Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Creating Inscription!

"Now, I am only 40 experience points away from level 7. The moment I complete the profession quest, I'll reach level 7! Hmm, a message from my father? This…" Marvin looked through the notifications in front of his vision and his eyes squinted at the rewards of task 2 of the quest related to healing his sister.

He had a lot of unanswered questions. Marvin believes that the message left behind by his father might provide an answer to some of his questions. However, he wasn't sure. Furthermore, pondering on this subject was wasting his time.

His attention focused on the more important method. Learning the mana channel opening recipe was his main priority.

"Open inventory!" Marvin said before he pulled out the recipe from the semi-transparent inventory screen. It seems no different than the skill recording crystal he obtained some time ago. But it has a different name.

Understandably, the information inside the recipe recording crystal will become his after he drops a hint of his blood on the crystal. And Marvin did just that.

"I would need 10 stalks of Silver Moon Grass, White Branch Fruit, Hundred Year Moon Milk, Violent Yang Flower, 3 Blood Tree Crown Leave to create the Mana Chanel Opening pills.'

As the memories inside the recipe recording crystal were absorbed, Marvin realized that he needed various resources and the help of an alchemist if he wanted to create the Mana Channel Opening pills.

‹It would be better if the Gamer tries to become an alchemist, himself› Noah said.

"I understand. Although it'll be time taking and money consuming to learn Alchemy, it's better to learn how to create my pills instead of asking someone else. The ability users have a continuous use for alchemy pills. The importance of Alchemy Pill even surpasses that of food and water in the lives of Ability User.

"Therefore, Alchemist became the profession that occupies the second place as the most popular profession in today's world. It is a profitable profession. But a poor person can not hope to learn it. Just the cost of being taught alchemy alone is enough to make them turn away."

Marvin immediately nodded in agreement. He'll become an alchemist because the recipe of the mana channel opening pills was too unique. The pill had the effect of opening the mana channels. It can also be used to overcome any bottleneck in the mana channeling realm, so it is bound to be of great importance for the ability users.

It'll be foolish if he allowed someone to learn this recipe. If he's the only one creating the pills then he can hog a lot of profit. That's exactly what he planned to do.

However, alchemy cost a lot to learn. But he was willing to invest some to earn a ton!

To create the mana channel opening pills, he needed two things. First of all, he needed a lot of money to become an alchemist. Secondly, he needed the resources necessary for the pill.

"Heaven's Alchemy Guild." A name popped up in Marvin's mind.

Heaven's Alchemy Guild is the guild specializing in the forging of pills, the acquisition of alchemy, and most of the resources necessary to create pills. The pills they create can be used to heal from injuries and common illnesses. Some are rumored to increase the vitality of a normal person to save his marriage life. Anyway, the Heaven's Alchemy Guild was a very powerful existence and had a branch in every district of all the Stronghold 69. Whether there were any branches outside of this Stronghold, Marvin wasn't too sure due to his limited knowledge.

It's because of what they specialize in. Moreover, they have every kind of magical plants and pills available for sale in their guild store. It is a common saying that if they don't have a magical herb or pill, then it definitely will not be available in other places as well. The Heaven's Alchemy Guild also purchase every kind of pill and magical plant as long as the item is not damaged.

The matter of resources could be resolved by visiting the Heaven's Alchemy guild. As for the matter of money… it could easily be resolved through selling talismans. He had all the necessary resources to create talismans. He just needed to create them.

A while ago, Marvin's magic power was exhausted due to opening up a mana channel. But it has been recovering by 0.1 units per second. The total amount of magic power he could hold in his body has increased to 60 points. In three minutes, his magic power recovered.

He then walked up to his desk and pulled out all the necessary items to create the talismans from his spatial ring, one by one. First of all, he placed seven inkpots on his desk. Each inkpot contained elemental heart blood of magical beasts belonging to the distinct element type. Then he placed a pile of rank-10 Blank talisman papers, and the rank-10 mana conducting magical brush on the table.josei

He planned to create the basic rank-10 "Fire Wave" Talisman.

He picked up the rank-10 mana conducting brush, and he then dipped it into the flame-type inkpot. The moment it was stained with sufficient ink, he pulled it out before pouring magic power in it and swinging it to inscribe a flame-type magical rune on the talisman paper.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

As the tip of the brush – which was stained with Scarlet Flame-type elemental heart blood – lightly glided on the empty talisman paper, a fine, red line gushed out from the end of the brush and etched onto the talisman paper. His actions were graceful and smooth. After inscribing the first line of the magical rune design, he began to draw the second one.

"The creation of a magical rune design depended on the exceptional memory of a person, control over the movements of hands and magic power."

Marvin had been memorizing the magical rune designs and practicing inscribing them for more than three years. In the past three years, he had to inscribe hundreds of magical rune designs on a piece of paper. Plus, Marvin had memorized the Fire Wave magical rune designs and the other basic-level magical rune designs by heart. Furthermore, his control over his movement was so great that he could already use a dagger to inscribe a magical rune design on the flesh of a human being.

However, Marvin was never able to create talismans before. This couldn't be helped because he lacked magic power. But now he was a mana channel opening expert with more than 50 units of magic power!

It was too easy for him to create a rank-10 basic talisman.

He was still serious and concentrated when crafting the talisman. His eyes were staring fixedly at the talisman paper beneath his brush. He was aiming for 100% success and no tardiness could be allowed. Otherwise, he's bound to fail.

His right wrist moved nimbly as it controlled the talisman brush in his hand to inscribe the last three lines of the Fire Wave Magical rune designs on the talisman at a shocking speed.

There was a huge chance of failure if a person uses more elemental heart blood than the required amount. It can cause the design to become unstable and the paper to burn into ashes!

But his wrist movements were skilled and smooth; so was his precision. He used the perfect amount of elemental heart blood. Also, he inscribed stable lines of the Fire Wave magical rune design.

When the complicated and profound design of the Flame Wave magical rune design was inscribed atop the talisman paper, the talisman paper abruptly shone in a Scarlet light before dimming down and returning to normal. Marvin could still feel the heat emitting out of the talisman. This talisman contains a devastating power and it would be released the moment it is activated!

‹Congratulation! The Gamer has created a rank-10 Flame Wave Talisman. Task: Create seven types of talisman belonging to different elements: Incomplete (1/7)› Noah notified.

'I only have ten units of Magic Power left in my body. Gotta wait until it is recovered!' Marvin thought before closing his eyes to rest and wait for his magic power to recover.

In around 8 minutes, his magic power was back to 60 units.

He started to inscribe seven kinds of magical runes designs on the talisman papers, one by one.

Time trickled by. Within the familiar lit room, Marvin had a concentrated and focused expression on his face as his wrist moved the brush smoothly atop the talisman. He was entirely focused on creating talismans belonging to seven different types of elements to complete his quest.

The talisman paper shifted as time passed, slowly transforming into talismans with complicated and profound patterns, each belonging to a different element.

‹Congratulation! The Gamer has created a rank-10 Lesser Healing Talisman. Task: Create seven types of talisman belonging to different elements: completed (7/7)›

‹Congratulation! The Gamer has completed the quest «Road to Becoming an inscriptionist» by creating a Fire-type, Water-type, Earth-type, nature-type, darkness-type, Wind-type and Light-type talisman›

‹Quest Rewards Obtained: 1000 XP, Divine Inscription Book, 10 Perfect quality talisman Paper›

‹You have obtained 1000 Experience points›

‹1960/1000 XP (Level: 6). The Gamer has leveled up›

[Attribute points obtained: 5]

[Skill Development points obtained: 2]

‹960/2000 XP (Level: 7)›

‹The Divine Inscription book and 10 perfect quality talisman paper has been stored in the inventory›

Noah notified Marvin. At first, he was feeling more exhausted than he ever has in his life, but he returned to peak conditions because of leveling up.

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