legend of Moon". She possesses the unique Three Celestial Body, albeit it is sad how she was unlucky to be born in this world. If she was born in the divine realm or the spirit world, she would have been treated with the respect she deserves and given endless resources to become a God as fast as she can› Noah replied with lament in his voice.

"You knew!" Marvin internally exclaimed. His guess was right on the mark. Noah really knew what's wrong with his sister. He was shocked to hear that she possesses the unique Three Celestial Body, but he didn't know anything about it.

"What's the Three Celestial Body, and how can I help her?" Marvin asked Noah.

‹It's a blessing from the universe. However, it became a sort of curse because she was born in this world, where knowledge about her physique doesn't exist. Those who possesses the Three Celestial Body have three times more mana channels in their body when compared to the others. However, their bodies reject mana if their mana channels aren't opened. They also can't breathe in magic power unless their mana channels are opened. Otherwise, it will damage their bodies. That's the reason behind her paralysis. Angelia would need to open up her mana channels before the age of twenty. Otherwise, she'll fall unconscious, forever unable to regain consciousness!›josei

Marvin only had three years and some months left. That's the time left before her twentieth birthday.

"Damn! You should have told me sooner!"

As rage has clouded his mind, Marvin couldn't help but blame Noah. But after he calmed down he realized how wrong he was.

"Sorry." He said.

‹No problem. Things will get better. The Gamer just needs to focus on getting her the resources necessary for her to open up her mana channels. Then, she'll naturally recover› Noah replied.

"What should I do to open her mana channels?" Marvin was simply clueless about this subject.

Although he knew that a person must learn internal vision technique and use it to locate his mana channels and open them by using magic power, he didn't know what resources are necessary to open the mana channels of a person who doesn't have magic power in their body.

‹The most common method is to feed her the «Mana Channel Opening Pill». For that, the Gamer will need the recipe for the pill!› Noah replied.

"How do I get the recipe?" Marvin asked with a curious face.

«Chain Quest activated: Rise of Angelia the one who possesses the Three Celestial Body!»

[Description: The Gamer sister is a unique existence that is birthed once every ten thousand years. However, the ignorance of the world has left her devastated and labeled as a cripple. It's all up to the Guardian to help her reach her rightful place.

‹Task 1: Become a Mana Channel Opening Expert›

‹Quest Rewards: 500 XP, Mana Channel Opening Pill Recipe, Activation of Task 2›

Noah gave him the answer by activation a quest.

Marvin smiled. Today, he understood two things. The first is that Noah will not necessarily answer all of his questions unless he asks them himself. Secondly, Noah was his guardian angel for sure.

"I'll heal you for sure," Marvin said while looking at Angelia's angelic face before he stood up and headed back to his room.

His room was his comfort zone, and also the place where he decided to reach the realm above rank-10 ability user!

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